
·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Regulations

The ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Regulations guide the conduct and management of the College. 

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  • Introduction and amendments
  • Section A – Governance
  • Section B – Membership/Fellowship ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ
  • Section C – Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ
  • Section D – Assessment of Specialist International Medical Graduates
  • Section E – Certificate and Procedural training programs
  • Section F – Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
  • Introduction

    Pursuant to the College constitution, the Board of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ) has approved a revised set of regulations, comprising seven sections, which take effect from 1 December 2013 and replace all regulations previously in operation.

    Section A           Governance
    Section B           Membership/Fellowship ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ
    Section C           Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ
    Section D           Assessment of Specialist International Medical Graduates (IMGs)
    Section E           Certificate and Procedural ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Programs
    Section F           Recertification

    These regulations should be read in conjunction with all relevant College policies as from time to time approved by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board. To the extent that there is any inconsistency, the regulations shall prevail.

    The College may amend these regulations from time to time and will promulgate all amendments via the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ website. Amendments may change, alter, add or remove any provisions of the regulations, and, if made, will apply with effect from the date of the Board meeting at which they are approved (unless stated by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ otherwise).

    ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may interpret these rules, including to address any inconsistencies, inaccuracies or unclear provisions. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may promulgate any interpretation of these regulations via the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ website. Such interpretation shall apply with effect from the date of promulgation (unless stated by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ otherwise).

    Copyright / Disclaimer

    © ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2024

    This work is subject to copyright under the laws of Australia and, through international treaties, other countries. Apart from any use as permitted by law, no part may be copied, adapted, reproduced or stored in a retrieval system or made available to the public by any means or process without written permission from The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ). Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer, ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, 1 Bowen Crescent, Melbourne VIC 3004, Australia.

    Amendments to the Regulations

    Following recent decisions of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, a number of amendments have been made to the Regulations. A list of revised regulation updates is provided for reference.

    17 May 2024


    A1 Categories of Membership

    A1.1 Member

    A1.1.1     Pursuant to clause 3.2 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution and prior to 1 July 2016, the Board may admit as a Member persons who have met either of the following requirements:


    Trainees who have completed all requirements of the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, including any associated administrative requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]


    International Medical Graduates who have satisfied such requirements as prescribed by the Board, including any associated administrative requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2015]

    A1.1.2     Pursuant to clause 3.2 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the Board will continue to recognise as a Member those persons who were admitted as a Member of the College prior to 1 July 2016.

     [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2015]

    A1.1.3     ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Members must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.2 Fellow

    A1.2.1     Pursuant to clause 3.3 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution the Board may admit as a Fellow person who have met either of the following requirements:


    Trainees who have completed all requirements of the Basic and Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ components of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, including any associated administrative requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]


    International Medical Graduates who have completed the requirements for Fellowship of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ) as specified by the Board, including any associated administrative requirements.

    A1.2.2     Applicants for elevation to Fellowship must complete all administrative requirements, including completion of relevant documents and payment of any necessary fees within six (6) months of the Fellowship elevation date or the date of the Board meeting at which their application for elevation to Fellowship is approved, whichever is the latter, or the offer of Fellowship will lapse and an additional application will need to be made.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2015]

    A1.2.3     Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ) will be awarded pursuant to all relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ regulations.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.2.4     As per its Constitution, the College has the absolute right to refuse to admit to membership any person without giving any reason for that decision.

    A1.2.5     The annual subscription for a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fellow will be set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    A1.2.6     Fellows identified as having 35 years or more continuous Fellowship with the College shall be awarded 35-Year Fellowship.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2020]

    A1.2.7     While certified according to the requirements as prescribed by the College, a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fellow will be entitled to acknowledge their membership status on his/her Curriculum Vitae; with the associated post nominal being ‘F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ’.

    A1.2.8     ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fellows will receive electronic access to all College publications including resources offered through its eLearning platform.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.2.9     A ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fellowship shall be for an initial period of one year and the Board shall renew membership from time to time for further period of one year provided that Fellows continue to fulfil all terms and conditions prescribed by the College, including annual payment of the applicable subscription fee and compliance with continuing professional development requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.2.10  ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fellows must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Revised and Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.2.11   ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fellowship may also be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 respectively of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution and the processes outlined in the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) regulations. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fellows are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstances arise that may affect their membership status.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.2.12     Regional Fellow


    A Regional Fellow is any ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fellow whose primary place of work is located in a regional, rural and/or remote area classification as defined by the Australian Government Department of Health’s current Health Workforce Locator classification system (based on data collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics).

    Regional, rural and/or remote area classification via the Health Workforce Locator classification system = MMM2-7.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.3 Honorary Fellow

    A1.3.1     Pursuant to clause 3.7 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the Board may confer Honorary Fellowship upon ‘obstetricians and gynaecologists of renown, distinguished members of the medical profession and other eminent persons, whether or not those eminent persons are members of the medical profession’.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.3.2     The College may confer Honorary Fellowship on an individual who is a member of the College in any category other than Fellow.

    A1.3.3     Honorary Fellows shall have the same powers, privileges and liabilities as a Fellow, but shall not be required to:


    pay any entrance fee or annual subscription


    satisfy the College’s professional development requirements

    A1.3.4     Honorary Fellows are entitled to use the post-nominal ‘F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Hon)’.

    A1.3.5     Honorary Fellows will receive electronic access to relevant College publications and resources afforded to Fellows of the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.3.6     Honorary Fellows shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings.

    A1.3.7     Honorary Fellows must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.3.8     Membership as an Honorary Fellow may also be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution respectively and the processes outlined in the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) regulations. Honorary Fellows are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstances arise that may affect their membership status

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.4 Retired Fellow

    A1.4.1     ‘Retired Fellow’ is a subclass of F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ membership. A Retired Fellow is defined as a Fellow of the College who has completely and permanently retired from practice as a specialist obstetrician and gynaecologist and is no longer practising nor registered as a medical practitioner in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.4.2     If a Fellow practices in another specialist field and remains registered as a medical practitioner in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand, they will continue as a Fellow of the College and will not be exempt from any regulatory continuing professional development requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.4.3     A Fellow who meets the requirements of Regulation A1.3.1, wishing to be recognised as a Retired Fellow, must apply in writing to the College on the form prescribed by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    A1.4.4     Pursuant to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, Retired Fellows shall be granted Fellowship for life and shall have the same powers, privileges and liabilities as a Fellow, but shall:


    be exempt from any professional development requirements; and


    not be subject to any College policy, procedure or regulation which the Board prescribes is, in full or in part, only applicable to a particular class of Fellows.

    A1.4.5     A Retired Fellow will be entitled to acknowledge their membership status on his/her Curriculum Vitae; with the associated post nominal being ‘F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Ret)’.

    A1.4.6     Any Retired Fellow who subsequently resumes practice or wishes to undertake any specialist obstetric or gynaecological work must advise the College forthwith and undertake such professional development activities as are deemed appropriate by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.4.7     Retired Fellows must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.5 Diplomate

    A1.5.1     On and from 12 February 2024, the Board may not admit any further medical practitioners as a Diplomate. This regulation does not affect the continuing rights of Diplomates admitted before 12 February 2024.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.5.2     As per its Constitution, the College has the absolute right to refuse to admit to membership any person without giving any reason for that decision.

    A1.5.3     The annual subscription for a Diplomate will be set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    A1.5.4     A Diplomate will be entitled to acknowledge their membership status on his/her Curriculum Vitae; with the associated post nominal being ‘D·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ’ or ‘D·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Adv)’.

    A1.5.5     Diplomates will receive electronic access to relevant College publications and resources afforded to Fellows of the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.5.6     A Diplomate shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings.

    A1.5.7     A Diplomate shall retain their membership status so long as they continue to fulfil all terms and conditions prescribed by the College, including annual payment of the applicable subscription fee and compliance with continuing professional development requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.5.8  Diplomates must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.5.9     Diplomate membership may also be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution respectively and the processes outlined in the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) regulations. Diplomates are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstances arise that may affect their membership status.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.5.10    Retired Diplomate

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.5.10.1    A Retired Diplomate is defined as a Diplomate Member of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ who has completely and permanently retired from all clinical practice and is no longer practising or registered as a medical practitioner.

    A1.5.10.2    Where the Diplomate Member continues to practice in another specialist field or remains registered as a medical practitioner in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand, they will continue as a Diplomate Member of the College and will not be exempt from any professional development requirements as per F3 of this regulation.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.5.10.3    Pursuant to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution 3.4.3, Retired Diplomates will be granted Diplomate Membership for life and will have the same powers, privileges and liabilities as a Diplomate Member, but will:


    be exempt from any professional development requirements; and


    not be subject to any ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ policy, procedure or regulation which the Board prescribes is, in full or in part, only applicable to a particular class of Diplomates.

    A1.5.10.4    A Retired Diplomate will be entitled to acknowledge their membership status on their Curriculum Vitae; with the associated post nominal being ‘D·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Ret)’.

    A1.5.10.5    Any Retired Diplomate who subsequently resumes active practice must advise the College forthwith and undertake such professional development activities as per F3 of this regulation.

    A1.5.10.6    Retired Diplomates must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    A1.6 Affiliate Member

    A1.6.1     Pursuant to clause 3.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board may admit as an Affiliate Member (which does not confer Educational Affiliateship, International Affiliateship, Prevocational Affiliateship, Trainee Affiliateship or CPD Affiliateship)any medical practitioner who holds a specialist qualification in the area of obstetrics and gynaecology that was not awarded by the College and who is practising unsupervised providing specialist women’s health services in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, the Pacific Islands or Timor-Leste. Affiliate Members shall for the time being include, but not be limited to:


    Affiliate Member Australia – suitably qualified medical practitioners, who hold qualifications not awarded by the College and who have been recognised as a specialist by the Health Insurance Commission;


    Affiliate Member Aotearoa New Zealand – suitably qualified medical practitioners, who were not trained in Australia or New Zealand and who are registered within a vocational scope of practice by the Medical Council of New Zealand;


    Affiliate Member Pacific – suitably qualified medical practitioners resident in and working in the Pacific Islands or other Countries and/or Territories approved by the Board from time to time, who hold a specialist qualification not awarded by the College and/or who are recognised by their Country’s medical authority as a specialist.

    The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee shall support the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board by considering applications for Affiliate Membership Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. The Global Health Committee (GHC) shall support the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board by considering applications for Affiliate Membership Pacific.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.6.2     Admission to the College as an Affiliate Member is not complete until all administrative and other requirements set by the College have been met. This includes payment of all applicable fees. Applicants have two (2) months from the date of the offer of Affiliate Membership in which to pay the applicable fee(s). If this requirement is not met by that time, the offer of Affiliate Membership will lapse and the applicant must re-apply.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.6.3     Affiliate Members admitted under Regulation A1.6.1.3, who move outside of the Pacific Islands or other Countries and/or territories approved by the Board from time to time, for a period of not more than twelve (12) months shall be entitled to retain their membership of the College as an Affiliate Member resident and practising in a Pacific Island Country/Territory, subject to satisfactory completion of all continuing professional development and other administrative requirements. Affiliate Members admitted under Regulation A1.6.1.3 who work outside of the Pacific Islands or other Countries and/or Territories approved by the Board from time to time for more than 12 months will be advised of the intention to remove their membership of the College as an Affiliate Member admitted under Regulation A1.6.1.3 unless they are able to provide evidence that they have returned to a Pacific Island Country or other Country/Territory approved by the Board from time to time, or are able to demonstrate that they meet the requirements for membership of the College under another category of membership and make application for that category pursuant to all terms and conditions relevant at the time.

    A1.6.4     Continuing Professional Development Requirements for Affiliate Members


    The College requires Affiliate Members who are practicing in Australia or New Zealand in accordance with A1.6.1.1 and A1.6.1.2, to participate in and satisfactorily complete such continuing professional development activities as that required of a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fellow in active clinical practice that the College may approve for that purpose from time to time.


    The College requires Affiliate Members who are practicing in the Pacific Islands or other Countries/Territories in accordance with A1.6.1.3, to participate in and satisfactorily complete such continuing professional development activities as defined by the Global Health Committee (GHC).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.6.5     As per its Constitution, the College has the absolute right to refuse to admit to membership any person without giving any reason for that decision.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2017]

    A1.6.6      Annual Subscription Fee


    The annual subscription for an Affiliate Member admitted under Regulation A1.6.1.1 or A1.6.1.2 will be set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.


    No annual subscription fee will be payable by Affiliate Members admitted under Regulation A1.6.1.3.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.6.7      An Affiliate Member will be entitled to acknowledge their Affiliate Member status on his/her Curriculum Vitae; however, as this is not a qualification, there is no associated post nominal.

    A1.6.8     An Affiliate Member shall retain their status so long as they pay all applicable subscriptions and continue to fulfil all terms and conditions from time to time prescribed by the College, including participation in the relevant required continuing professional development in accordance with A1.6.4.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.6.9     Affiliate Members will receive access to relevant College publications and resources afforded to Fellows of the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.6.10   An Affiliate Member shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.6.11   Affiliate Members must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.6.12   Affiliate Members may also be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution respectively and the processes outlined in the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) regulations. Affiliate Members are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstances arise that may affect their membership status.

     [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.7 Educational Affiliate

    A1.7.1     Pursuant to clause 3.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the Board may admit as an Educational Affiliate (which does not confer Affiliate Membership, International Affiliateship, Prevocational Affiliateship, Trainee Affiliateship, Midwife Affiliateship or CPD Affiliateship):

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    any registered medical practitioner who is working as a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology or more broadly in women’s health in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand and who is not a Fellow of the College and is not eligible for membership as an Affiliate Member as outlined in Regulation A1.6 above. This shall for the time being include, but not be limited to:

    medical practitioners whose qualifications, training and experience have been assessed by the College as sufficient to enable them to practise safely with supervision in a specific position of workforce shortage in Australia;

    suitably qualified medical practitioners, who were not trained in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand and who are registered within a provisional vocational scope of practice (supervision or assessment) by the Medical Council of New Zealand;

    medical practitioners, who were not trained in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand and who have been assessed as either partially or substantially comparable to an Australian or Aotearoa New Zealand-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology or ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-trained subspecialist; Or

    medical practitioner who has been assessed by the relevant Subspeciality Committee and approved to work to a limited scope of practice.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    medical practitioners who are Fellows of other Australasian medical colleges and whose practice is principally in the area of women’s health;


    public hospital Career Medical Officers who practice principally in the area of women’s health.

    The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee shall support the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board by considering applications for Educational Affiliate membership (non-SIMG).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    A1.7.2     Admission to the College as an Educational Affiliate is not complete until all administrative and other requirements (including payment of all relevant fees) set by the College have been met. Applicants have two (2) months from the date of the offer of membership in which to pay the required subscription fee(s). If this requirement is not met by that time, the offer of membership as an Educational Affiliate will lapse and the applicant must re-apply.

    A1.7.3     Unless specifically mandated by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board for any of the groups defined in Regulation A1.7.1 an Educational Affiliate will not be required to participate in defined continuing professional development activities in order to retain their status as an Educational Affiliate. They will be encouraged to participate in the College’s professional development activities, including attendance at the College’s Annual Scientific Meeting.

    For those defined in A1.7.1, they will have to participate in continuing professional development as required by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board or CPD Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.7.4     Unless required to undertake alternative, specific activities by the Board under Regulation A1.7.3 above, Educational Affiliates may apply to participate in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ CPD program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.7.5     As per its Constitution, the College has the absolute right to refuse to admit to membership any person without giving any reason for that decision.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    A1.7.6     The annual subscription for an Educational Affiliate described under all of the classes nominated above will be set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    A1.7.7     The fees payable for participation in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ CPD program either as required under Regulation A1.7.3, or elected under Regulation A1.7.4 above, shall be as determined by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board for that purpose from time to time.

    A1.7.8     An Educational Affiliate shall retain their status so long as they continue to fulfil all terms and conditions prescribed by the College.

    A1.7.9     Educational Affiliates will receive electronic access to relevant College publications and resources afforded to Fellows of the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.7.10   An Educational Affiliate shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings.

    A1.7.11   An Educational Affiliate shall retain their status so long as they continue to fulfil all terms and conditions prescribed by the College, including annual payment of the applicable subscription fee.

    A1.7.12   Educational Affiliates must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.7.13   As members of the College, Educational Affiliates are expected to display standards of practice and ethics as outlined in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and similar documents. Where the College becomes aware of a particular matter or conduct by an Educational Affiliate that is considered to be a breach of the Code, or which otherwise falls under the auspices of the College Professional Standards Committee (PSC), the matter or conduct may be referred by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the processes outlined in the regulations relating to the PSC.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.7.14   Membership may be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution respectively and the processes outlined in the PSC regulations. Educational Affiliate members are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstances arise that may affect their membership status.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.8 Certificant

    A1.8.1     Pursuant to clause 3.1.5 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board may admit as a Certificant persons who have met the following requirements:


    joined the Certificate of Women’s Health (CWH) ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program and have satisfactorily completed all the requirements of the CWH ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, including any associated administrative requirements.

    A1.8.2      Admission to the College as a Certificant is not complete until all administrative and other requirements (including payment of all relevant fees) set by the College have been met. [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.8.3     Certification as a Certificant (A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Cert)) will be awarded by the College. Certificants must maintain ongoing continuing professional development requirements pursuant to all relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ regulations.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.8.4      As per its Constitution, the College has the absolute right to refuse to admit to membership any person without giving any reason for that decision.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2017]

    A1.8.5     The annual subscription for a Certificant will be set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    A1.8.6      A Certificant will be entitled to acknowledge their membership status on his/her Curriculum Vitae; with the associated post nominal being ‘A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Cert)’ while currently certified according to the requirements as prescribed by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.8.7     Certificants will receive access to relevant College publications and resources afforded to Fellows of the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023

    A1.8.8     A Certificant shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings.

    A1.8.9      A Certificant shall retain their status so long as they continue to fulfil all terms and conditions prescribed by the College, including annual payment of the applicable subscription fee.

    A1.8.10   Certificants must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Revised and Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020}

    A1.8.11   Certificant membership may also be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution respectively and the processes outlined in the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) regulations. Certificants are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstances arise that may affect their membership status.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.9 International Affiliate

    A1.9.1     Pursuant to clause 3.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board may admit as an International Affiliate (which does not confer Affiliate Membership, Educational Affiliateship, Prevocational Affilateship, Trainee Affiliateship, Midwife Affiliateship or CPD Affiliateship) any registered medical practitioner who is working as a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in countries other than Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, and who is not a Fellow of the College and is not eligible for membership as an Affiliate Member as outlined in Regulation A1.6 or as an Educational Affiliate in Regulation A1.7 above.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.9.2     Admission to the College as an International Affiliate is not complete until all administrative and other requirements (including payment of all relevant fees) set by the College have been met.

    A1.9.3     As per its Constitution, the College has the absolute right to refuse to admit to membership any person without giving any reason for that decision.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2017]

    A1.9.4     The annual subscription for an International Affiliate will be set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    A1.9.5     An International Affiliate will be entitled to acknowledge their Affiliate status on their Curriculum Vitae. The associated post nominal ‘Int. Aff. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ’ can be used while currently admitted as an International Affiliate according to the requirements as prescribed by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.9.6     International Affiliates will receive electronic access to relevant College publications and resources afforded to Fellows of the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.9.7     An International Affiliate shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings.

    A1.9.8    An International Affiliate shall retain their status so long as they continue to fulfil all terms and conditions prescribed by the College, including annual payment of the applicable subscription fee.

    A1.9.9      International Affiliates must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct  and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Revised and Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.9.10   As members of the College, International Affiliates are expected to display standards of practice and ethics as outlined in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and similar documents. Where the College becomes aware of a particular matter or conduct by an International Affiliate that is considered to be a breach of the Code, or which otherwise falls under the auspices of the College Professional Standards Committee (PSC), the matter or conduct may be referred by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the processes outlined in the regulations relating to the PSC.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.9.11   Membership may be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution respectively and the processes outlined in the PSC regulations. International Affiliate members are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstances arise that may affect their membership status.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.9.12   Pursuant to clause 3.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board may establish International Affiliate memberships with specific international O&G organisations where an MoU between ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and the corresponding O&G organisation has been signed.  Registered Medical Practitioners working as a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology, who are members of an international O&G organisation with which ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ has an MOU in place, will be eligible to apply for International Affiliate membership. Required evidence of registration status and fees will be determined by agreement with ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and the relevant international O&G organisation.

    A1.9.12.1 Pursuant to clause 3.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board may admit as an International Affiliate any registered medical practitioner working as a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in accordance with the MoU between specific international O&G organisations and ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ under A1.9.12.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.10 Prevocational Affiliate – ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and PVOGS

    A1.10.1   Members of The Prevocational Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society of Australia and New Zealand (PVOGS) are afforded ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Prevocational Affiliate Membership Status (which does not confer Affiliate Membership, Educational Affiliateship,  International Affiliateship, Trainee Affiliateship, Midwife Affiliateship or CPD Affiliateship), subject to additional provisions as listed below.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.10.2 Pursuant to clause 3.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board may admit as a Prevocational Affiliate, students studying medicine at universities in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand and prevocational doctors resident and practising in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

    A1.10.3   Applicants must complete a declaration in support of their application confirming their eligibility status.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2018]

    A1.10.4   Admission to the College as a Prevocational Affiliate is not complete until all administrative and other requirements (including payment of all relevant fees) set by the College have been met.

    A1.10.5   As per its Constitution, the College has the absolute right to refuse to admit to membership any person without giving any reason for that decision.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2017]

    A1.10.6   The annual subscription for a Prevocational Affiliate will be set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    A1.10.7   A Prevocational Affiliate will be entitled to acknowledge their Affiliate status on his/her Curriculum Vitae; however, as this is not a qualification, there is no associated post nominal.

    A1.10.8    Prevocational Affiliates will receive electronic access to relevant College publications and resources afforded to Fellows of the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2018]

    A1.10.9   A Prevocational Affiliate shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings of the College.

    A1.10.10 A Prevocational Affiliate shall retain their membership status so long as they continue to fulfil all terms and conditions prescribed by the College, including annual payment of the applicable subscription fee.

    A1.10.11 Prevocational Affiliates must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Revised and Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.10.12 As members of the College, Prevocational Affiliates are expected to display standards of practice and ethics as outlined in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and similar documents. Where the College becomes aware of a particular matter or conduct by a Prevocational Affiliate that is considered to be a breach of the Code, or which otherwise falls under the auspices of the College Professional Standards Committee (PSC), the matter or conduct may be referred by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the processes outlined in the regulations relating to the PSC.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.10.13 Membership may be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution respectively and the processes outlined in the PSC regulations. Prevocational Affiliate members are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstances arise that may affect their membership status.[Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2024]

    A1.11 Trainee Affiliate

    A1.11.1    Pursuant to clause 3.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board may admit as a Trainee Affiliate, trainees who have been accepted to the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program and have been entered onto the College Register of Trainees.

    A1.11.2    As per its Constitution, the College has the absolute right to refuse to admit to membership any person without giving any reason for that decision.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2017]

    A1.11.3    Annual training fees will be set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2017]

    A1.11.4    F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Trainees will be entitled to acknowledge their Trainee Affiliate status on his/her Curriculum Vitae; however, as this is not a qualification, there is no associated post nominal.

    A1.11.5    F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Trainees will receive electronic access to relevant College publications and resources offered through its eLearning platform.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.11.6    A Trainee Affiliate shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings.

    A1.11.7    A Trainee Affiliate shall retain their status so long as they remain in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program and continue to fulfil all terms and conditions prescribed by the College, including all training and administrative requirements.

    A1.11.8  Trainee Affiliates must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.11.9    Trainee removed from the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program shall cease to be a Trainee Affiliate. Trainee Affiliate membership may also be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution respectively and the processes outlined in the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) regulations. Trainee Affiliates are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstances arise that may affect their membership status.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2024]

    A1.12 Midwife Affiliate

    A1.12.1   Pursuant to clause 3.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board may admit as a Midwife Affiliate (which does not confer  Affiliate Membership, Educational Affiliateship, International Affiliateship, Prevocational Affiliateship, Trainee Affiliateship or CPD Affiliateship), midwives who hold general midwifery registration with the Nursing and

    Midwifery Board of Australia or a practising certificate with the Midwifery Council of New Zealand.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.12.2   Admission to the College as a Midwife Affiliate is not complete until all administrative and other requirements (including payment of all relevant fees) set by the College have been met. Applicants have two (2) months from the date of the offer of Midwife Affiliate membership in which to pay the applicable fee(s). If this requirement is not met by that time, the offer of Midwife Affiliate membership will lapse, and the applicant must re-apply. The annual subscription for a Midwife Affiliate will be set by the College Board.

    A1.12.3   As per its Constitution, the College has the absolute right to refuse to admit to membership any person without giving any reason for that decision.

    A1.12.4  The annual subscription for a Midwife Affiliate will be set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    A1.12.5   A Midwife Affiliate will be entitled to acknowledge their Affiliate status on his/her Curriculum Vitae; however, as this is not a qualification, there is no associated post nominal.

    A1.12.6  Midwife Affiliates will receive electronic access to relevant College publications and resources afforded to Fellows of the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    A1.12.7   A Midwife Affiliate shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings.

    A1.12.8  A Midwife Affiliate shall retain their membership status so long as they continue to fulfil all terms and  conditions prescribed by the College, including annual payment of the applicable subscription fee.

    A1.12.9    Midwife Affiliates must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.12.10 As members of the College, Midwife Affiliates are expected to display standards of practice and ethics as outlined in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and similar documents. Where the College becomes aware of a particular matter or conduct by a Midwife Affiliate that is considered to be a breach of the Code, or which otherwise falls under the auspices of the College Professional Standards Committee (PSC), the matter or conduct may be referred by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the processes outlined in the regulations relating to the PSC.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A1.12.11 Membership may be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution respectively and the processes outlined in the PSC regulations. Midwife Affiliate members are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstances arise that may affect their membership status.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.13 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Affiliate

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, June ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023 — Creation of a new membership class, CPD Affiliate]

    A1.13.1 Pursuant to clause 3.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board may admit to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ CPD Program as a CPD Affiliate (which does not confer  Affiliate Membership, Educational Affliateship, International Affiliateship, Prevocational Affiliateship, Trainee Affiliateship or Midwife Affiliateship) a registered doctor in Australia or a provisionally vocationally registered or vocationally registered doctor in Aotearoa New Zealand and who is not a Fellow of the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.13.2 Pursuant to clause 3.9 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the Board has the absolute right to refuse to admit to membership any person without giving any reason for that decision.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.13.3 Admission as a CPD Affiliate is not complete until all administrative and other requirements (including payment of all relevant fees) set by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ have been met. Applicants have two (2) months from the date of the offer of membership in which to pay the required CPD program subscription fee. If this requirement is not met by that time, the offer of membership as a CPD Affiliate will lapse, and the applicant must re-apply.

    A1.13.4 The annual subscription for CPD Affiliates will be set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    A1.13.5 CPD Affiliates will be entitled to acknowledge their status as a CPD Affiliate on their Curriculum Vitae; however, as this is not a qualification, there is no associated post nominal.

    A1.13.6 CPD Affiliates will receive electronic access to relevant College publications and resources afforded to Fellows of the College.

    A1.13.7 CPD Affiliates shall be entitled to attend and speak, but will not be entitled to vote at general meetings.

    A1.13.8   A CPD Affiliate will retain their status as long as they pay all applicable subscriptions and fulfil all terms and conditions prescribed by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, including completion of the relevant CPD program and meeting administrative requirements.

    A1.13.9   CPD Affiliates must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    A1.13.10   Where the College becomes aware of a particular matter or conduct by a CPD Affiliate that is considered to be a breach of the Code of Conduct, or which otherwise falls under the auspices of the College Professional Standards Committee (PSC), the matter or conduct may be referred by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the processes outlined in the regulations relating to the PSC.

    A1.13.11   Membership of a CPD Affiliate may also be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution respectively and the processes outlined in the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) regulations. CPD Affiliates are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstances arise that may affect their membership status.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A1.14 Associate Member

    On and from 12 February 2024, the Board may admit as an Associate Member (which is not to be confused with the former class of Associate Member now known as Affiliates under clause A1.6) persons who have met either of the following requirements:

    A1.14.1.1 Trainees who have completed all the requirements of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Associate (Procedural and Advanced Procedural), including any associated administrative requirements.

    A1.14.1.2 Holders of the New Zealand Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology or the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Associate ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (Procedural) (PTP) or the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Associate ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Procedural (APTP) who have satisfactorily completed all additional (including administrative) requirements as determined by the Board.

    A1.14.2 Admission to the College as an Associate Member is not complete until all administrative and other requirements (including payment of all relevant fees) set by the College have been met.

    A1.14.3 Certification as an Associate (A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (P)/A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ) (Adv P)) will be awarded. Associate members must maintain ongoing continuing professional development requirements pursuant to all relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ regulations.

    A1.14.4 As per Constitution, the College has the absolute right to refuse to admit to membership any person without giving any reason for that decision.

    A1.14.5 The annual subscription for an Associate will be set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    A1.14.6 An Associate will be entitled to acknowledge their membership status on their Curriculum Vitae, with the associated post-nominal being ‘A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (P)’ or ‘A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Adv. P).

    A1.14.7 Associates will receive electronic access to relevant College publications and resources afforded to Fellows of the College.

    A1.14.8 An Associate shall be entitled to attend and speak, but shall not be entitled to vote at general meetings.

    A1.14.9 An Associate shall retain their membership status so long as they continue to fulfil all their terms and conditions prescribed by the College, including annual payment of the applicable subscription fee and compliance with continuing professional development requirements.

    A1.14.10 Associates must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    A1.14.11 Associate membership may also be suspended or terminated pursuant to clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution respectively and the processes outlined in the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) Regulations. Associates are required to inform the College Chief Executive Officer immediately should circumstance arise that may affect their membership status.

    A1.14.12 Retired Associate Member

    A1.14.12.1 A Retired Associate is defined as an Associate Member of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ who has completely and permanently retired from all clinical practice and is no longer practicing or registered as a medical practitioner.

    A1.14.12.2 Where the Associate Member continues to practice in another specialist field or remains registered as a medical practitioner in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand, they will continue as an Associate Member of the College and will not be exempt from any professional development requirements as per F3 of this regulation.

    A1.14.12.3 Pursuant to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution 3.5.3, Retired Associate Members will be granted Associate Membership for life and will have the same powers, privileges and liabilities as Associate Members, but will:


    Be exempt from any professional development requirements; and


    Not be subject to any ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ policy, procedure or regulation which the Board prescribes is, in full, or in part, only applicable to a particular class of Associate.

    A1.14.12.4 A Retired Associate will be entitled to acknowledge their membership status on their Curriculum Vitae; with the associated post nominal being ‘A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Ret)’.

    A1.14.12.5 Any Retired Associate who subsequently resumes active practice must advise the College forthwith and undertake such professional development activities as per F3 of this regulation.

    A1.14.12.6 Retired Associates must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A2 Appeals procedures

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, August 2022 – Creation of a new Reconsideration, Review and Appeal of College Decisions Policy]

    A2.1 Policy

    A2.1.1     The College is committed to providing clear advice to its members and other individuals and organisations about those of its decisions that can reconsidered, reviewed, and formally appealed.

    The Reconsideration, Review and Appeal of College Decisions Policy (Policy) provide avenues for an Applicant who has been adversely affected by a College decision and has legitimate grounds to dispute a decision of the College, can challenge these decisions.

    There are three (3) phases where dispute to a decision can proceed:


    Reconsideration Phase


    Review Phase


    Formal Appeal

    The Reconsideration and Review Phase are internal review mechanisms that aim to resolve the matter within the College. The Appeal process involves external independent representatives and independent College Fellows that aim to provide resolution without having to result in legal procedures.

    Both internal review and the Appeal process are subject to procedural fairness and not bound by the rules of evidence.

    All proceedings and materials except where required by this Policy and law are kept confidential.

    A2.2 Guidelines

    A2.2.1     The Reconsideration, Review and Appeal of Decisions Policy provide an avenue to resolve a dispute against College’s decisions. However, not all College decisions can be disputed.

    Application submitted under this Policy will not be accepted where the Applicant seeks an exception from an approved policy or regulation. The Exceptional Circumstances and Special Consideration Policy must first be utilised where an individual believes there are exceptional circumstances that the College body when making its decision ought to consider. 

    This Policy is not intended to provide an avenue for any person to contest results awarded, decisions of assessors taken in or about any assessment, allegations of poor training or supervision or general grievances.

    A2.2.2     The College reserves the right to decline an application submitted under this Policy if an Applicant is unable to produce any reasonable or relevant evidence in support of the stated grounds on which the application is based.

    A2.2.3     The College Chief Executive Officer has the discretion to allow the process to commence at the ‘Review’ phase or to proceed directly to Appeals where they are satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances that make it justifiable and appropriate to do so.

    A2.3 Reconsideration of Decisions

    A2.3.1     Matters pertaining to disputed decisions should in the first instance be addressed to the Chairperson of the originating body for Reconsideration by the same committee or body which made the disputed decision.

    A2.3.2     An application for Reconsideration must be made within thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of the notification of the outcome/examination results.

    A2.3.3     The Chairperson of the originating body will endeavour to provide an outcome within eight (8) weeks of receipt of the request for Reconsideration.

    A2.3.4     Following the determination’s notification, the Applicant, must advise the College within fourteen (14) calendar days whether they wish to proceed with the ‘Review’ phase.

    A2.4 Review procedures

    A2.4.1     Requests for review of a decision by the committee or body which has oversight of the disputed decision, or other body, as determined by the Chief Executive Officer, must be addressed in writing to the Chief Executive Officer within fourteen (14) calendar days from receipt of notification of Reconsideration outcomes.

    A2.4.2     The Chief Executive Officer will refer the matter to a Review Panel constituted under the Policy.

    A2.4.3     The College will endeavour to provide the Applicant with the outcome of the review by the Review Committee in writing within eight (8) weeks of the request, the document being subject to any obligations of privacy and confidentiality that may apply.

    A2.4.4     Following receipt of the notification of the Review’s outcome, an Applicant, within fourteen (14) days, must write to the Chief Executive Officer that they wish to Appeal.

    A2.5 Formal Appeals Procedure

    A2.5.1       An Applicant must inform the Chief Executive Officer of the intention to appeal in the first instance by email within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the outcome of the request.

    Formal appeals must be lodged in writing to the Chief Executive Officer within two (2) months of the receipt of notice of the outcome of the Review.

    A2.5.2       The Chief Executive Officer will convene an Appeals Committee under this Policy.

    A2.5.3     The Chief Executive Officer, on behalf of the Appeals Committee, will notify the Applicant in writing of the decision, and reasons for the decision, within three (3) weeks of the appeal hearing.

    A2.6 Approval authority

    A2.6.1      Amendments to this policy and the procedures shall be approved by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    A2.7 Implementation and Monitoring

    A2.7.1    The Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible for the implementation of the College’s Reconsideration, Review and Appeal of College Decisions Policy and their effectiveness pursuant to these regulations and any other relevant documents.

    A3 Professional Standards Committee

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2019 – Formation of Professional Standards Committee]

    A3.1 Purpose

    A3.1.1     The purpose of the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) is to promote accepted standards of practice and ethics by members of the College by considering matters that may relate to breaches of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct or related College objectives, including complaints received from College members against other College members and notifications from recognised authorities (including employers), but not including complaints received from members of the public in regard to the personal or professional conduct of a College member.

    [Revised and Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    A3.1.2     The PSC will operate in accordance with processes outlined in its Terms of Reference and any other relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ regulations.

    A3.2 Complaints and Referrals to the Committee

    A3.2.1     Where a written complaint is received by the College against a member by another member of the College, the complaint may be referred in accordance with the processes outlined in these regulations and/or other relevant College documents.

    A3.2.2     Where the College becomes aware of a particular matter(s) or conduct by a member that is considered to fall under the auspices of the PSC (including notifications from recognised authorities and employers), the matter may be referred by the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the processes outlined in these regulations and any other relevant College documents.

    A3.2.3  A complaint shall be considered in accordance with the processes outlined in these regulations and/or other relevant College documents if it relates to the professional or ethical standards of conduct of a member or relates to the conduct of a member which affects the honour, good reputation, interests, or work of the College.

    A3.2.4  No complaint shall be considered unless it is in writing and includes the name and address of the person or persons making the complaint, or if referred under Regulation A3.2.2, in the name of the Chief Executive Officer.

    A3.2.5      Receipt of a complaint shall be acknowledged by the Chief Executive Officer in writing.

    A3.2.6     Pursuant to the above, any matter or complaint received by the Chief Executive Officer of the College, in consultation with the President, may be:


    referred to the PSC for consideration; or


    referred to the Board (or a subcommittee of the Board appointed for that purpose) for consideration; or


    referred to another committee or body of the College which may appropriately deal with the matter or complaint; or


    if it is considered that the matter or complaint may be of such a serious nature and may constitute serious professional misconduct, referred to any appropriate medical board or complaints authority (“Authorityâ€); or


    returned to the person(s) from whom the complaint was received, advising that the matter be directed to a more appropriate Authority.

    A3.2.7  Before referring a matter or complaint pursuant to Regulation A3.2.6, consideration of the matter by the Chief Executive Officer and the President should include consideration of the following:


    whether the matter or complaint falls within the scope of the Terms of Reference of the PSC;


    whether the matter or complaint would be more appropriately dealt with by another Authority, either within or outside the College;


    whether the matter or complaint is currently being dealt with by another Authority;


    whether the matter or complaint should be adjourned or not dealt with, pending a hearing or determination by another Authority.

    A3.2.8     A complaint shall be dealt with, as far as possible, on a confidential basis and consistent with the protection afforded by the legal principle of qualified privilege. The College does not, however, guarantee anonymity of those making complaints.

    A3.3 Proceedings of the Committee

    A3.3.1     Upon referral of a matter or complaint pursuant to these regulations, the PSC shall decide whether, prima facie, there is a case to answer in respect of such matter or complaint.

    A3.3.2     If it is decided that there is a prima facie case to answer, the PSC shall forward appropriate details of the matter or complaint to the member concerned. The member concerned shall be entitled to receive sufficient details of the nature and circumstances of the allegations in the matter or complaint as will allow the member to fully respond to the allegations and as the rules of natural justice may require.

    A3.3.3     Any member who is the subject of any matter or complaint before the PSC shall, at least 14 days prior to the meeting of the PSC, at which any determination is to be made, be given written notice of:


    the intention of the PSC to consider the matter;


    the time, date and place of the meeting;


    particulars of the nature of the matter under consideration; and


    advice that the member may attend and give oral or written submissions at that meeting in respect of the matter.

    A3.3.4     At the meeting of the PSC held to consider the matter, the member shall be given an opportunity to be heard, and the Committee shall give due consideration to any written or oral submissions made by the member. The member may be accompanied by another person, but shall not be entitled to have an advocate or be legally represented before the PSC, unless the Committee has given its prior consent.

    A3.3.5     Any member of the PSC who was involved in the matter or complaint, or who had previously made a decision in relation to the matter or complaint, or who is a partner or has any other family or professional relationship or other conflict of interest, whether actual or perceived, with the member or complainant concerned, shall not participate in any consideration of the matter or complaint by the Committee. In such circumstances the President shall nominate a replacement for that member.

    A3.3.6     Subject to Regulation A3.5.5 below, proceedings of the PSC shall be confidential, except for the reporting of progress, appropriate reporting to the parties involved, and reporting of the decision and reasons to the Board.

    A3.3.7     The PSC is not bound by the rules of evidence and, subject to the rules of natural justice, may inform itself on any matter and in such manner as it thinks fit. Any information which is material to the allegations made in relation to the member shall be disclosed to the member, and the member shall be given sufficient opportunity to make submissions in relation to that information.

    A3.3.8     The PSC shall be entitled to consider all relevant information which it thinks fit and may invite any person to appear before it or to provide information.

    A3.3.9     The PSC shall conduct its affairs with as little formality as possible, but otherwise, subject to these regulations, shall have full power to regulate its conduct and operation, including convening and adjourning any meeting as it may require.

    A3.3.10   In considering any matter or complaint, the PSC shall act as expeditiously as the circumstances permit.

    A3.3.11   The PSC may make its own enquiries and seek legal or other professional advice in relation to any matter or complaint under consideration.

    A3.4 Decisions of the Professional Standards Committee

    After consideration of a complaint or matter, the PSC may:

    A3.4.1     take no action;

    A3.4.2     dismiss the matter or complaint and exonerate the member;

    A3.4.3     counsel the member and/or require the member to participate in any relevant College program or activity;

    A3.4.4     censure the member;

    A3.4.5     refer the matter or complaint to the Board for consideration (including suspension or termination of the membership, removal of subspecialty certification or other College award, or removal from the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program);

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2017]

    A3.4.6     refer the matter or complaint to an appropriate Authority.

    [The PSC may decide to refer the matter or complaint to an appropriate Authority at any time after receipt of the matter or complaint.]

    A3.5 Actions to / of the Board

    A3.5.1     The Board may consider any matter or complaint referred to it pursuant to the processes outlined in these regulations and/or other relevant College documents.

    A3.5.2     The Board may appoint a subcommittee of the Board, comprising such members of the Board or other persons as it determines, to act on the Board’s behalf (and a reference to the Board herein shall include a reference to any such subcommittee).

    A3.5.3     In considering any matter or complaint, the Board shall, as nearly as possible, observe the provisions for proceedings and procedures relating to the PSC and set out in these regulations and/or other relevant College documents (e.g. subclause 5.2.3 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution).

    A3.5.4     Upon consideration of any matter or complaint, the Board may:


    take no action;


    dismiss the matter or complaint and exonerate the member;


    counsel the member and/or require the member to participate in any relevant College program or activity;


    censure the member;


    suspend the membership of the member;


    terminate the membership of the member;


    refer the matter to any appropriate Authority;


    remove any subspecialty certification or other College award held by the member.


    remove the member from the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program.

    [The Board or any subcommittee may decide to refer the matter or complaint to an appropriate Authority at any time after receipt of the matter or complaint.]

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2017]

    A3.5.5     As per subclause 6.4.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, in the event of the termination of the membership of a member, the member must, within 14 days of receipt of notice requiring the member to do so, return to the Chief Executive Officer their Certificate(s) of membership, and the member must not represent or hold himself or herself out to be a member of the College or use the post-nominals’A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Cert)’, ‘A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (P)’, ‘A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Adv P), ‘D·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ’, ‘D·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Adv)’ ‘M·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ’ or ‘F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ’. In the event of the removal or suspension of any subspecialty certification, the member must not represent or hold himself or herself out to possess certification in the relevant subspecialty or continue to use the post-nominals associated with certification in the relevant subspecialty.

    [Revised and Ratified by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A3.6 Notice of Determinations and Appeal

    A3.6.1     Following receipt of notification of any determination by the PSC or the Board in respect of any complaint or matter pursuant to these regulations, the Chief Executive Officer shall, as soon as possible, notify in writing the member concerned, the person initiating the complaint or matter and the College President of the determination and a summary of the reason(s) for the determination.

    A3.6.2     Where a determination has been made by the PSC, the determination, together with a summary of the reason(s) for the determination, will be conveyed to the College Board (by e-mail in the first instance, followed by distribution in papers at the next scheduled meeting of that group).

    A3.6.3     Where determinations made by the PSC or the Board have implications for College policies and/or processes that are the responsibility of any College Committee or other body, the determination in de- identified form and summary reasons may be conveyed to the Chair of any such relevant committee or body, as well as the Director/Manager of the College department responsible for the coordination of any such committee or body, with the advice that the determination may potentially be the subject of Appeal. The Chair of the PSC or other body may choose to share the determination and summary reasons for the decision with members of the relevant group(s) for the purposes of revising and improving relevant College policies and processes.

    A3.6.4    As per clauses 5 and 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, in the event of the suspension or termination of the membership of a member, the Board may in its absolute discretion give notice or publish to the public generally or to any professional body or organisation or Authority the fact that the membership of any such person has been suspended or terminated. The Board may also communicate the removal of any subspecialty certification or other College award to any Authority in its absolute discretion or as required by any relevant law or College policy.

    [Revised and Ratified by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A3.6.5     Any member in respect of whom an adverse decision is made under these regulations may appeal the decision in accordance with the College’s Appeals Process.

    A3.7 Reinstatement

    A member who has had his or her membership suspended or terminated, or a subspecialty certification or other award removed through a decision pertaining to a matter considered by the PSC or the Board under these regulations may be reinstated as a member of the College, or have their subspecialty certification or other College award reinstated at the discretion of the Board, and upon such terms and conditions as the Board may, in its absolute discretion, determine, and in accordance with relevant provisions of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution and any other relevant regulations.

    Applications for reinstatement should be directed to the College President for consideration by the Board or a subcommittee appointed for that purpose.

    A3.8 Previous Complaints

    In considering what, if any, action the PSC or the Board may recommend or take in relation to a matter or complaint against a member, both the Committee and the Board shall be entitled to consider any prior matter or complaint determined in relation to the member provided that the member is given sufficient opportunity to make submissions in relation to such information.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2019 – Formation of Professional Standards Committee]

    A4 Progression Review Committee

    A4.1 Purpose and Functions

    The Progression Review Committee (PRC) shall support the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board by considering matters relating to individuals who have invoked conditions described by College regulations that render them liable for removal from progression to an award of Fellowship of the College or post-Fellowship certification in a designated subspecialty.  Such matters will normally be referred to the PRC by a responsible College body which will have previously considered the matter prima facie for the existence of exceptional circumstances.

    In the context of the functions of the PRC, individuals whose circumstances may be considered by the Committee include trainees working toward Fellowship of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ through the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program or Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMGs) assessed as being ‘Partially Comparable’ or ‘Substantially Comparable’ to or ‘As Satisfactory As’, in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand respectively, an Australian or Aotearoa New Zealand trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology, or subspecialty trainees post-Fellowship working toward certification in a subspecialty.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A4.2 Procedures Relating to Referrals and Meetings of the Progression Review Committee

    A4.2.1     An individual shall be referred to the PRC where they have breached College regulation(s) or other conduct has occurred that has the consequence of removal from a pathway to Fellowship of the College or certification in a subspecialty, and where the responsible College body has determined prima facie, following consideration of any written submission from the individual concerned, that grounds for exceptional circumstances do not exist.

    A4.2.2     The coordinator of the body responsible for making the prima facie determination referred to in Regulation A4.2.1 will notify the Chief Executive Officer in writing of the decision of the body in question through distribution of a copy of the correspondence to be forwarded to the individual advising of the decision.

    Upon receipt of this correspondence the Chief Executive Officer shall arrange for a meeting of the PRC to be held pursuant to its Terms of Reference and, once determined, shall, with at least 21 days’ notice, advise the individual whose circumstances are to be the subject of consideration by the PRC and notify the Chair of the original decision making body of the following:


    the intention of the PRC to consider the matter;


    the time, date and place of the meeting;


    the composition of the Committee to consider the matter;


    particulars of the nature of the matter under consideration; and


    that the individual and Chair (or representative) may provide written submissions to the PRC and that they may attend and give oral submissions at the meeting in respect of the matter.

    The individual and the Chair will be advised that in addition to those documents already submitted to the body responsible for making the prima facie determination, they may provide written submissions to the PRC. All written submissions and copies of any documents and records upon which they wish to rely must be lodged with the PRC not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Additional information provided after that time will only be considered if the Chair of the PRC considers that the material is of significance to the matter being considered. In the case of further material from the original decision making body, the individual concerned will be provided with copies for review and comment as soon as reasonably practicable.

    A4.2.3     At least seven (7) days prior to the meeting of the PRC, the Chief Executive Officer shall organise to have distributed to the Committee and the individual whose circumstances are being considered, any materials lodged by the individual or by the College body from which the matter was referred, and on which the PRC will rely for its considerations.

    A4.2.4     At the meeting of the PRC held to consider the matter, the individual concerned shall be given an opportunity to be heard, and the Committee shall give due consideration to any written or oral submissions made by the individual. The individual may be accompanied by another person, but shall not be entitled to have an advocate or be legally represented before the PRC, unless the Committee, through the Chair, has given its prior consent.

    A4.2.5     Proceedings of the PRC shall be kept confidential, except for the reporting of progress, appropriate reporting to the parties involved, and reporting of the decision and reasons to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    A4.2.6     The PRC is not bound by the rules of evidence and, subject to the rules of natural justice and procedural fairness, may inform itself on any matter and in such manner as it thinks fit. Any information which is material to the matter under consideration shall be disclosed to the individual, and the individual shall be given sufficient opportunity to make submissions in relation to that information.

    A4.2.7     The PRC shall be entitled to consider all relevant information which it thinks fit and may invite any person to appear before it or to provide information.

    A4.2.8     The PRC shall conduct its affairs with as little formality as possible, but otherwise, subject to these regulations and relevant Terms of Reference, shall have full power to regulate its conduct and operation, including convening, adjourning and recording any meeting as it may require.

    A4.2.9     In considering any matter referred to it, the PRC shall act as expeditiously as the circumstances permit and shall, as nearly as possible, observe the provisions for proceedings and procedures relating to the Committee and set out in these regulations and/or other relevant College documents.

    A4.2.10   The PRC may make its own enquiries and seek legal or other professional advice in relation to any matter under consideration.

    A4.3 Decisions of the Progression Review Committee

    A4.3.1       The PRC may make one of the following recommendations to the Board:


    That, on the basis of the materials presented to it, the individual be permitted to remain in the program in question, subject to any specific conditions that the Committee may identify.


    That, on the basis of the materials presented to it, the individual be removed from the program in question.

    A4.3.2     The recommendation to the Board must be accompanied by a document that summarises the matter(s) considered by the PRC and which outlines clearly the nature of the information on which the Committee based its deliberations, and the reasons for its recommendation.

    A4.3.3     Upon ratification or rejection of the PRC’s recommendation by the Board, the PRC Chair will notify the individual in writing of the decision, and reasons for the decision, within three (3) weeks of the meeting of the PRC. The notification provided will be confined to a list of all persons present, an index of the documentation presented and report of the reasons for decision.  Such notification will include information on the individual’s right of appeal according to the College Appeals Processes.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    A4.3.4     Where determinations made by the PRC or the Board in respect of matters considered under these regulations have implications for College policies and/or processes that are the responsibility of any College committee or other body, the determination in de-identified form and summary reasons may be conveyed to the Chair of any such relevant committee or body, as well as the Director/Manager of the College department responsible for the coordination of any such committee or body, with the advice that the determination may potentially be the subject of appeal. The Chair of the committee or other body may choose to share the determination and summary reasons for the decision with members of the relevant group(s) for the purposes of revising and improving relevant College policies and process

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    A5 Membership Review Committee

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board,April 2024 to expand the function and change the name of the Committee formerly known as Fellowship Review Committee]

    A5.1 Functions

    A5.1.1     The Membership Review Committee (MRC) shall support the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board by:

    Reviewing and making recommendations in regard to conditions and restrictions imposed by a regulatory body on the practice of any ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ member.

    Reviewing and making recommendations in regard to the progress of Members who fail to complete the requirements of the College’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programs.

     Considering applications for reinstatement to active membership of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ from:

    Resigned/Retired Members;

    Applicants who submit plans for re-entry to practice; or

    Applicants suspended and/or terminated due to a recommendation from this Committee.

    A5.1.2     The procedures for referral to the MRC are outlined in the Membership Review Policy and Procedure.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.2 Membership Review Proceedings

    A5.2.1       The membership review process will be initiated when the College has received notification of adverse conditions or the member has failed to meet the requirements to maintain membership.

    The Committee coordinator shall arrange for a meeting of the MRC to be held pursuant to its Terms of Reference.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.2.2       Upon referral of a matter pursuant to the Membership Review Policy and Procedure, the Committee Coordinator of the MRC shall forward appropriate details to the concerned member. The concerned member shall be entitled to receive sufficient details of the nature and circumstances for which the referral was made.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.2.3       Any member who is subject to the review of the MRC, shall, at least twenty-one  days prior to the meeting of the MRC, be given notice of:


    The intention of the MRC to consider the matter;


    The time, date and place of the meeting;


    The composition of the Committee to consider the matter;


    Particulars of the nature of the matter under consideration; and


    Advice that the member may submit written submissions and give oral submissions at that meeting in respect of the matter.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.2.4        All written submissions and copies of any documents and records upon which the member wishes to rely must be lodged with the MRC within fourteen days prior to the meeting.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.2.5        The member whose circumstances are being considered may be accompanied by another person but shall not be entitled to have an advocate or be legally represented unless the Committee Chair has given prior consent.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.2.6        The MRC shall be entitled to consider all relevant information that it thinks fit and may invite any person to appear before it or to provide information.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.2.7        The MRC may make any of the following recommendations to the Board:


    That no further action is required and well-being support be provided to the member;


    That a membership extension be granted to allow the member to satisfy the requirements of their membership;


    That the matter be referred to the Board to consider suspension or termination of membership, or removal of certification or other College award).

     [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.2.8       In making a decision, the MRC must consider, in addition to the written materials and oral submissions made, the standards required from  all members. Where the MRC contemplates suspension or termination of membership, the MRC may consider factors that may include but are not limited to:


    The nature and seriousness of the regulator-imposed conditions;


    The risk of harm to the public;


    Historical records concerning the member’s practice; and



    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.9       Upon ratification or rejection of the MRC recommendation by the Board, the MRC Chair will notify the member in writing of the decision, and reasons for the decision, within three (3) weeks of the MRC meeting. Such notification will include information on the applicant’s right of appeal according to the College appeals processes.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.3 Reinstatement Proceedings

    A5.3.1       The MRC may consider applications for reinstatement to active membership of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ from applicants who:


    Resigned or Retired;


    Submit plans for re-entry to practice; or


    Were suspended or terminated as a result of a recommendation from this Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.3.2       Applicants must notify the College of their intention to apply for reinstatement in the first instance by emailing the Membership Team. At least fourteen days from the notification to apply for reinstatement, the applicant must submit a formal letter addressed to the MRC Chair providing the following information:


    Where the removal was due to conditions imposed on practice by a regulator, evidence that the condition was lifted, and/or


    Evidence of compliance with any imposed restrictions/conditions or successful completion of a specified education/retraining program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.3.3       The MRC will convene in accordance with its Terms of Reference to consider the request, including additional information provided by the Applicant. At least twenty-one days before the meeting, the applicant will be notified of the time, date and place of the meeting and advised to provide further information that the applicant may wish for the MRC to consider.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.3.4       The MRC is entitled to consider all relevant information that it thinks fit and may invite any person to appear before it or to provide information.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.3.5       The MRC may make a decision as follows:


    That the application be granted, subject to any conditions that the MRC deems appropriate;


    That the application be granted; or


    That the application be denied.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.3.6       The MRC may make recommendations to the Board as follows:


    That, the applicant be reinstated to active membership subject to compliance to any conditions imposed.


    That the applicant be reinstated to active membership.


    That the applicant not be reinstated to active membership.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A5.3.7       Upon ratification or rejection of the MRC’s recommendation by the Board, the MRC Chair will notify the applicant of the decision in writing within three (3) weeks of the meeting. Reinstatement decisions are not subject to appeal. The College has the right to refuse reinstatement without giving reason for that decision.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2024]

    A6 Procedures relating to College CPD requirements – Affiliate Members

    Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023 Creation of Affiliate Members and Educational Affiliates CPD Requirements Policy and Procedures and Affiliate Members Pacific CPD Requirements Policy and Procedures]

    The procedures relating to College CPD Requirements – Affiliate Members are outlined in these Regulations and the Affiliate Members and Educational Affiliates CPD Requirements Policy and Procedures.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A6.1 Procedures Relating to College CPD Requirements – Affiliate Members Australia and Affiliate Members Aotearoa New Zealand

    A6.1.1     The Chair of the CPD Committee may grant additional time to Affiliate Members Australia and/or Affiliate Members Aotearoa New Zealand in active practice who make such a request no later than six (6) weeks before the end of the CPD cycle for a period of up to one (1) month to upload evidence and complete requirements of their current CPD period. Requirements and dates of the subsequent CPD period will not change. Once all requirements have been met the Affiliate Member will move to their next standard CPD period. The Chair of the CPD Committee may grant additional time to Affiliate Members Australia and/or Affiliate Members Aotearoa New Zealand who make such a request.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Affiliate Members Australia and/or Affiliate Members Aotearoa New Zealand who, after the expiry date of their current CPD period, including those who have been granted additional time pursuant to A6.1.1 above, have failed to accumulate the requisite number of CPD hours, or any other CPD requirement, shall be automatically referred to the CPD Committee for consideration.


    Having reviewed the standing of an Affiliate Member Australia and/or Affiliate Member Aotearoa New Zealand, the CPD Committee may grant additional time to the CPD period (in addition to any already granted under A6.1.1), as long as the aggregate additional time to a CPD period given to any Affiliate Member Australia and/or Affiliate Member Aotearoa New Zealand does not exceed four (4) months.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A6.1.2     Notification process


    The Committee shall endeavour to ensure that the procedures for the prior notification of Affiliate Members Australia and/or Affiliate Members Aotearoa New Zealand of their progress towards the completion or otherwise of the CPD program as set out in the program requirements are strictly followed.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November February 2024]


    At least 21 days prior to the meeting date of the CPD Committee the Affiliate Member Australia and/or Affiliate Member Aotearoa New Zealand concerned shall be notified.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A6.1.3       Review Proceedings


    Affiliate Members Australia and/or Affiliate Members Aotearoa New Zealand wishing to make a submission must do so in writing addressed to the Chair of the CPD Committee through ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ no later than 14 days prior to a Committee meeting.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    The Committee may make one of the following recommendations to the Board:

    To grant additional time to the CPD period of an Affiliate Member Australia and/or Affiliate Member Aotearoa New Zealand of up to, but not exceeding four (4) months from the current CPD Period original due date.

    That the Affiliate Member Australia and/or Affiliate Member Aotearoa New Zealand, having failed to satisfy the requirements of the program in accordance with A1.6.4, will not have their membership renewed.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    The College Chief Executive Officer will notify the Affiliate Member Australia and/or Affiliate Member Aotearoa New Zealand in writing of the decision, and reasons for the decision, within three (3) weeks of the meeting of the CPD Committee. Such notification will include information on the applicant’s right of appeal according to the College Appeals Processes.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A6.2 Procedures Relating to College CPD Requirements – Affiliate Members Pacific

    The procedures relating to College CPD Requirements – Affiliate Members Pacific are outlined in these Regulations and the Affiliate Members Pacific CPD Requirements Policy and Procedures.

    A6.2.1      Affiliate Members Pacific may request, no later than six (6) weeks prior to the end of the CPD cycle, additional time to accumulate the requisite number of CPD hours.

    The Global Health Committee Chair may grant additional time period of up to two (2) calendar months to Affiliate Members Pacific who make such an application.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    An Affiliate Members Pacific who, after the expiry date of their current CPD period and did not request additional time under A6.2.1, have failed to accumulate the requisite number of CPD hours, shall be automatically referred to the Global Health Committee Chair for consideration.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Having reviewed the standing of an Affiliate Member Pacific, the Global Health Committee Chair may grant additional time to the CPD period of up as long as the aggregate additional time to a CPD period given to any Affiliate Member Pacific does not exceed three (3) months.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Affiliate Members Pacific who, after the expiry date of the additional time granted, including those granted time under A6.2.1, and A6.2.1.2, have failed to accumulate the requisite number of CPD hours, shall be automatically referred to the Global Health Committee. Affiliate Members concerned shall be sent written notice by email of consideration of their case at the next Committee meeting.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A6.2.2     Notification process


    The Committee shall endeavour to ensure that the procedures for the prior notification of Affiliate Members Pacific of their progress towards the completion or otherwise of the CPD program as set out in the program requirements are strictly followed.


    At least 21 days prior to the meeting date of the Global Health Committee the Affiliate Members Pacific concerned shall be notified

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A6.2.3     Review Proceedings


    The Global Health Committee shall review the membership of any Affiliate Member Pacific who has not met the College’s CPD requirements. Except in extenuating circumstances affecting an Affiliate Member’s Pacific ability to fulfil requirements, as presented by a Committee member or members, the Global Health Committee will make a recommendation to the Board that the Affiliate Member Pacific, having failed to satisfy the requirements of the program in accordance with A1.6.4.2, have their membership removed.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    The College Chief Executive Officer will notify the Affiliate Member Pacific in writing of the decision, and reasons for the decision, within three (3) weeks of the meeting of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board at which the recommendation is considered.

    Such notification will include information on the applicant’s right of appeal according to the College Appeals Processes

    A6.3 Procedures relating to Reinstatement as an Affiliate Member Pacific

    A6.3.1     Medical practitioners whose membership as an Affiliate Member Pacific was removed pursuant to A6.2.3.1 may apply to the Global Health Committee for reinstatement as an Affiliate Member Pacific following completion of any outstanding CPD requirements as per as per Affiliate Members Pacific CPD Requirements Policy and Procedures.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A7 Academic misconduct

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 – Creation of Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure]

    A7.1 Code of Conduct

    A7.1.1     Integrity is one of the organisational values under the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ regards plagiarism as a serious act of academic misconduct and a breach of its Code of Conduct.

    A7.1.2     ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ defines academic dishonesty, outlines the process for investigating claims, and potential outcomes in its Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure.

    A7.2 Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure

    A7.2.1     Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure allows the investigation of allegations.

    A7.2.2    All allegations will be investigated as per Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure. Following the investigation, a formal hearing will be held. The hearing allows ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ to present the allegations of plagiarism and allow the concerned person a right to respond to all claims against them.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    A7.3 Outcomes

    A7.3.1     Where a person is found guilty of academic misconduct, they will be provided with the reasons for the findings and any corrective actions that may be required.

    A7.3.2     Where a person has been found to have committed more than one act of academic misconduct, they will be referred to the Professional Standards Committee.

    A8 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, May 2021 Name change to ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation]

    A8.1 Establishment and Purpose

    A8.1.1     Pursuant to clause 15 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, in March 2014 the Board approved the establishment of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Foundation, to coordinate and oversee the College’s philanthropic activities. In 2018 the Foundation was renamed to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A8.1.2     The purpose of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation is to raise funds for the College’s philanthropic activities and oversee the disbursement of these funds in accordance with established processes as set out in these regulations and relevant College policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2016]

    A8.1.3     The ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation may, at its discretion, in accordance with any relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ policies, accept any gift, endowment or bequest made to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation or the College either generally or for the purpose of any specific object, and carry out and administer as trustee any trusts attached to any such gift, endowment or bequest.

    A8.2 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation

    A8.2.1     The ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation shall support the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board by managing the activities of the Foundation.

    A8.2.2     The ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation shall operate in accordance with processes outlined in its Terms of Reference and any other relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ regulations and policies.

    A8.2.3     ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation Functions and Duties


    In managing the activities of the Foundation, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation shall:

    ensure the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation and its activities are promoted amongst the College Membership and the wider community;

    raise funds for, and foster contributions to, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Women’s Health Foundation from College members, medical practitioners, government, industry, philanthropic organisations and the community generally; and manage the funds of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Foundation in accordance with approved policy and subject to its Terms of Reference;

    manage the funds of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Foundation in accordance with approved policy and subject to its Terms of Reference;

    oversee the management and disbursement of the funds of the Foundation and ensure that a sufficient corpus is maintained to support the Foundation’s activities in a sustainable manner;

    provide strategic direction for the Foundation and ensure the good governance of the Foundation;

    receive and review reports from recipients of Foundation funding, or College Committees overseeing specific projects/activities supported by Foundation funds;

    provide advice to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board on policies relating to the Foundation;

    invite and assess applications for funding in accordance with relevant College policies;

    approve scholarships and fellowships offered under the Foundation; and

    approve changes to processes, conditions or documentation relating to scholarships and fellowships.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, May 2021]


    The ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board has granted the Foundation authority to distribute discretionary funding towards philanthropic activities.  The Foundation remit includes:

    Women’s Health research

    Global Health initiatives

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women’s health initiatives and MÄori Women’s Health initiatives

    Preservation of College History

    Other priority areas outlined in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Strategic Plan and Foundation Fundraising plan.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, August 2022]

    A9 Corporate governance

    A9.1 Winding-Up and Dissolution of the College

    A9.1.1     Where, on the winding-up or dissolution of the College, there is a surplus of assets after satisfying all the College’s liabilities and expenses, the surplus shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the members, but shall be given or transferred to some other charitable institution having similar objects to the College situate within Australia (to the extent assets are distributed within Australia) or Aotearoa New Zealand (to the extent assets are distributed within Aotearoa New Zealand) and which:


    is required by its constitution or rules to apply its profits or income in promoting its objects;


    is prohibited from paying any profits or dividends to its members to the same extent as set out in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution; and


    itself, is exempt from income tax.

    A9.1.2     That institution shall be determined by the Board prior to the dissolution of the College or failing such determination, by application to an appropriate Court.

    A9.1.3   The Board shall:


    upon ceasing to conduct any business, operations and undertaking in or from Aotearoa New Zealand (whether upon the winding up or dissolution of the College or for any other reason whatsoever), ensure that any surplus property of the College used in the conduct of such business, operations or undertaking in or from Aotearoa New Zealand is, notwithstanding any provision in this regulation to the contrary, given or transferred to one or more organisations that are charitable under Aotearoa New Zealand law, with similar objects; and


    notify the New Zealand Charities Commission of any proposed addition, alteration or amendment to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution or this regulation which may be inconsistent with the charitable nature of the business, operations or undertaking of the College conducted in or from New Zealand.

    [Renumbering as Regulation A10 Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, May 2015]

    A10 Election of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ President, Board of Directors, and Councillors

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 – Creation of Election of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ President; Election of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board; and Election of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Council Members Policy and Procedure]

    A10.1 Policy

    A10.1.1     The election procedure for these appointments are managed in the policies, Election of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ President, Election of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, and Election of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Council. The objectives of these Regulations and policies are to ensure that the election of the President, Board of Directors, and Council conducted by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, is open and transparent, comprehensive, and scrutinised, and is managed in accordance with these Regulations.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    A10.2 Election of President

    A10.2.1     In accordance with ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution clause 11.2, these Regulations and policies confirm the procedures and requirements involved in the election of the President of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ. It details who is eligible to be elected as the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ President and also outlines the process for conducting the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Presidential election.

    A10.3 Election of Board

    A10.3.1     In accordance with ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution clause 11.2, these Regulations and policies confirm the procedures and requirements involved in the election of members of the Board (with the exception of the positions of President, Diplomate Board Director and Independent Board Director) of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ. It details who is eligible to be elected as an Elected Director and Vice-President of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board and outlines the process for conducting ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board elections.

    A10.3.2     These Regulations apply to voting members of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Council, pursuant to subclause clause 10.1.1 (a) to (e) of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, and College staff who are responsible for managing the election process.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    A10.4 Election of Council

    A10.4.1     In accordance with ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution clause 10.2, these Regulations and policies confirm the procedures and requirements involved in the election of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Councillors. It details who is eligible to be elected as a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Councillor and outlines the process for conducting Councillor elections.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    17 May 2024


    All Regulations in Section B Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board at its meeting in March 2013, with further minor revisions Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board at its meetings in September and November 2013, and any subsequent revisions as indicated.

    B1 F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 – Merging erstwhile Membership/Fellowship ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Regulations in Section B relating to Trainees commencing from 1 December 2013 and Section C relating to Trainees commencing from 1 December 2003 to 30 November 2013]

    B1.1 Requirements for Application to the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program – Trainees Commencing from 1 December 2013

    B1.1.1       To apply for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand, medical practitioners must possess an approved Australian or Aotearoa New Zealand primary medical degree, or (for applicants in Australia) have successfully completed the requirements necessary to obtain the Australian Medical Council (AMC) certificate, or (for applicants in New Zealand) be a graduate in Medicine and Surgery of a Medical School recognised by the New Zealand Medical Council.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B1.1.2     Medical Registration and Visa Requirements


    To apply for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand applicants must have citizenship or have been granted permanent residency status in the country of application at the time of application to the College, or provide satisfactory evidence that the applicant will have all necessary approvals to undertake training in Australia by the date of commencement of training.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    To apply for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program in Australia, medical practitioners must possess general registration with the Medical Board of Australia under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme and must also meet any residency or visa requirements enabling employment at any hospital within the jurisdiction(s) for which they are applying.


    To apply for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program in Aotearoa New Zealand, medical practitioners must have general medical registration with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Documentary evidence of all requirements (general medical registration in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand/AMC certification/permanent residency/visa requirements, as applicable) must be available to be provided if requested no later than the closing date for applications. If such evidence is requested and not able to be provided by this deadline, the application will not be considered.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B1.2 F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Applicable Regulations – Trainees Commencing 1 December 2003 to 30 November 2013

    B1.2.1       Where these regulations relates to trainees who, pursuant to decisions of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Council and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, applied to the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program for trainees, enrolled in and commenced the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program during the period 1 December 2003 to 30 November 2013 inclusive

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.2.2       These regulations will take effect from 1 December 2013 and take precedence over those previously applicable to trainees who enrolled in and commenced the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program during the period 1 December 2003 to 30 November 2013 inclusive, save where matters addressed by regulation(s) that were in operation prior to 1 December 2013 are not included, in which case those regulations previously in operation will continue to apply.

    B1.2.3       New provisions in these regulations, that were not available in the regulations previously applicable to trainees who enrolled in and commenced the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program during the period 1 December 2003 to 30 November 2013 inclusive may not be retrospectively accessed and/or applied by trainees.

    B1.2.4       Words and phrases in these regulations have the same meaning as set out in the regulations for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program applying after 30 November 2013.

    B1.3 Transition and Consideration of Unfair Disadvantage

    B1.3.1       For the purposes of enabling training to be credited to trainees on the basis of ‘weeks’ of satisfactory training as required under these regulations, rather than six-month blocks as has previously been the case for trainees in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, the College will convert training credited as at 1 December 2013 to weeks on the basis of 46 weeks for each full year of credited training.

    B1.3.2       Prior to 1 December 2013, the College will advise individual trainees enrolled in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program of the number of weeks of satisfactory training to be credited to them, as well as the expected date of completion of their training period to be covered by the Six-monthly Summative Assessment to be completed after 1 December 2013, noting that the maximum number of weeks of training able to be credited for a twelve month period pursuant to Regulation B1.9 is 46 weeks.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.3.3       Six-monthly Summative Assessment Reports for periods of training commenced on or after 1 December 2013 may not be assessed as ‘Borderline’.

    Any Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report that is assessed as ‘Borderline’ for a period of training commenced prior to 1 December 2013 will revert to ‘Satisfactory’ should the next period of training assessed by a Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report be assessed as ‘Satisfactory’.

    Any Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report that is assessed as ‘Borderline’ for a period of training commenced prior to 1 December 2013 will revert to ‘Not Satisfactory’ should the next period of training assessed by a Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report be assessed as ‘Not Satisfactory’.

    B1.3.4       Any question of clarification or dispute relating to the circumstances of individual trainees in regard to training matters associated with transition to these regulations, will be considered in the first instance by the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee, pursuant to the College’s Exceptional Circumstances and Special Consideration Policy, and with reference to the Chair of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee, should this be considered necessary. Any clarification or dispute with the application of these regulations should be notified within three (3) months of notification by the College of their effect or impact to trainees; after which, if no clarification or dispute is notified, the College determination or advice will be final and binding.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B1.3.5       Where a matter is unable to be resolved, it will be considered by a subcommittee of the College ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee convened to oversee issues relating to the implementation of these regulations for trainees who have enrolled in and commenced the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program prior to 1 December 2013. The Committee, to be known as the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Transition Committee, will be Chaired by the Immediate  Past President time-limited until 31 December 2014, and operate pursuant to Terms of Reference approved by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board to consider matters raised by trainees or groups of trainees who consider they have been unfairly disadvantaged by circumstances arising from the implementation of the regulations contained herein, relative to those that governed their training prior to 1 December 2013.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.4 Commencement in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program – Basic and Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ for Trainees Commencing from 1 December 2013

    B1.4.1       Applicants accepted to the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program cannot commence training unless they have completed PGY2 or above and have obtained an accredited training position and prospective approval to undertake training in that position.

    B1.4.2       Except as provided for elsewhere in College regulations, trainees will enter the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program at Year 1 of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, which may be undertaken on a part-time continuous basis.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B1.4.3       Trainees who have been selected for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program and have obtained an accredited first year training position may be eligible to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for previous experience or training to be recognised toward the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B1.4.4       Applications for RPL must be made prior to commencement of training to the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Panel nominated by the Education Standards Committee in accordance with the College RPL policy.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B1.5 Satisfactory Completion of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program

    B1.5.1       Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (formerly termed the Integrated ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program; ITP) Trainees who have satisfactorily completed the requirements listed in Regulation B1.5.1.1 to B1.5.1.12 as applicable below will be deemed to have completed the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program:

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    pursuant to all relevant regulation(s), four (4) years (184 weeks) of prospectively approved basic clinical training in general obstetrics and gynaecology that is assessed as satisfactory through a minimum of eight (8) Six-monthly Summative Assessment Reports (Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ), including:


    a minimum period of 23 weeks FTE satisfactorily assessed training in a rural position/rotation;


    a minimum period of 46 weeks FTE satisfactorily assessed training in a tertiary hospital;


    a minimum period of 46 weeks FTE satisfactorily assessed training in a hospital other than that designated as the trainee’s ‘home’ or ‘base’ hospital; (this may be inclusive of the mandatory 23 week rural position/rotation); and


    any other training sites as designated by the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee;

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B1.5.1.2    the prescribed Diagnostic Ultrasound In-Hospital Clinical Assessment modules for all trainees who commence training prior to 1 December 2016.;

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    B1.5.1.3    the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written Examination;

    B1.5.1.4    the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination;

    B1.5.1.5    summative assessment of procedural and surgical skills in those gynaecological and obstetric procedural and surgical skills required by the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Curriculum as part of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ;

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.5.1.6       For trainees who commenced their training after 1 December, 2013, approval of a research study proposal or exemption on the basis of prior research or completion of research required as part of the Academic Stream of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program;

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.5.1.7     For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December, 2013 assessment of competence in those gynaecological and obstetric procedural and surgical skills required by the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Curriculum as part of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ;

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.5.1.8      For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December, 2013, approval of a research study proposal or exemption on the basis of prior research; and

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.5.1.9       the following workshops and programs:

    Foundations of Surgery Workshop or exemption from this requirement via an approved equivalent workshop or course;

    Communication Skills Workshop;

    Fetal Surveillance Program or exemption from this requirement via an approved equivalent workshop or course;

    In-hospital training in Neonatal Resuscitation or exemption from this requirement via an approved equivalent workshop or course;

    for trainees who commence the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 December 2016, a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-approved ultrasound course or workshop or exemption from this requirement if the trainee’s base hospital has been approved by the College for such exemption or an approved equivalent workshop or course;

    for trainees who commence the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 December 2016, the Basic Obstetric Skills Workshop or exemption from this requirement via an approved equivalent workshop or course;

    the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 December 2018 approved Cultural Competency ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    for trainees who commence the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 December 2019, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ eLearning Abortion Module.

    All of the abovementioned workshops may be approved as completed where evidence can be provided of satisfactory completion within 24 months of commencement of the training program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]

    B1.5.1.10  for trainees who commence the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 December 2016, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ CLIMATE Ultrasound Module; and

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2016]

    B1.5.1.11  any other requirements as deemed necessary by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2019]

    B1.5.1.12  In the event that a trainee has met all the requirements listed in Regulation B1.5.1.1 to B1.5.1.11 above, except for submission of their final six-monthly summative assessment report for the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ period, they may commence Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ; however, no credit for any period of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will be received until the Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report for the final period of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ has been received and the period assessed as ‘Satisfactory’.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.5.2     Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (formerly termed Elective ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ)

    Trainees certified as having satisfactorily completed the Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program will have satisfactorily completed:


    For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December, 2013, pursuant to all relevant regulation(s), two (2) years (92 weeks) of prospectively approved advanced clinical training in obstetrics and gynaecology, and/or a prospectively approved combination of at least 50% active clinical component and up to 50% research component in the relevant training year(s), that is assessed as satisfactory through a minimum of four (4) Six-monthly Summative Assessment Reports (Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ)

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December, 2013 assessment of competence in those gynaecological and obstetric procedural and surgical skills required by the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Curriculum as part of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ;

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December, 2013 a research study or obtained exemption on the basis of prior research; and

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    For trainees who commenced their training from 1 December, 2013, pursuant to all relevant regulation(s), two (2) years (92 weeks) of prospectively approved advanced clinical training in obstetrics and gynaecology, and/or a prospectively approved combination of at least 50% active clinical component and up to 50% non-clinical (teaching, research, administration) component in the relevant training year(s), that is assessed as satisfactory through a minimum of four (4) Six-monthly Summative Assessment Reports (Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ), or 92 weeks of prospectively approved training in a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ subspecialty training program; Or

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ CLIMATE Clinical Educator ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program;


    a research study or obtained exemption on the basis of prior research or completion of a PhD in the Academic Stream of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program; and


    for trainees commencing the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 December 2014, satisfactory completion of one of the following options:

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]


    the Generalist Obstetrics Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Module AND the Generalist Gynaecology Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ either:

    • consecutively as two periods of 26 weeks of full time prospectively approved Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (or FTE); OR
    • concurrently as 52 weeks of full time prospectively approved Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (or FTE). OR

    the Advanced Obstetrics ATM; OR,


    the Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Pathway to Fellowship: Sexual and Reproductive Health, OR

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    for trainees in the academic stream, a minimum of the Essential O&G Skills Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Module. For Trainees in the academic stream commencing F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ program from 31 January 2025, a minimum of the Essential O&G Skills Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Module and the Medical Education Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Module; OR,

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]


    for those undertaking ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ subspecialty training a minimum of the Essential O&G Skills Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Module, or a minimum of 26 weeks of the Generalist Obstetrics Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Module and the Generalist Gynaecology Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Module undertaken concurrently (prior to commencement of subspecialty training).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]


    any other requirements as deemed necessary by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2019]

    B1.5.3     Trainees certified as having satisfactorily completed the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program will have satisfactorily completed all requirements of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ as described in Regulations B1.5.1 to B1.5.2 above and shall be eligible for elevation to Fellowship of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.6 Timeframe for Completion of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program

    B1.6.1       For the purposes of this regulation, time in training will be considered as the aggregate of all time in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program other than time taken as approved extended OR approved research leave as part of the Academic Stream. Approved fractional training (i.e. FTE training undertaken on a part-time basis) will be considered pro rata.

    For trainees who commenced their training from 1 December, 2013 Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and all associated requirements under Regulation B1.5 must be completed within a maximum period of six (6) years of time in training from the date of commencement of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December, 2013, Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and all associated requirements under Regulation B1.5 must be completed within a maximum period of eight (8) calendar years from the date of commencement in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.6.2       For the purposes of this regulation, time in training will be considered as all time on the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program in Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, other than time taken as approved extended leave  OR approved research leave as part of the Academic Stream. Approved fractional training (i.e. FTE training undertaken on a part-time basis) will be considered pro rata.

    For trainees who commenced their training from 1 December, 2013 Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and all associated requirements under Regulation B1.3.2 must be completed within a maximum period of three (3) years of time in training from the date of commencement of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December, 2013, All requirements of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (i.e. all requirements associated with both Basic and Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ) must be completed within a maximum period of eleven (11) calendar years from the date of commencement in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.6.3       Pursuant to Regulation B1.13, trainees may interrupt their F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training to take extended leave  from the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program for a maximum cumulative period of 156 weeks.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.6.4       Pursuant to ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Regulation B1.20 trainees undertaking the Academic Stream of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program may apply for a period of ‘Research Leave’ additional to any other leave allowable under these regulations in order to complete the PhD required under that training pathway.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.6.5     The determination of time in training and applicable FTE of a trainee shall be a matter for the State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee, having regard to the prospectively approved clinical training and the actual time spent in training by the trainee. The decision of the Committee shall be final and binding

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B1.7 Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ prior to Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    B1.7.1     For Trainees Commencing from 1 December 2013


    Except as provided for in Regulation B1.5.1.11, trainees may not commence or undertake any aspect of the Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the training program until they have met all the requirements for completion of the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component as listed in Regulation B1.5.1.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    No credit will be given for any aspect of the Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program undertaken and/or completed until a trainee has completed all Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ components.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]


    The determination of time in training and applicable FTE of a trainee shall be a matter for the State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee, having regard to the prospectively approved clinical training and the actual time spent in training by the trainee. The decision of the Committee shall be final and binding.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.7.2     Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ prior to Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ for Trainees Commencing prior to 1 December 2013


    Subject to prospective approval by the Chair of the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee, trainees may undertake a period of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ prior to the completion of all requirements (including that described in Regulation B1.5.1.1) following the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 92 weeks FTE of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.8 Trainees’ Statement of Understanding

    All trainees in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program are required to sign the Trainee Statement of Understanding which advises them of their rights and responsibilities as a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ trainee on an annual basis. The Trainee Statement of Understanding will need to be submitted with the Prospective Approval. Where the Trainee Statement of Understanding is submitted after that time, no period of training undertaken prior to the submission will be credited.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B1.9 Registration / Annual Fee Payment

    B1.9.1     All trainees, regardless of whether training full-time or part-time, must pay the full Annual ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fee to the Finance Department at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ by 31 January of each year unless specifically designated elsewhere in these regulations or policies. Fees are managed by these Regulations and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Associated Fees Policy.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.10 Obtaining Prospective Approval of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    B1.10.1   Trainees must submit an application for prospective approval of training to the relevant State and Territory or New Zealand Office via the College’s online training platform not less than eight (8) weeks prior to the commencement of the relevant training period. Only training that has been prospectively approved by the relevant State and Territory/NZ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee Chair will be credited by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.10.2   Where an application for prospective approval of training is submitted outside the timeframe referred to in Regulation B1.10.1, credit will only be given for training undertaken from the date on which prospective approval is granted by the Chair of the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.10.3   Trainees who have completed all requirements of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ other than satisfactory completion of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written and/or Oral Examination, and any other stipulated assessment requirements, must remain on the Register of Trainees. Such trainees must also continue to occupy a prospectively approved training post under supervision (except if undertaking prospectively approved Extended Leave or Research Leave), and must pay the full applicable annual training fee and participate in standard formative and summative assessments, with any period of training assessed through a Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report as ‘Not Satisfactory’ during this time contributing to the maximum number of such assessments permitted under Regulation B3.1.1 during the course of training.

    Trainees who do not satisfy the requirements described above will not be permitted to sit either the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written or Oral examination, or undertake and/or complete any other requirements of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.11 Credit for ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    B1.11.1   ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will be assessed in a series of six (6) month training blocks, which are six-month periods defined on calendar dates by the College ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee. Each six-month training block will involve the completion of a Three-monthly Formative Appraisal and a Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2014]


    ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will be credited on the basis of the number of weeks (completed on an FTE basis) of active clinical service / formal training undertaken during the period covered by each six- monthly summative assessment completed for a trainee, rounded up or down to the nearest whole number of weeks.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2018]


    Pursuant to Regulation B1.12, approved leave taken for the purposes of studying for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ examinations or for recognised professional development may be included in the training time able to be credited in any six (6) month training period.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    The maximum number of weeks able to be credited in a training year covered by two six-month summative assessments is 46 weeks. A training year consists of two consecutive ‘six- month training blocks’ based around (but not confined to) a calendar year and is determined by the College ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2016]


    The minimum number of weeks able to be credited in any period covered by a six-monthly summative assessment is ten (10) weeks (FTE).  In allowing this minimum period, the College regards it as adequate time for the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor and the consultants who work with the trainee to observe and assess the trainee for the purposes of a valid Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report.  If the number of weeks of training (FTE) in a six month period is less than 10, no credit for the training period will be recognised.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2015]


    Trainees undertaking approved extended leave  (see Regulation B1.14) and trainees who have less than 10 weeks of training to complete the clinical training requirements for Fellowship may receive credit for training of less than the minimum number of weeks stipulated in Regulation B1.11.1.4 where that training has been prospectively approved and the period immediately precedes or follows, as applicable, a block of training normally covered by a six-monthly summative assessment.

    In such instances, formative appraisals and summative assessments will be conducted at the times determined for all trainees by the College ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee in the period(s) of training prior to and/or after returning from the leave in question, and/or at any other time as determined by the Chair of the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee to ensure appropriate assessment of the overall training period in question.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.11.2   A period of training will be credited to trainees only when:


    Prospective approval of the training post(s) has been obtained from the Chair of the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee;


    The annual trainee fee has been paid for that year of training;


    The training undertaken on a full- or part-time basis, is in a block that equates to at least ten (10) weeks FTE in the post(s) prospectively approved by the relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee Chair and involves the completion of a Six-month Summative Assessment Report for the period in question. In the case of trainees undertaking Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, this minimum period must also have been spent in the same Integrated ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (ITP);


    In the case of trainees undertaking Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, the training involved a minimum of 50% active clinical component. Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ positions involving less than 50% active clinical component will not be prospectively approved for Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ;


    The relevant Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report for the period has been assessed as satisfactory by the Chair of the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee;


    The relevant Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report is received by the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand Office within six (6) weeks of completion of the period of training; and


    The trainee has completed and submitted the confidential evaluation of training associated with the training period in question.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.12 Fractional / Part-time ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    B1.12.1   For trainees who commenced their training:


    From 1 December, 2013, Year 1 of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may be approved to be undertaken on a part-time basis at the trainee’s home or base hospital.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December, 2013, Except as provided for elsewhere in these and/or other College regulations, trainees will enter the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program at Year 1 of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, which must be undertaken on a full-time continuous basis at the trainee’s home or base hospital. In subsequent years, fractional (part-time) training may be approved.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.12.2   For the purposes of credited training, the College defines fractional (part-time) training as training undertaken between 0.5 and full-time training (1.0) at the relevant site for the relevant period of training. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will be credited based on the period of training (in calendar weeks) multiplied by the relevant time fraction.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B1.12.3   Trainees undertaking fractional (part-time) training must also remain within the maximum limits for time in training allowed for completion of all requirements of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program and its Basic and Advanced components (Refer to Regulation B1.5.1, B1.5.2).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.12.4      Credit will only be given for fractional (part-time) training per six month training block of not less than ten (10) weeks FTE, regardless of the number of training sites at which the period in question was obtained.

    B1.13 Leave from ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    B1.13.1   Trainees are permitted up to two (2) weeks of leave per year for the purposes of studying for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ examinations or for recognised professional development. This study/professional development leave is recognised as part of active clinical service. Leave is managed by these Regulations and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Leave Policy

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.14 Extended Leave

    B1.14.1   Trainees may interrupt their training to take extended leave from the training program for a maximum of 156 weeks cumulative. Trainee Extended leave is managed by these Regulations and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Leave Policy.  

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.15 Resignation from the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program or a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Post

    B1.15.1   Trainees who resign from a training post prior to the completion of a prospectively approved period of training and completion of relevant assessments will be regarded as having resigned from the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, unless they have done so with the approval of the Chair of the relevant State and Territory or New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.16 Changing ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Regions / ITP

    B1.16.1   Trainees intending to transfer from Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ in an ITP in one training region to Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ in an ITP in another region or intending to undertake Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ in another training region must first obtain prospective written approval from the Chairs of the two (2) relevant State and Territory or New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committees. Prospective approval of training cannot be given unless this has occurred. Once transfer is approved, the trainee will be subject to the oversight and requirements of the new State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B1.16.2   Basic trainees intending to transfer from their current ITP to another ITP within the same region must first obtain written approval from the ITP Coordinators of the two (2) ITPs and the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand TA Chair. Prospective approval of training cannot be given unless this has occurred.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.17 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Outside of Primary Institution

    B1.17.1   A period of training equivalent to at least 46 weeks FTE of full-time training must be spent outside the trainee’s primary institution. This period may be taken at any time during Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ following the satisfactory completion of 46 weeks of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and may be inclusive of the mandatory 23 weeks rural position/rotation (in accordance with Regulation B1.18.1). Where the primary institution has family planning services limited by religious affiliation, other training blocks must be at institutions without such limitations.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    B1.18 Rural ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    B1.18.1   Trainees must complete at least one prospectively approved period of rural training of at least 23 weeks FTE duration as part of their Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ. Trainees are not permitted to undertake rural training prior to satisfactory completion of 46 weeks of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.18.2   ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ posts accepted as eligible for the completion of the rural training period described in Regulation B1.16.1 will be defined by the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.18.3   Requests from trainees for consideration of exemption from the rural rotation should be directed in the first instance to the Chair of the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee. Requests will require the approval of both the Chair of the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee and the Chair of the College ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.19 Research ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December 2013)

    B1.19.1.    Subject to prospective approval, research training in accredited research posts may be undertaken for the purposes of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.20 Research ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Academic Stream (For trainees who commenced their training from 1 December 2013)

    B1.20.1   A program that results in the awarding of F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and a PhD from an Australian or Aotearoa New Zealand University, or another University listed in the Times Higher Educational Supplement (THES) Top 400, will be available to trainees with a recognised intent of pursuing an academic career in obstetrics and gynaecology who are undertaking the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Academic Stream).

    B1.20.2   Save for specific matters outlined in this Regulation B1.20, trainees recognised as undertaking the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Academic Stream will be subject to all regulations, policies and procedures applicable to trainees enrolled in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program from 1 December 2013.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B1.20.3   Trainees may apply at any time from acceptance into the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program to be recognised as undertaking the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Academic Stream. Such applications will be considered pursuant to the relevant College policy and/or relevant regulations.

    B1.20.4   Trainees recognised as undertaking the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Academic Stream may be exempted from 46 weeks (one (1) year) of the Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program by completion of a PhD awarded by an Australian or Aotearoa New Zealand University, or another University listed in the THES Top 400. For the purposes of these regulations, ‘completion’ refers to receipt by the College of acceptable evidence that the PhD has been ‘passed’ and will be awarded without any further examination or academic requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    In order to complete the PhD, a trainee may apply for a maximum period of 156 weeks (three (3) years) FTE ‘Research Leave’ from the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, which must be undertaken as a single block. This block is additional to any leave taken pursuant to Regulation B1.14.1 and may be undertaken at any time that is prospectively approved from the time of commencement on the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, including prior to any component of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ being undertaken.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    The PhD will be conducted in a discipline of relevance to women’s health, which will be prospectively approved pursuant to the relevant College policy and/or relevant regulations.


    Trainees who have completed a PhD at an Australian or Aotearoa New Zealand University, or another University listed in the THES Top 400 may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning of the PhD as 46 weeks (one (1) year) of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ pursuant to the requirements of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Academic Stream described by these regulations. Such application must be made in accordance with the College’s policy on Recognition of Prior Learning and any other relevant policy(ies) and regulation(s).

    B1.20.5   A trainee recognised as undertaking the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Academic Stream who is undertaking approved Research Leave and not undertaking any training pursuant to Regulation B1.20.6 will be a registered trainee and for the period during which the Research Leave is being undertaken must pay 25% of the Annual ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fee and submit an annual form for prospective approval of Research Leave. The annual form for prospective approval of Research Leave must be accompanied by written confirmation from their research supervisor of satisfactory progress and written confirmation of continuing enrolment in the PhD from the University.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.20.6   Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ during Research Leave

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]


    Trainees may continue to undertake clinical training for the purposes of F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training requirements while undertaking the PhD prospectively approved for the purposes of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Academic Stream.  Such training must be prospectively approved by the Chair of the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee and the training must meet all necessary requirements described in any relevant College regulations.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]


    Pursuant to Regulation B1.12.2, training undertaken on any basis less than 0.5 FTE will not be prospectively approved or credited for the purpose of training as described in Regulation B1.20.6.1.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    No credit for Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will be given for research conducted toward the PhD undertaken for the purposes of the Academic Stream while the trainee is on Research Leave.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]


    Where a trainee recognised as undertaking the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Academic Stream undertakes any concurrent Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ while undertaking the prospectively approved PhD pursuant to Regulation B1.20.6.1, the trainee will be considered to be training (not on Research Leave) and will pay the full Annual ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fee and complete Three-monthly Formative Appraisals and Six-monthly Summative Assessments in relation to the component of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ being undertaken.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.20.7   Completion of the prospectively approved PhD by a trainee recognised as undertaking the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Academic Stream will result in the trainee being credited with one year (46 weeks) of training time for the purposes of meeting the requirements of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    B1.20.8   Trainees who do not complete the requirements of the prospectively approved PhD will not receive the exemption from one (1) year of the Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program referred to in Regulation B1.20.4 and may not undertake any component of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ until all requirements of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ have been satisfactorily completed.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.20.9   Trainees who satisfactorily complete the prospectively approved PhD and gain credit for one (1) year of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ must then complete any remaining periods of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, and all associated requirements, in order to be eligible for the award of F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B1.20.10 For trainees commencing the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 December 2014, following completion of the prospectively approved PhD and credit of one (1) year (46 weeks) of the required two (2) years (92 weeks) of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, trainees must complete either one (1) year (46 weeks) of prospectively approved Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ including the satisfactory completion of the Essential O&G Skills Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Modules or one (1) year of prospectively approved subspecialty training in a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ subspecialty training program and the Essential O&G Skills Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Module. Trainees in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program commencing the academic stream after 31 January 2025 must satisfactorily complete the Essential O&G Skills and the Medical Education Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Modules.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B1.20.11 Satisfactory completion of the prospectively approved PhD by trainees who undertake the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Academic Stream will meet the requirements for completion of a Research Study normally expected of F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ trainees. Where a trainee undertakes the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Academic Stream, but does not satisfactorily complete the prospectively approved PhD in the required timeframe, the need for any further research-based requirement prior to the completion of the training program will be determined by the Research Assessment Subcommittee.

    B1.21 Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    B1.21.1   Up to two (2) years (i.e. 92 weeks) of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may be undertaken in a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ subspecialty training program.

    B1.22 Failure to Complete a Required Component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program by the Specified Time (For trainees who commenced their training from 1 December 2013)

    B1.22.1   The Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report is the mechanism that deals with training performance, training/assessment requirements, and crediting of training time. Failure to meet training/assessment requirements by the deadline can impact training time credit. Such requirements include, but are not limited to:

    Completion of a Foundations of Surgery Workshop. Exemption from this requirement may be granted if this or an approved equivalent workshop or course has been completed in the 24 months prior to entry to the training program.

    Satisfactory completion of in-hospital training in Neonatal Resuscitation.  Exemption from this requirement may be granted if this or an approved equivalent workshop or course has been completed in the 24 months prior to entry to the training program.;

    Completion of an approved Fetal Surveillance Program.  Exemption from this requirement may be granted if this or an approved equivalent workshop or course has been completed in the 24 months prior to entry to the training program.;

    Completion of an approved Communication Skills Workshop;

    For trainees commencing the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 December 2016:

    Completion of a Basic Obstetric Skills Workshop.  Exemption from this requirement may be granted if this or an approved equivalent workshop or course has been completed in the 24 months prior to entry to the training program);

    Completion of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Acquire Ultrasound;

    Completion of an approved Ultrasound workshop or course.  Exemption from this requirement may be granted if this or an approved equivalent workshop or course has been completed in the 24 months prior to entry to the training program or the trainee’s base hospital has been approved by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ for such exemption;

    For trainees commencing the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 December 2018, completion of Cultural Competency training.

    For trainees commencing the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 December 2019, completion of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ eLearning Abortion Module.

    For trainees commencing the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program prior to 1 December 2017 and who have not opted into the points-based research study:

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    Submission by trainees to the Research Assessment Subcommittee of a research project proposal, or attainment of an exemption based on prior research or research undertaken as part of the Academic Stream of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program;

    Attainment of prospective approval of a research project proposal, or attainment of an exemption based on prior research or research undertaken as part of the Academic Stream of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program;

    Completion of assessment of competence in gynaecological and obstetric procedural and surgical skills by the timeframes specified in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Curriculum;

    Satisfactory completion of a prospectively approved research project or completion of the minimum components of the research requirements, or attainment of an exemption based on prior research or research undertaken as part of the Academic Stream of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    For the purposes of this regulation, Basic and/or Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ time will be considered as the aggregate of all time in the relevant component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program other than time taken as approved extended leave  OR approved research leave as part of the Academic Stream. Approved fractional training (i.e. FTE training undertaken on a part-time basis) will be considered pro rata.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.22.2   Where a trainee fails to complete a training/assessment requirement by the stipulated due date, the training time for the Six-monthly Summative Assessment incorporating that time will not be credited until such time as the training/assessment requirement has been satisfactorily completed.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    B1.22.3   Irrespective of any other aspects of the trainee’s performance training time for, subsequent Six-monthly Summative Assessments of the trainee will not be credited until such time as the outstanding training/assessment requirement(s) is satisfactorily completed.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    B1.22.4   Where a trainee fails to complete a training/assessment requirement by the stipulated due date, no credit will be given for training undertaken between the training/assessment requirement due date and the date of satisfactory completion.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    B1.23 Failure to Complete a Required Component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program by the Specified Time (For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December 2013)

    B1.23.1   The Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report is the mechanism that deals with training performance training/assessment requirements, and crediting of training time. Failure to meet training/assessment requirements by the deadline can impact training time credit. Such requirements include, but are not limited to:

    Completion of a Foundations of Surgery Workshop before the satisfactory completion of 46 weeks FTE of training in the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (exemption from this requirement may be gained if this or an approved equivalent workshop or course has been completed in the 12 months prior to entry to the training program);

    Satisfactory completion of in-hospital training in Neonatal Resuscitation before the satisfactory completion of 46 weeks FTE of training in the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program;

    Completion of an approved Fetal Surveillance Program before the satisfactory completion of 46 weeks FTE of training in the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (exemption from this requirement may be gained if this or an approved equivalent workshop or course has been completed in the 12 months prior to entry to the training program);

    Attendance at a Communication Skills Workshop before the satisfactory completion of 92 weeks FTE of training in the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program;

    Submission by trainees to the Research Assessment Subcommittee of a research project proposal before the satisfactory completion of 92 weeks FTE of training in the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, or attainment of an exemption based on prior research or research undertaken as part of the Academic Stream of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program;

    Attainment of prospective approval of a research project proposal by the satisfactory completion of 112 weeks FTE of training in the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, or attainment of an exemption based on prior research or research undertaken as part of the Academic Stream of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program;

    Satisfactory completion of a prospectively approved research study by the end of the period described in Regulation B9.3.1; and

    Completion of assessment of competence in gynaecological and obstetric procedural and surgical skills by the timeframes specified in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Curriculum.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.23.2   Where a trainee fails to complete a training/assessment requirement by the stipulated time, the training time for the Six-monthly Summative Assessment incorporating that time will not be credited until such time as the outstanding training/assessment requirement has been satisfactorily completed.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    B1.23.3   Irrespective of any other aspects of the trainee’s performance, training time for subsequent Six-monthly Summative Assessments of the trainee will not be credited until such time as the outstanding training/assessment requirement(s) is satisfactorily completed.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    B1.23.4   Where a trainee fails to complete a training/assessment requirement by the stipulated time, no credit will be given for training undertaken between the training/assessment requirement due date and the date of its satisfactory completion.

    B1.24 Review of Status on the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program

    B1.24.1   Trainees are required to notify the College within one (1) week of the date of notification if:


    their medical registration is withdrawn or suspended, or conditions are placed on their medical registration, or if they receive notice of any complaint to any medical registration authority;


    their employment is suspended or they are stood down by an employing authority, or if conditions or restrictions on their practice are implemented by an employing authority;


    they resign from any particular employment during the course of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program.


    they are not in a prospectively approved training position or on prospectively approved extended leave  or prospectively approved research leave.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.24.2   Where requested to do so by the College, trainees are required to provide reasons for the change in their registration or employment status.

    B1.24.3   When the College is notified of changes to the registration or employment status of a trainee pursuant to Regulation B1.24.1, the matter shall be referred to the Chair of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee and the Chair of the relevant State and Territory/Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee for review of the trainee’s status in relation to the training program, including training record and previous leave taken and, if applicable, referral to the Progression Review Committee for consideration of removal from the training program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B1.25 Amendment of these Regulations and Interpretation

    B1.25.1   ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may amend these Regulations from time to time, and will promulgate all amendments via the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ website. Amendments may change, alter, add or remove any provisions of these Regulations, and, if made, will apply with effect from the date of the Board meeting at which they are approved (unless stated by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ otherwise).

    B1.25.2   ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may interpret these rules, including to address any inconsistencies, inaccuracies or unclear provisions.  ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may promulgate any interpretation of these Regulations via the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ website.  Such interpretation shall apply with effect from the date of promulgation (unless stated by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ otherwise).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, May 2015]

    B1.25.3    In circumstances they regard as exceptional, the Board may give approval for these rules to be interpreted to extend dates and requirements fixed by Regulations by which a trainee must complete an examination or assessment task.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B2 Removal from the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program

    B2.1 Removal from the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program

    B2.1.1     Unless the overseeing Committee accepts that exceptional circumstances exist, a trainee will be referred to the Progression Review Committee (PRC) for consideration for removal from the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program if a trainee fails to meet the requirements of their program. This process is managed in under these regulations and Removal from ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B2.1.2     Where a trainee’s behaviour breaches ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct, they will be referred to  Professional Standards Committee (PSC) for review and/or removal from the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program. This process managed in under these regulations and Removal from ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B3 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Assessment Documentation

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 — Creation of F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Documents and Assessments Policy and Procedure]

    B3.1 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Assessment Record

    B3.1.1     All documentation and assessments, excluding examinations, relating to the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program are managed under these regulations and the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Assessment Documentation Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B3.1.2     In circumstances they regard as exceptional, the Board may give approval for these rules to be interpreted to extend dates and requirements fixed by Regulations and policies by which a trainee must submit ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Documentation.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B4 F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examinations — General Regulations

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 — Creation of Examination Policy]

    B4.1 Examination Policy

    B4.1.1     ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ examinations processes and criteria are managed under these regulations and the Examination Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B4.2 Examination Fees

    B4.2.1     Fees for examinations are managed in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Associated Fees Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B4.3 Withdrawal

    B4.3.1     All withdrawals must be made in writing to the Examination’s Office. Where applicable, refunds are available and detailed in Examination Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B4.3.2     Failure to give written notice of withdrawal from the examination or failure to present for an examination will constitute a failure in the examination and forfeiture of the whole examination fee.

    B4.4 Results

    B4.4.1     Candidates are not permitted to communicate directly with individual examiners regarding their results.

    All enquiries must be directed in writing to the Chair of the Examination and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B4.4.2     Examination results for individual candidates will not be released to any person other than the candidate and those persons specified in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Release of Examination Results Policy and the Statement of Understanding or otherwise without express written permission from the candidate.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B4.4.3     If, in the opinion of the Examination and Assessment Committee, a candidate has made an attempt to obtain, or has obtained, an unfair advantage before or during any part of the examination, the candidate will be withdrawn from the examination and a fail result recorded, as applicable. Subsequent to this, the candidate’s eligibility for further examination by the College will be considered by the Examination and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    B4.5 Scope of F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examinations

    B4.5.1     The scope of material covered by the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ written and oral examinations is determined through the materials listed in relevant sections of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Curriculum.

    B4.6 Remarking of Examinations

    B4.6.1     Unless errors in process or similar anomalies can be demonstrated, the College does not approve requests for remarking of examination papers.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B4.7 Amendment of these Regulations and Interpretation

    In circumstances they regard as exceptional, the Board may give approval for these rules to be interpreted to extend dates and requirements fixed by Regulations by which a trainee must complete an examination.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B5 F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examinations

    B5.1 Attempts

    B5.1.1     For trainees who commenced training from December 1, 2013,  

    Written Examination: The maximum number of attempts at the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written Examination will be three (3).

    Oral Examination: The maximum number of attempts at the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination is three (3).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B5.1.2     For trainees who commenced training prior to December 1, 2013

    Written Examination: The maximum number of attempts at the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written Examination will be four (4).

    Oral Examination: The maximum number of attempts at the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination is four (4).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B5.2 Eligibility

    B5.2.1     For trainees who commenced training from December 1, 2013

    Written Examination: Registered and financial trainees will be eligible to apply to sit the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written Examination when, at the closing date for applications for that examination, they have been credited with a minimum of 46 weeks FTE of prospectively approved and satisfactory Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    Oral Examination: Registered and financial trainees will be eligible to apply to sit the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination when, at the closing date for applications for that examination, they have been credited with a minimum of 66 weeks FTE of prospectively approved and satisfactory Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B5.2.2     For trainees who commenced training prior to December 1, 2013

    Written Examination: Registered and financial trainees will be eligible to apply to sit the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written Examination when, at the closing date for applications for that examination, they have been credited with a minimum of 66 weeks FTE of prospectively approved and satisfactory Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    Oral Examination: Registered and financial trainees will be eligible to apply to sit the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination when, at the closing date for applications for that examination, they have been credited with a minimum of 112 weeks FTE of prospectively approved and satisfactory Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B5.3 Legible English

    B5.3.1     All ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ examinations must be answered by candidates in English.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2017]

    B5.4 Availability of Places (Oral Examination)

    B5.4.1     The College may limit the number of candidates accepted for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination on any occasion, acceptance being based on the following priority order:


    the time remaining for individual applicants to complete the requirements of the Integrated ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program or their SIMG pathway to Fellowship as applicable; and


    the date and time on which applications are received by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    Applications to sit the examination will only be considered where the applicant has met all eligibility requirements.

    Notwithstanding the provision of this regulation, the College reserves the right to determine candidates for acceptance at examination. The decision of the College shall be final and binding. The decision of the College in this regard shall not be reviewable or subject to appeal. Applications for examinations are made on this basis, and with implicit agreement to these terms.

    B5.5 Extension of Application Deadline (Oral Examination)

    B5.5.1     For candidates who are unsuccessful at a F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination, and where publication of results occurs after the closing date for applications for the next such examination, applications to sit that F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination will be allowed for a period of up to 14 days from the date of publication of results.

    B5.5.2     The dates for close of applications for the first attempt at the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination may be different for the SIMG applicants assessed by the SIMG Assessment Committee at the discretion of the Chair of the Examination and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    B6 In-Hospital Clinical Assessment Module

    B6.1 Module

    B6.1.1     The required In-Hospital Clinical Assessment (IHCA) module is Diagnostic Ultrasound for all trainees commencing prior to 1 December 2016.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    B6.2 Attempts

    B6.2.1     Each IHCA may be repeated as a summative assessment as many times as is necessary, but not within four (4) weeks of an unsuccessful attempt.

    B6.2.2     In the event of a repeat summative attempt, the candidate must be assessed by two assessors from the College list of approved assessors of the IHCA module. In the event of conflict or recurrent failure, the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee Chair may assist the candidate in the selection of assessors and/or a mentor.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B6.3 Timeframe

    B6.3.1     Each IHCA module may be attempted at any time during Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ. For trainees commencing prior to 1 December 2016 each IHCA module may be attempted at any time prior to elevation to Fellowship.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B6.4 Assessors

    B6.4.1     In Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, assessors for summative assessments must a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ approved IHCA Assessor. All assessors must be approved by the IHCA Coordinator on the Examination and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B6.4.2     Outside Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, an assessor for a summative assessment must be a specialist obstetrician/gynaecologist of consultant status who is in active clinical practice in the specialty and has been approved for this purpose by the Chair of the Examination and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B6.4.3     The choice of an assessor to assess a summative IHCA module should be made using the College list of approved assessors of IHCA modules.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B7 Research Study — For all trainees commencing from 1 December 2017, or current trainees who opt in

    B7.1 Introduction

    B7.1.1     Satisfactory completion of a Research Study as per the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Research ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Requirement Policy outlined below is compulsory for all trainees undertaking the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B7.2 Research Requirements

    B7.2.1     Trainees must complete a minimum points of research activity in the Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ to meet the research requirement as detailed in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Research ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Requirement Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B7.3 Approved Research Activities

    B7.3.1     Research study design eligibility criteria and points of research activity will be accrued as per the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Research ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Requirement Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B7.3.2     In all cases, the decision of whether or not an activity is judged as meeting the requirements of an approved research activity rests with the Research Assessment Subcommittee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B7.4 Recognition of Prior Research

    B7.4.1     Recognition of prior research must be submitted prospectively and meet the requirements as detailed in F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Research ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Requirement Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B7.5 Research Assessment Subcommittee

    B7.5.1     The Research Assessment Subcommittee will oversee the research component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program curriculum, pursuant to its terms of Reference.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2017]

    B8 Research Study — For trainees commencing before 1 December 2017, who have not opted to complete the points-based Research Study model outlined in B7

    B8.1 Introduction

    B8.1.1     Satisfactory completion of a Research Study as outlined in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Research ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Requirement Policy is compulsory for all trainees undertaking the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B8.2 Prospective Approval of a Research Proposal

    B8.2.1     Prospective approval must be submitted to the RAS. Timelines for approval of the submission and amendments are detailed in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Research ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Requirement Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B8.3 Research Study

    B8.3.1     Research study proposal and project must meet the study design eligibility criteria and must be submitted by the deadlines specified in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Research ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Requirement Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B8.4 Recognition of Prior Research

    B8.4.1     Recognition of prior research must be submitted prospectively and must meet the requirements as detailed in F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Research ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Requirement Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    B8.5 Research Assessment Subcommittee

    B8.5.1     The Research Assessment Subcommittee will oversee the conduct of the research component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program curriculum, pursuant to its Terms of Reference.

    B9 Research Study (Trainees all trainees commencing prior to 1 December 2013

    B9.1 Introduction

    B9.1.1     Satisfactory completion of a Research Study as outlined below is compulsory for all trainees undertaking the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program with the exception of those formally recognised as undertaking previous research pursuant to Regulation B94.

    B9.2 Prospective Approval of a Research Proposal

    B9.2.1     A research proposal in the health sciences must be submitted by trainees to the Research Assessment Subcommittee no later than the completion of ninety-two (92) weeks FTE of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B9.2.2     A research proposal in the health sciences must be approved by the Research Assessment Subcommittee no later than the completion of 112 weeks FTE of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    B9.2.3     Major amendments to the research proposal must be submitted ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and must be approved by the Research Assessment Subcommittee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B9.3 Research Study

    B9.3.1     Trainees who entered the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program between 1 December 2003 and 30 November 2006 are required to present a research study that meets the criteria for satisfactory completion outlined in Regulation B9.3.2 before being eligible for elevation to Fellowship.

    Trainees who entered the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program from 1 December 2006 are required to present a research study that meets the requirements outlined in Regulation C8.3.2 and C8.3.3 no later than the completion of 230 weeks FTE of training in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program.

    B9.3.2     The format for presentation of the research study must meet one of the following standards:

    acceptance for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, with the trainee listed as an author;

    acceptance for publication in a journal which is non peer-reviewed, but accords with a pre-set list of journals approved by the Assessment Subcommittee, with the trainee listed as a first author;

    acceptance for publication of a Cochrane Systematic Review, with the trainee listed as a first author;

    acceptance by the Assessment Subcommittee of an oral presentation by the trainee, at a meeting approved as a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity, and accompanied by a written report substantiating the study, with the trainee listed as first author;

    acceptance by the Assessment Subcommittee of a poster presentation at a meeting approved as a CPD activity, and accompanied by a written report substantiating the study, with the trainee listed as first author;

    assessment as ‘satisfactory’, by the Assessment Subcommittee, of a research report written in publishable form.

    acceptance by the Assessment Subcommittee of a research report based on a question/ hypothesis formulated by the trainee and answered through the conduct of a local audit. The report must contain a clearly stated hypothesis, outline an appropriate study design, use appropriate methods of statistical analysis and demonstrate that a relevant, critical literature review has been undertaken.

    B9.3.3     The research study must meet one of the following criteria for satisfactory completion:

    the study involves the collection of original data by the candidate, in which case any of the relevant presentation formats listed in Regulation B9.3.2 may be selected;

    the study comprises a systematic review which has been accepted for publication in the Cochrane Library;

    the study comprises a systematic literature review, in which case it must be accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal or a pre-set list of journals approved by the Assessment Subcommittee, with the candidate listed as first author;

    the study comprises a case report, supported by a comprehensive literature review, in which case it must be accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal or a pre-set list of journals approved by the Assessment Subcommittee, with the candidate listed as first author;

    the study comprises a Research Report based on a local audit that meets the requirements for such reports as outlined in Regulation B9.3.2.

    B9.3.4     In all cases, the decision of whether or not a research study is judged as ‘satisfactory’ rests with the Research Assessment Subcommittee. The meeting of any of the criteria listed in Regulation B9.3.3 may not necessarily, of itself, be sufficient in some cases for a study to be judged satisfactory.

    B9.4 Recognition of Prior Research

    B9.4.1     The following may be approved as meeting the requirement of satisfactory completion of the research study:

    A formal higher research degree qualification; or

    A successfully completed honours (by research) year in the biomedical sciences.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2015]

    B9.4.2     Any prior, first author publication in English in a peer reviewed journal devoted to a branch of the biomedical sciences may be submitted to the Assessment Subcommittee and, if judged to be of at least equal standard to that expected for the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Research Project, the previously published research may be approved as meeting the requirement of satisfactory completion of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Research Project.

    B9.5 Research Assessment Subcommittee

    B9.5.1     The Research Assessment Subcommittee will oversee the conduct of the research component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, pursuant to its Terms of Reference.

    B10 Assessment of Trainee Competence in Gynaecological and Obstetric Procedural and Surgical Skills


    All trainees are required to satisfactorily complete assessment of competence in gynaecological and obstetric procedural and surgical skills by the timeframes specified in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Curriculum.

    B11 Membership of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (M·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ) For trainees who commenced prior to 1 December 2013.


    Until 30 June 2016, trainees who are subject to these regulations are eligible for the award of M·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ following completion of all requirements of the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program.

    An application for Membership may be made up to six (6) calendar months prior to the completion of the required 194 weeks (i.e. four( 4) years) of satisfactory prospectively approved training involving the completion of at least eight (8) Six-monthly Summative Assessment Reports. However, application forms will only

    be prepared by College staff where a trainee has satisfied all training and assessment requirements for Membership as defined by the College (with the exception of the submission of the final Three-monthly Appraisal and Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report for trainees applying prior to the completion of all necessary training). The final Three-monthly Appraisal must be approved by the relevant

    State and Territory or New Zealand TAC Chair and the Six-monthly Summative Assessment must be submitted and assessed as ‘Satisfactory’ at the conclusion of the relevant training period for Membership to be valid.

    In order to be considered by the relevant meeting of the College ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee (TAC) and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, Membership application forms must be requested by 1 February (for March TAC/Board), 1 June (for July TAC/Board) and 1 October (for November TAC/Board). Signed and dated Membership application forms together with any additional documentation specified therein must be received at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ absolutely no later than 1 March (for March TAC/Board), 1 July (for July TAC/ Board) and 1 November (for November TAC/Board).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    Pursuant to Regulation A1.1.1, applicants for admission to Membership must complete all administrative requirements, including completion of relevant documents and payment of any necessary fees in order for the admission as a Member to take effect.


    Pursuant to sub-clause 3.2.3 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, from 1 July 2016, the membership category of Member will cease to be awarded. From that date, no new applications for admission as a Member, regardless of the date on which all requirements of the Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program were completed, will be considered.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B12 Elevation to Fellowship

    B12.1 Elevation to Fellowship

    B12.1.1     Fellowship applications will be considered by the College ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee (TAC) and recommended to the Board for admission as a Fellow.


    An application for Fellowship may be made up to six (6) calendar months prior to the completion of the required 276 weeks (i.e.72 months) of satisfactory prospectively approved training involving the completion of at least twelve (12) six-monthly summative assessments. However, application forms will only be prepared by College staff where a trainee has satisfied all training and assessment requirements for Fellowship as defined by the College (with the exception of the submission of the final Three-monthly Appraisal, Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report and completion of prospectively approved Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Module/s (if applicable) for trainees applying prior to the completion of all necessary training). The Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Module/s must be signed off as complete by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor (if applicable), the final Three-monthly Appraisal must be approved by the relevant State and Territory or New Zealand TAC Chair and the Six-monthly Summative Assessment must be submitted and assessed as ‘Satisfactory’ at the conclusion of the relevant training period for Fellowship to be valid.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    B12.1.2     Pursuant to Regulation A1.2.2, applicants for elevation to Fellowship must complete all administrative requirements, including completion of relevant documents and payment of any necessary fees within six (6) calendar months of the Fellowship elevation date or the date of the Board meeting at which their application for elevation to Fellowship is approved, whichever is the latter, or the offer of Fellowship will lapse and an additional application will need to be made.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2015]

    B12.1.3     All applicants for elevation to Fellowship must complete and submit the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Exit Survey before their elevation will be finalised.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2014]

    B12.2 Required Declaration

    B12.2.1     At least 30 days prior to the meeting of the Board at which it is intended to consider the elevation of the trainee to Fellowship, trainees must complete and return to the College a Declaration relating to matters that may affect an individual’s Fellowship pursuant to sections of clause 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B12.2.2     Where a completed Declaration indicates matters that may potentially have an effect on an individual’s Fellowship pursuant to the relevant sections of clause 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the matter will be referred in the first instance to the individual appointed by the Board as the Chair of the subcommittee of the Board appointed for such purposes, or referred under the regulations relating to the Professional Standards Committee (Regulation A3).

    This subcommittee Chair will determine whether the matters are such that they be:

    dealt with under relevant provisions of clause 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution; or

    referred under the regulations relating to the Professional Standards Committee (Regulation A3); or

    noted with no further action taken.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    B12.2.3     A candidate for elevation to Fellowship who fails to complete and return to ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ the Declaration as required under Regulation B10.4.1 at least 30 days prior to the meeting of the Board where it is intended to consider the elevation of the candidate to Fellowship, shall not be elevated to Fellowship.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    B12.2.4     Notwithstanding B10.4.1 and B10.4.3 above, where a trainee has been prevented from returning the completed Declaration at least 30 days prior to the anticipated meeting of the Board where it is intended to consider the elevation of the trainee to Fellowship, but has ensured the return of the declaration prior to that meeting of the Board, the elevation may, at the absolute discretion of the Subcommittee Chair appointed pursuant to B10.4.2, be permitted to proceed, provided the declaration indicates nothing that may require consideration pursuant to Regulation B10.4.2.

    17 May 2024


    C1 Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Programs

    C1.1 Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    C1.1.1     ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ programs leading to certification as a subspecialist will be offered in the following subspecialties:

    Gynaecological Oncology (CGO)

    Maternal Fetal Medicine (CMFM)

    Obstetrical & Gynaecological Ultrasound (COGU)

    Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility (CREI)

    Urogynaecology (CU)

    C1.1.2     Doctors seeking to join a Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program must apply to the College for assessment of eligibility for subspecialty training.

    For applicants applying to join a Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program after 1 July 2017, a maximum of three (3) applications in total may be made by any applicant to a particular subspecialty and a maximum of four (4) applications in total may be made across two or more subspecialties.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2017]

    C1.1.3     Doctors who apply through the College and are deemed eligible for subspecialty training must then apply for and obtain an accredited subspecialty training position in order to become a subspecialty trainee and enter the applicable subspecialty training program.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, May 2015]

    C1.2 Entry and Commencement Requirements for the Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Programs

    C1.2.1     To be eligible to apply to the College for assessment:


    F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ trainees applying for:


    CU training must have successfully completed and been credited with at least 138 weeks (FTE) of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, and eligible to commence Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ; or

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]


    CGO, CREI, CMFM and COGU training must have successfully completed and been credited with at least 138 weeks (FTE) of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, passed the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written Examination and applied to sit and subsequently pass the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination held in the first half of the year in which they apply for entry to a subspecialty training program(s).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]


    Specialist IMGs assessed by the College in Australia as being Substantially Comparable to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology must possess medical registration with the MBA with no restrictions, conditions, undertakings or any other limitations that would adversely impact upon their ability to train toward and ultimately act as a subspecialist in the subspecialty(ies) it is intended to apply for.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2015]


    Specialist IMGs assessed by the College in Australia as being Partially Comparable to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology must have completed all assessment requirements, including specified surgical procedures, described in Regulation D1.6.1 and possess medical registration with the MBA with no restrictions, conditions, undertakings or any other limitations that would adversely impact upon their ability to train toward and ultimately act as a subspecialist in the subspecialty(ies) it is intended to apply for.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2015]


    Specialist IMGs assessed by the College in Aotearoa New Zealand as possessing qualifications and experience that are ‘equivalent’ to those of an obstetrician and gynaecologist vocationally trained in New Zealand must be registered with the MCNZ with provisional registration within the vocational scope of obstetrics and gynaecology, with no restrictions, conditions, undertakings or any other limitations that would adversely impact upon their ability to train toward and ultimately act as a subspecialist in the subspecialty(ies) it is intended to apply for.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Specialist IMGs assessed by the College in Aotearoa New Zealand as possessing qualifications and experience that are ‘as satisfactory as’ those of an obstetrician and gynaecologist vocationally trained in Aotearoa New Zealand must be registered with the MCNZ with provisional registration with the vocational scope of obstetrics and gynaecology with no restrictions, conditions, undertakings or any other limitations that would adversely impact upon their ability to train toward and ultimately act as a subspecialist in the subspecialty(ies) it is intended to apply for, and they have completed the assessment requirements outlined in Regulation D2.3.2.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Fellows of the College must possess medical registration with the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) or the Medical Council of Aotearoa New Zealand (MCNZ) as applicable with no restrictions, conditions, undertakings or any other limitations that would adversely impact on or limit their ability to train toward and ultimately act as a subspecialist in the subspecialty(ies) it is intended to apply for.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2015]

    C1.2.2     To become a subspecialty trainee and commence subspecialty training, doctors must have:


    been deemed eligible for subspecialty training program; and


    been appointed to an accredited subspecialty training position; and


    medical registration with the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) or the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) as applicable with no restrictions, conditions, undertakings or any other limitations that would adversely impact on or limit their ability to train toward and ultimately act as a subspecialist in the subspecialty(ies) it is intended to apply for; and or Specialist Registration with the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) or Provisional General Vocational (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) Registration with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) as applicable; and

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2017]


    obtained the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ; or


    For those who applied and commenced the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program on or after 1 December 2013:


    To commence from CU training from 1 December 2020  pursuant to Regulation C1., trainees must have successfully completed all requirements of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program, satisfactorily completed the research component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program and 46 weeks of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ; or

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]


    To commence CGO, CREI, CMFM or COGU pursuant to Regulation C1., trainees must have successfully completed all requirements of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program, eligible to commence Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, and satisfactorily completed the research component of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program; or

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]


    For those who applied and commenced the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program during the period 1 December 2003 to 30 November 2013:


    To commence CU training pursuant to Regulation C1. from 1 December 2020, trainees must have successfully completed all requirements of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program as well as the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ written and oral examinations, and Assessments of Procedural and Surgical Skills, and 46 weeks of Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ; or

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]


    To commence CGO, CREI, CMFM or COGU pursuant to Regulation C1., trainees must have successfully completed all requirements of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ in the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program as well as the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ written and oral examinations, and Assessments of Procedural, and Surgical Skills; or

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]


    for those who applied pursuant to Regulation C1.2.1.2 or C1.2.1.3, unless otherwise approved by the Subspecialties Committee following recommendation from the relevant subspecialty committee, have fulfilled all requirements for Fellowship as specified by the College; or

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2019]


    for those who applied pursuant to Regulation C1.2.1.4 or C1.2.1.5, unless otherwise approved by the Subspecialties Committee following recommendation from the relevant subspecialty committee, have met all requirements for registration within the vocational scope of practice by the MCNZ and fulfilled all requirements for Fellowship as specified by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2019]

    C1.2.3     Doctors who are deemed eligible for subspecialty training and meet the requirements of Regulation C1.2.2 by the end of the year in which they applied, however do not commence subspecialty training in the following year will be required to re-apply to the College for assessment of eligibility for subspecialty training in a subsequent year.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, May 2015]

    C1.2.4     Doctors who are deemed eligible for subspecialty training, but do not meet the requirements of Regulation C1.2.2by the end of the year in which they applied, will be required to re-apply to the College for assessment of eligibility for subspecialty training in a subsequent year.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, May 2015]

    C1.3 Satisfactory Completion of a Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program

    C1.3.1     Trainees certified as having satisfactorily completed a subspecialty training program will have satisfactorily completed 138 weeks (FTE) of full-time approved subspecialty training and any other assessment requirements as described in the curriculum of the relevant subspecialty.

    C1.4 Timeframe for Completion of Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    C1.4.1     For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December 2019 all training and assessment requirements necessary for the awarding of certification in a subspecialty must be completed within eleven (11) years of commencement in the program. For the purpose of this regulation, time in training will be counted as all time on the Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, excluding approved extended leave applications approved after 31 July 2019.

    For trainees who commenced their training from 1 December 2019 all training and assessment requirements necessary for the awarding of certification in a subspecialty must be completed within nine (9) years of commencement in the program.

    For the purpose of this regulation, time in training will be counted as all time on the Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, excluding approved extended leave applications approved after 31 July 2019.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C1.5 Registration / Annual Fee Payment

    C1.5.1     Trainees must submit their ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ registration form to the College by 31 January each year. A registration form must be submitted even if the trainee is not intending to train in the relevant year.

    All trainees in the Subspecialty training program are required to sign the Trainee Statement of Understanding (SoU) which advises them of their rights and responsibilities as a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ trainee on an annual basis. The SoU will need to be submitted with the Prospective Approval. Where the SoU is submitted after that time, no period of training undertaken prior to the submission will be credited.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    C1.5.2     All trainees, regardless of whether training full-time or part-time, must pay the full Annual ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fee to the Finance Department at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ by 31 January of each year unless specifically designated elsewhere in these regulations or policies. Fees are managed by these Regulations and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Associated Fees Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    Subspecialty trainees who discontinue their registration as a registered ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ trainee and subsequently apply to rejoin the same subspecialty program within two (2) years will be required to pay half the annual training fee for the period of time between the last record of registration as a subspecialty trainee and recommencement of subspecialty training.

    C1.6 Obtaining Prospective Approval of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    C1.6.1     Trainees must submit an application for prospective approval of training to ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ not less than eight (8) weeks prior to the commencement of training in each year of training. This includes clinical training and research. Only training that has been prospectively approved by the relevant subspecialty committee Chair will be credited by the College.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C1.6.2     If trainees commence training for the first half of the year before obtaining prospective approval of that training, any training undertaken during the period covered by the first six monthly summative assessment will not be credited – irrespective of the length of the relevant rotation / amount of training involved.  If trainees commence training for the period covered by the second six-monthly summative assessment for the year and have still not obtained prospective approval of training, then any training undertaken for the entire 12 month period will not be credited.

    C1.6.3     Trainees who have completed the training requirements, but not all the assessment requirements for certification in the relevant subspecialty, and who intend to proceed to certification in the subspecialty must remain registered as a trainee. These trainees must pay half the annual training fee until the satisfactory completion of all assessment requirements for certification and must nominate at the completion of their training requirements, a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ certified Subspecialist in the relevant subspecialty, to act as a mentor/supervisor and who shall provide six monthly reports on the trainee’s progress toward the completion of the outstanding assessment requirements, until such time as all assessment requirements have been completed.

    Trainees who do not satisfy the requirements described above will not be permitted to sit either the relevant subspecialty Written or Oral examination, or undertake and/or complete any other requirement(s) of the relevant subspecialty training program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2017]

    C1.6.4     For trainees who commenced subspecialty training prior to 1 December 2014, subspecialty training for the CGO, CREI and CU programs must be undertaken in a minimum of two (2) training units with different ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors during the three (3) year program.

    For trainees commencing subspecialty training from 1 December 2014, subspecialty training in all subspecialties must be undertaken in a minimum of two (2) training units with different ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors during the three (3) year clinical training program. The minimum time in one unit will be the equivalent of six months’ full time training.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2018]

    C1.7 Credit for ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    C1.7.1     ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will be assessed in a series of six (6) month training blocks, which are six-month periods prospectively approved by the relevant Subspecialty Committee. Each six-month training block will involve the completion of a Three-monthly Formative Appraisal and a Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report.


    ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will be credited on the basis of the number of weeks (completed on an FTE basis) of active clinical service / formal training undertaken during the period covered by each six- monthly summative assessment completed for a trainee, rounded up or down to the nearest whole number of weeks.

    The number of weeks (completed on an FTE basis rounded to the nearest whole number) of active clinical training completed within a six-month training block must be recorded on the Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report and signed by the training supervisor.


    Pursuant to Regulation C1.9.1, approved leave taken for the purposes of studying for the relevant subspecialty written and/or oral examination(s) or for recognised professional development may be included in the training time able to be credited in any six (6) month training period.


    The maximum number of weeks able to be credited in any period covered by a six-month summative assessment is twenty-six (26) weeks, with a maximum of 46 weeks of training able to be credited for training undertaken in a “subspecialty training yearâ€.

    A “subspecialty training year†consists of two consecutive “six month training blocks†based around (but not confined to) a calendar year and is determined by the relevant Subspecialty Committee.


    The minimum number of weeks able to be credited in any period covered by a Six-monthly Summative Assessment is ten (10) weeks (FTE).  If the number of weeks of training (FTE) in a six-month period is less than ten (10), no credit for the training period will be recognised.


    Trainees undertaking approved extended leave (see Regulation C1.10) may receive credit for training of less than the minimum number of weeks stipulated in Regulation C1.7.1.4 where that training has been prospectively approved and the period immediately precedes or follows a block of training normally covered by a Six-monthly Summative Assessment.

    In such instances, formative appraisals and summative assessments will be conducted at the times determined for all trainees by the relevant Subspecialty Committee in the period(s) of training prior to and/or after returning from the leave in question, and/or at any other time as determined by the Chair of the relevant Subspecialty Committee to ensure appropriate assessment of the overall training period in question.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C1.7.2     A period of training will be credited to subspecialty trainees only when:


    Prospective approval has been obtained from the Chair of the relevant subspecialty committee, subsequent to recommendation by the relevant subspecialty committee, to commence in the training post;


    The annual fee as well as any other applicable fee(s) has been paid for that year in training;


    The training undertaken on a full- or part-time basis, is in a block that equates to at least ten (10) weeks FTE in the post(s) prospectively approved by the Chair of the relevant subspecialty committee and involves the completion of a Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report for the period in question


    The relevant Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report for the period has been assessed as satisfactory by the Chair of the relevant subspecialty committee; and


    Signed copies of the relevant Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report are received at College House within six (6) weeks of completion of the period of training.

    C1.8 Fractional / Part-time ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    C1.8.1     Trainees commencing subspecialty training in CGO, COGU and CU from 1 January 2022, Year 1 of training may be undertaken as fractional (part time) training.

    For trainees commencing subspecialty training in the CMFM and CREI training programs from 1 December 2014, Year 1 of training may be undertaken as fractional (part-time) training.

    In subsequent years, for all subspecialty training programs, fractional (part-time) training may be undertaken

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2022]

    C1.8.2     For the purposes of credited training, the College defines fractional (part-time) training as training undertaken between 0.5 and full-time training (1.0) at the relevant site for the relevant period of training. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will be credited on the basis of the period of training (in calendar weeks) multiplied by the relevant time fraction.

    C1.8.3     Trainees undertaking fractional (part-time) training must also remain within the maximum limits allowed for completion of all requirements of the relevant subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (Refer to Regulation C1.4).

    C1.8.4     Credit will only be given for prospectively approved fractional (part-time) training per six-month training block of not less than ten (10) weeks FTE, regardless of the number of training sites at which the period in question was obtained.

    C1.9 Leave from ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 — Creation of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Leave Policy]

    C1.9.1     Trainees are permitted up to two (2) weeks of leave per year for the purposes of studying for the relevant subspecialty examinations or for recognised professional development. Trainee Extended leave is managed under these regulations and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Leave Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C1.9.2     In the event of disputes about leave entitlements or if a trainee wishes to apply for special consideration on the grounds of exceptional circumstances, the matter should be referred to the Chair of the relevant Subspecialty Committee. Further review of such decisions if required, will be conducted by the Chair of the College Subspecialties Committee, who may consult the relevant subspecialty Chair if additional advice is needed.

    C1.10 Extended Leave

    C1.10.1     Trainees may interrupt their training to take extended leave from the training program for a maximum of 104 weeks cumulative, but only 52 weeks’ leave of absence can be approved at any one time Trainee Extended leave is managed under these regulations and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Leave Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C1.10.2     Trainees who exceed the permitted maximum of 104 weeks of Extended Leave from the program without authorisation from the relevant Subspecialty Committee Chair will be considered for removal from the training program (see Regulation A4).

    C1.11 Resignation from a Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program

    C1.11.1     Trainees who resign from a training post prior to the completion of a prospectively approved period of training and completion of relevant assessments will be regarded as having resigned from the relevant subspecialty training program, unless done so with the approval of the Chair of the relevant Subspecialty Committee.

    C1.12 Overseas ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    C1.12.1     The first 12 months of any subspecialty training must be spent in a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ approved training position in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    C1.12.2     Subspecialty training in a prospectively approved overseas training position may be credited towards ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ subspecialty training if:


    the trainee has completed 46 weeks of training in a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ approved subspecialty training unit in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand and the training program has been prospectively approved by the relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ subspecialty committee;


    the trainee is registered with the College as a subspecialty trainee;


    the period of training is supported by completion of all relevant subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training documentation including the Daily ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Record (logbook), Three-monthly Formative Appraisal and Six-monthly Summative Assessment reports; and is submitted within the stipulated time frames; and


    the training has been assessed as satisfactory by the relevant overseas ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor and the Chair of the relevant Subspecialty Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    C1.12.3     The period of time credited to the trainee will be at the discretion of the relevant Subspecialty Committee.

    C1.13 Amendment of these Regulations and Interpretation

    In circumstances they regard as exceptional, the Board may give approval for these rules to be interpreted to extend dates and requirements fixed by Regulations by which a subspecialty trainee must complete an examination or assessment task.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    C2 Removal from Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 — Creation of Removal from ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Policy and Procedure]

    C2.1 Removal from a Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program

    C2.1.1     Unless the overseeing Committee accepts that exceptional circumstances exist, a trainee will be referred to the Progression Review Committee (PRC) for consideration for removal from a Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program if a trainee fails to meet the commitments of their program. This process is managed in these regulations and the Removal from ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Policy and Procedure.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C2.1.2     Where a trainee’s behaviour breaches ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct, they will be referred to Professional Standards Committee (PSC) for review and/or removal from a Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program. This process is managed in these regulations and the Removal from ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C3 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Assessment Documentation

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 — Creation of Subspecialties ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Assessment Documents Policy and Procedure]

    C3.1 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Record

    C3.1.1     All documentation and assessments, excluding examinations, relating to a Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program are managed under these regulations and the Subspecialties ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Assessment Documentation Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C3.1.2     In circumstances they regard as exceptional, the Board may give approval for these rules to be interpreted to extend dates and requirements fixed by Regulations and policies by which a trainee must submit ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Documentation.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C4 Subspecialty Examinations — General Regulations

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 — Creation of Examination Policy]

    C4.1 Examination Policy

    C4.1.1     Examinations processes and criteria are managed in Examination Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C4.2 Examination Fees

    C4.2.1     Fees for examinations are managed in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Associated Fees Policy.

    C4.3 Withdrawal

    C4.3.1     All withdrawals must be made in writing to the Examination Office. Where applicable, refunds are available and detailed in Examination Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C4.3.2     Failure to give written notice of withdrawal from the examination or failure to present for an examination will constitute a failure in the examination and forfeiture of the whole examination fee.

    C4.4 Results


    Candidates are not permitted to communicate directly with individual examiners regarding their results. All enquiries must be directed in writing to the Chair of the Examination Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    C4.4.2     Examination results for individual candidates will not be released to any person other than the candidate and those persons specified in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Release of Examination Results Policy or Statement of Understanding otherwise without express written permission from the candidate.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2021]

    C4.4.3     If, in the opinion of the Examination and Assessment Committee, a candidate has made an attempt to obtain, or has obtained, an unfair advantage before or during any part of an examination, the candidate will be withdrawn from the examination and a fail result recorded, as applicable. Subsequent to this, the candidate’s eligibility for further examination by the College will be considered by the Examination and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    C4.5 Scope of Subspecialty Examinations

    C4.5.1     The scope of material covered by subspecialty written and oral examinations is determined through the materials listed in the relevant sections of the individual subspecialty curricula.

    C4.6 Examination Feedback

    C4.6.1     Subject to the approval of individual subspecialty committees, feedback to candidates in written and oral subspecialty examinations will be available to candidates as per relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ guidelines and policies as modified from time to time.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C4.7 Remarking of Examinations

    C4.7.1     Unless errors in process or similar anomalies are able to be demonstrated, ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ does not approve requests for remarking of examination papers.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C4.8 Amendment of these Regulations and Interpretation

    In circumstances they regard as exceptional, the Board may give approval for these rules to be interpreted to extend dates and requirements fixed by Regulations by which a trainee must complete an examination.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    C5 Subspecialty Written and Oral Examinations

    C5.1 Frequency

    C5.1.1     Subspecialty Written Examinations will be held once a year in venues and at times approved by the Examination and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    C5.1.2     Subspecialty Oral Examinations will normally be held annually in Australia in a venue and at times approved by the Examination and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    C5.2 Attempts

    C5.2.1     For those commencing subspecialty training prior to 1 December 2016, the maximum number of attempts at subspecialty Written Examinations will be four (4).

    C5.2.2     For those commencing subspecialty training prior to 1 December 2016, the maximum number of attempts at subspecialty Oral Examinations will be four (4).

    C5.2.3     For those commencing subspecialty training from 1 December 2016, the maximum number of attempts at subspecialty Written Examinations will be three (3).

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2016]

    C5.2.4     For those commencing subspecialty training from 1 December 2016, the maximum number of attempts at subspecialty Oral Examinations will be three (3).

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2016]

    C5.2.5     For trainees who commenced their training prior to 1 December 2019 the first attempt at a subspecialty Written or Oral Examination must be undertaken within two (2) years of completing prospectively approved subspecialty training and candidates must pass both the Written and Oral Examinations within six (6) years of completing prospectively approved subspecialty training.

    For trainees who commenced their training from 1 December 2019 the first attempt at a subspecialty Written Oral Examination must be undertaken within two (2) years of completing prospectively approved subspecialty training and candidates must pass both the Written and Oral Examinations within four (4) years of completing prospectively approved subspecialty training.

    For the purpose of this regulation, time in training will be counted as all time on the Subspecialty ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program, excluding approved extended leave applications approved after 31 July 2019.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C5.3 Eligibility

    C5.3.1     Subspecialty trainees may make their first attempt at a Subspecialty Written Examination after they have completed at least 46 weeks FTE of prospectively approved and satisfactory training in a subspecialty training program.

    C5.3.2     CGO Subspecialty trainees may make their first attempt at a Subspecialty Oral Examination after they have completed at least 92 weeks FTE of prospectively approved and satisfactory training in the subspecialty training program.

    With effect from 30 June 2022, CMFM and CREI Subspecialty trainees may make their first attempt at a Subspecialty Oral Examination after they have completed at least 46 weeks FTE of prospectively approved and satisfactory training in the subspecialty training program.

    With effect from 1 January ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023, COGU Subspecialty trainees may make their first attempt at a Subspecialty Oral Examination after they have completed at least 46 weeks FTE of prospectively approved and satisfactory training in the subspecialty training.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C5.3.3     CMFM trainees must satisfactorily complete the In-Hospital Clinical Examination (IHCE) prior to completing the 138 weeks of prospectively approved training.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C5.3.4     Any additional training requirements and/or assessments required by the relevant subspecialty committee, other than the research project, must be satisfactorily completed before sitting either the Written or Oral examination as applicable.

    C6 In-Hospital Clinical Ultrasound Assessment/Examination

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 — Creation of Examination Policy]

    C6.1 Ultrasound Modules

    C6.1.1     CMFM trainees must complete the Diploma of Diagnostic Ultrasound (DDU) Part 1 and the In-Hospital Ultrasound Examination (IHCE).

    C6.1.2     COGU trainees must complete the In-hospital Clinical Ultrasound Assessment (IHCA).

    C6.2 Attempts

    C6.2.1     The IHCA/IHCE may be repeated as a summative assessment as many times as is necessary, but not within four (4) weeks of an unsuccessful attempt.

    C6.3 Eligibility

    C6.3.1     CMFM trainees must complete the DDU Part 1 before the IHCE is attempted. CMFM trainees may undertake the required IHCE after completion of 46 weeks FTE of prospectively approved and satisfactory subspecialty training.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C6.4 Assessors

    C6.4.1     All assessors/examiners must be selected in accordance with the requirements of the relevant subspecialty.

    C7 Scholarly Elective

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 — Creation of Subspecialties Scholarly Elective Policy]

    C7.1 Scholarly Elective

    The scholarly elective is the completion of a research stream option or non-research stream option, on some aspect of, or pertaining to, the relevant subspecialty. Every subspecialty trainee must complete a scholarly elective.

    Gynaecological Oncology, and Urogynaecology trainees are eligible to apply for the research stream (C7.2). Maternal Fetal Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility and Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound trainees are eligible to apply for either of the scholarly elective pathways.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C7.2 Scholarly Elective Policy

    The process for Subspecialties Scholarly Elective is managed under these regulations and the Subspecialties Scholarly Elective Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C8 Subspecialty Certification

    C8.1 Subspecialist Certification

    C8.1.1     Subspecialty certification is awarded to persons who have met all the following requirements:


    admission by the Board as a Fellow of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ; and


    satisfactory completion of the requirements of the relevant subspecialty training program, including completion of all associated administrative requirements.

    C8.1.2     Subspecialty certification of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists will be awarded for a period of three (3) years in the first instance and thereafter for periods of three (3) years subject to completion of all recertification requirements.

    C8.2 Applications for Certification

    C8.2.1     An application for Certification may be made upon satisfactory completion of the requirements of the relevant subspecialty training program, and all associated administrative requirements; including the completion of the required 138 weeks FTE of satisfactory prospectively approved training involving the completion of at least six (6) Six-monthly Summative Assessments. It is the responsibility of the trainee to submit their application for subspecialist certification, including necessary supporting evidence ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C8.2.2     In order to be considered by the relevant meeting of the Subspecialties Committee, signed and dated application forms, together with any additional documentation specified therein must be received at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    C8.2.3     Applicants for subspecialty Certification must complete all administrative requirements, including completion of relevant documents and payment of any necessary fees within six (6) calendar months of the Subspecialty Certification date or the offer of Certification will lapse and an additional application will need to be made.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    C9 Subspecialty Recognition of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (RTP) for International Specialists


    The RTP is available to international obstetrics and gynaecology specialists who are eligible to complete a maximum of two years’ supervised training with a subspecialty focus, in an unaccredited training position in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.  Such specialists shall be registered as ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ RTP trainees upon payment of the annual training fee (or part thereof) and appointment of a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor and must submit the relevant satisfactory training documentation by the same deadlines that apply to all subspecialty trainees. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ in the program must be undertaken in an accredited training unit.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Trainees enrolled in the RTP are not required to complete the Research Project and are not eligible for the subspecialty examinations. The RTP is not a recognised qualification within Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand and may not be used as such.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    17 May 2024


    D1 Assessment of Specialist International Medical Graduates Applying for Recognition as a Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Australia

    D1.1 The Application Process

    D1.1.1     Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMGs) seeking recognition as a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in Australia must apply directly to the College using the prescribed application form.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, June 2014]

    ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will assess applicants via the following SIMG Pathways and scopes of practice:

    AoN (Australia only)

    Generalist Obstetrics and Gynaecology

    Subspecialist and Common Scope in one of the five recognised scope of practice:

    Gynaecological Oncology (CGO)

    Maternal Fetal Medicine (CMFM)

    Obstetrical & Gynaecological Ultrasounds (COGU)

    Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility (CREI)

    Urogynaecology (CU)

    Academic and common scope (Generalist Obstetrics and Gynaecology only)

    Dual assessment of General Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Subspecialist and Common Scope in one of the five ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ recognised scopes of practice

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.1.2     Fees for required during the application stage or during time as an SIMG are managed in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Associated Fees Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    D1.1.3     Applications for assessment may be made by:


    Australian graduates who have undertaken post-graduate specialist training in obstetrics and gynaecology overseas;


    SIMGs who have previously applied for assessment as per D1.1.3.1 via either the AMC or ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ who request to be reassessed as per D1.7 and D3.7.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.1.4     Applicants applying for recognition as a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in Australia pursuant to Regulation D1.1.1 must:


    hold a primary qualification in medicine and surgery from a training institution recognised by both the AMC and the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS); and

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]


    have completed formal post-graduate training in obstetrics and gynaecology and have obtained specialist recognition from a recognised college or equivalent body and provide evidence of specialist recognition;


    have participated in a continuing professional development program since obtaining a specialist qualification;


    for applications submitted on or after 1 January 2015, demonstrate that they have the necessary English language skills for the purposes of registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and in accordance with Regulation D1.1.4; and

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]


    for applications submitted on or after 1 July 2016, demonstrate recency of practice in the relevant scope of practice, generalist obstetrics and gynaecology, academic and common scope of practice or subspecialist and common scope of practice, within the twelve (12) months prior to making application for assessment, in accordance with the Medical Board of Australia Recency of Practice Standard.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]


    for applications submitted on or after 1 July 2016, nominate for assessment in one of the three scopes of practice: generalist obstetrics and gynaecology, academic and common scope of practice or subspecialist and common scope of practice and meet an additional requirement for assessment in that scope of practice as specified in D1.2.3.3 and D1.2.3.4.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D1.1.5     English Language Proficiency


    The requirement for English language skills must be at the level expected by the Medical Board of Australia’s registration standard for English language skills.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.1.6     Applications must include all required documentation as specified by the College. An Incomplete Application fee shall be payable for incomplete applications.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, June 2014]

    D1.1.7     The application for assessment will lapse if payment, referee reports and/or documentation remain outstanding after six (6) months from the date of receipt of the application for assessment.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, June 2014]

    D1.2 Preliminary Review

    D1.2.1     The SIMG Preliminary Review fee must be processed before assessment can commence. Three (3) written referee reports must be received at the College prior to interview.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.2.2     Each application will be assessed against the requirements of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ for comparability to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology.

    D1.2.3     The Preliminary Review will be conducted by at least one member of the assessment panel, appointed by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ SIMG Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]


    In order to be considered for interview, it is generally expected that applicants will have completed a specialist training program in obstetrics and gynaecology which meets the following criteria:

    The program was a structured post-graduate course of at least five (5) years duration with published standards that are comparable to that of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program.

    The training program must cover the areas as defined in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Common Scope of Practice. 

    The specialist post-graduate program incorporated a documented and systematic in- training assessment system incorporating regular, on-going formative and summative performance-based assessments, examinations and other assessments comparable to those undertaken by F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ trainees.

    Entry into the program was via a competitive process.

    The program was accredited against published standards by an external body and was subjected to assessment for reaccreditation at regular intervals.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]


    Applicants who completed the training programs leading to the qualifications specifically listed on the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ website, as approved by the Board for this purpose, will be deemed eligible for interview without the need to demonstrate that their specific training program met the above criteria.


    In order to be considered for interview, applicants who nominate for assessment in the academic and common scope of practice must demonstrate that they:

    currently hold an academic appointment of at least 0.5 EFT at professorial level at an Australian or Aotearoa New Zealand university or are on an academic pathway that would be reasonably expected to lead to an appointment at this level in an Australian or Aotearoa New Zealand University;

    have completed a PhD level research degree at a THES top 400 University; and

    have had at least forty (40) peer-reviewed publications (PubMed) following completion of the PhD, within the preceding five (5) years.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    In order to be considered for interview, applicants who nominate for assessment in the subspecialist and common scope of practice must demonstrate they hold a recognised subspecialist qualification from a recognised College or national certifying body and subsequent experience in one of the five recognised ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Subspecialties in accordance with D3.1.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]


    Prior to the Preliminary Review Outcome being issued, the Applicant will be provided with feedback via the Summary of Preliminary Review (SPR) form.

    The Applicant has twenty-one calendar days from the date of receipt of the SPR to respond using the applicable ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ forms. Following the twenty-one-day timeframe ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will issue the Preliminary Review Outcome.

    If feedback is provided by the Applicant, the SIMG Assessor(s) will consider the submission can issue a final Preliminary Review Outcome.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.2.4     The outcome of the Preliminary Review will be either


    ‘not comparable’. If an Applicant requires more than twenty-four months of upskilling to be considered partially comparable to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology’; in the recognised subspecialties; or Academic and Common Scope specialist, then the applicant is classified as not comparable, or;

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]


    ‘Eligible Interview’. If an Applicant is eligible for interview then an interview will explore in greater details the Applicant’s qualifications, training, experience, recency of practice in the specialty, CPD and non-technical professional attributes including the Applicant’s understanding of the importance of culturally safe and respectful practice for the community, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to determine comparability on one of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ’s recognised SIMG pathways.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.2.5     Applicants assessed as ‘not comparable to an Australian-trained Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology’ will be advised that if they wish to proceed to F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ they must apply to enter the College training program at Year 1, having met the necessary entry requirements.

    D1.2.6     Applicants assessed as ‘eligible for interview’ pursuant to D1.2.4.2 above will be assessed in accordance with Regulation D1.3.


    Applicants will be advised that if they do not attend an interview within 12 months of receipt of invitation to interview, the application will lapse.


    Applicants may not attend an interview until such time as the Primary Source Verification of their primary medical qualification, their highest specialist O&G qualification, and any additional qualification used as part of the SIMG assessment. If applying to the subspecialist and common scope of practice pathway, their highest subspecialty qualification, have been verified.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.3 The Interview

    D1.3.1     The interview will be conducted by a panel of SIMG Assessors, appointed by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ SIMG Assessment Committee, pursuant to that Committee’s Terms of Reference.

    D1.4 Outcome of the Interview

    D1.4.1     For applicants applying for assessment in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice or the academic and common scope of practice the SIMG Assessment Committee will make one of the following determinations:

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2019]


    The applicant’s training and experience is such that they are Substantially Comparable to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice or the academic and common scope of practice.

    Applicants assessed as Substantially Comparable are required to meet the requirements of Regulation D1.5 in order to be awarded F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.


    The applicant’s training and experience, while not such that they are considered Substantially Comparable to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice or the academic and common scope of practice, is such that they may be considered to be Partially Comparable, at least at the level of a Year 5 (i.e. end of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ period) ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ trainee.

    Applicants assessed as Partially Comparable are required to meet the training assessment and administrative requirements of Regulation D1.6 in order to be awarded F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]


    The applicant’s training and experience is such that they are neither partially nor substantially comparable to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice or the academic and common scope of practice.

    Applicants assessed as neither partially nor substantially comparable who wish to attain F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ must apply to enter the College training program at Year 1, having met the necessary entry requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D1.4.2     For applicants applying for assessment in the subspecialist and common scope of practice, the SIMG Assessment Committee will make one of the following determinations:

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2019]


    The applicant’s training and experience is such that they are eligible for assessment by one of the recognised subspecialty assessment panels for comparability to an Australian-trained subspecialist in the subspecialist and common scope of practice.

    Applicants assessed as eligible for Subspecialty assessment will be referred for assessment as per the requirements of Regulation D3.


    The applicant’s training and experience, while not such that they are considered eligible for assessment in one of the recognised subspecialties is such that they may be considered to be Substantially Comparable to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice.

    Applicants assessed as Substantially Comparable are required to meet the training, assessment and administrative requirements of Regulation D1.5 in order to be awarded F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.


    The applicant’s training and experience, while not such that they are considered eligible for assessment by one of the recognised subspecialty assessment or such that they may be considered to be Substantially Comparable to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice is such that they may be considered to be Partially Comparable in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice, at least at the level of a Year 5 (i.e. end of Basic ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ period) ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ trainee.

    Applicants assessed as Partially Comparable are required to meet the training, assessment and administrative requirements of Regulation D1.6 in order to be awarded F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]


    The applicant’s training and experience is such that they are not considered eligible for assessment by one of the recognised subspecialty assessment panels or partially or substantially comparable to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice.

    Applicants assessed as neither partially nor substantially comparable who wish to attain F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ must apply to enter the College training program at Year 1, having met the necessary entry requirements.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D1.5 Applicants Assessed as Substantially Comparable

    D1.5.1     SIMG applicants assessed as Substantially Comparable to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice or the academic and common scope of practice will be eligible to apply for Fellowship following satisfactory completion of:


    A minimum period of three months up to twelve months (FTE) of supervised specialist clinical practice in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice or the academic and common scope of practice in a position in Australia prospectively approved by the SIMG Assessment Committee;


    a Multi-source Feedback Assessment, to the satisfaction of the SIMG Assessment



    the requisite number of three-monthly reports;


    the equivalent number of months of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities in the relevant College CPD program as an Educational Affiliate of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ; and


    such other assessment(s) as the College may from time to time require.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    The duration of the period of supervised specialist clinical practice shall be stipulated by the SIMG Assessment Committee.

    For the purposes of this regulation, 12 months’ supervised specialist clinical practice is defined as a minimum of 46 weeks completed full-time specialist clinical practice, with the definition of shorter periods of work being determined on a pro rata basis. Appointments of less than three (3) months (FTE) will not be considered in assessing duration of supervised specialist clinical practice.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    For applicants in the academic and common scope of practice, the period of full-time supervised specialist work may comprise up to 0.5 FTE in an Academic post at professorial level, with the remaining FTE component in clinical practice.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D1.5.2     Applicants will have two (2) years from the time of notification of assessment of Substantial Comparability in which to provide evidence of satisfactory completion of the required supervised specialist clinical practice and to apply for Fellowship.

    Applicants assessed on or after 1 July 2016 will have two (2) years from the time of the commencement of the first prospectively approved supervised position, if required, in which to provide evidence of satisfactory completion of the required supervised specialist clinical practice and to apply for Fellowship.

    The first supervised position if required must be commenced within three (3) years of the date of notification of the assessment decision by the College and prior to this commencement, recency of practice must be maintained as per the Medical Board of Australia Recency of Practice Standard.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    Applicants undertaking fractional (part-time) work must also remain within the maximum limit allowed for completion of the requirements of Regulation D1.5.1. A Substantially Comparable SIMG unable to satisfactorily complete College requirements as stated in D1.5.1 will be reassessed as Partially Comparable or Not Comparable.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2016]

    D1.5.3     An annual fee will be payable to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ during the period of supervised specialist clinical practice.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.5.4     Applications for prospective approval of a position must be submitted prior to commencing the period of supervised clinical practice. Applications submitted after a SIMG assessed as Substantially Comparable has commenced the position will only be approved from the date the application is received at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    An SIMG must occupy a prospectively approved position and remain under supervision until all assessment requirements are completed.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    For applicants in the academic and common scope of practice, prospective approval must be obtained for both the clinical and academic components of the position.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D1.5.5     Each applicant must have a supervisor who must be a Fellow of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and who is in a position to observe their specialist clinical practice on a regular basis, conduct performance reviews, provide constructive feedback and seek the views of health care colleagues when compiling supervisor reports.

    All supervisors must be approved by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ SIMG Assessment Committee Chair, prior to commencement of supervised employment. Supervisors should ensure they comply with the requirements prescribed in the MBA Standards: Specialist medical college assessment of specialist international medical graduates.

    For applicants in the academic and common scope of practice, a supervisor must be nominated for both the clinical and academic components of the position.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.5.6     For periods of supervised clinical practice, formal reports, in the format specified by the College, must be submitted three-monthly to the SIMG Assessment Committee. Failure to submit any Three-monthly Report within four (4) weeks of completion of that period of work will invalidate that three-month period of supervision.

    For applicants in the academic and common scope of practice, Three-monthly reports must be submitted for both the clinical and academic components of the position.

    Management of other than satisfactory Three-monthly Reports will be the responsibility of the SIMG Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.5.7     The required period of supervised specialist clinical practice in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology in an approved position in Australia shall be deemed to have been successfully completed upon receipt of the requisite number of satisfactory Three-monthly Report(s).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.5.8     Following satisfactory completion of the requirements stipulated in Regulation D1.5.1 the applicant will be confirmed as Substantially Comparable to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice or the academic and common scope of practice and will be eligible to apply for Fellowship under subclause 3.2.1(b) and 3.3.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution. Fellowship will be awarded once all administrative requirements have been met.

    Applicants must complete these administrative requirements within six (6) months of the date of the meeting of the Board at which their elevation to Fellowship is passed. If this requirement is not met by that time, the offer of Fellowship will lapse and a new application for Fellowship made.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D1.5.9     If the requirements for the awarding of Fellowship have not been completed within the timeframes specified in D1.5.2, a new application for SIMG assessment must be submitted.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D1.5.10     Where any assessment(s) indicate an applicant’s inability to work at specialist level in Australia without further training, the applicant may be reclassified, by the SIMG Assessment Committee upon reference to the assessment outcomes under D1.5.10.1. The relevant statutory authority will be notified of any change in status of the applicant.


    ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may use different assessment tools to determine if an SIMG is performing at the level expected of a Substantially Comparable SIMG. These are not limited to but may include a multi-source feedback assessment and a site visit.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D1.5.11     Removal from the SIMG Pathway to Fellowship


    Unless the SIMG Assessment Committee accepts that exceptional circumstances exist, an applicant granted Substantial Comparability to an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology under Regulation D1.5 will be referred to the Progression Review Committee (PRC) for consideration for removal from their pathway to Fellowship if the requirements for elevation to Fellowship are not completed and an application for elevation not made within the timeframes specified in D1.5.2.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]


    At least thirty (30) days prior to a meeting of the SIMG Assessment Committee at which an applicant is to be considered for removal from their pathway to Fellowship, the applicant will be informed of this in writing by the Chair of the Committee and advised:

    of the grounds on which they may be removed from their pathway to Fellowship;

    that unless the SIMG Assessment Committee accepts that exceptional circumstances apply, they will be referred to the PRC for consideration for removal from the pathway to Fellowship in accordance with Regulation A4;

    that any information they wish to have considered by the SIMG Assessment Committee should be provided in writing to the committee coordinator at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ not less than twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting of the SIMG Assessment Committee at which their removal from their pathway to Fellowship is to be considered. Any documentation submitted after that time will only be considered if the Chair of the SIMG Assessment Committee considers that the material is of significance to the matter being considered.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    D1.6 Applicants Assessed as Partially Comparable

    D1.6.1     Applicants assessed as Partially Comparable in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice or the academic and common scope of practice are required to satisfactorily complete the following as an SIMG trainee:


    A minimum period of six months (FTE) and a maximum of twenty-four months (FTE) of prospectively approved, supervised training whereby the SIMG trainee is certified as possessing the competencies expected of an Australian-trained specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice or the academic and common scope of practice, as outlined on the College documentation that specifies this information (the Competency Assessment Form).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    For applicants in the academic and common scope of practice, the period of supervised specialist work may comprise up to 0.5 FTE in an Academic post at professorial level, with the remaining FTE component in clinical practice.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]


    Completion of the Assessment of Procedural and Surgical Skills (APSS) Ultrasounds B, Colposcopy Assessment of Procedural and Surgical Skills (APSS) and communication skills workshop is required.

    Those who were assessed prior to 01 January 2020 are eligible to complete the equivalent IHCA requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]


    The F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written Examination (maximum of four (4) attempts). For SIMGs whose applications for SIMG Assessment were assessed by the College on or after 1 July 2016, the maximum number of attempts shall be three (3). This must be completed before attempting the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination (see Regulation B6.3.1) and/or

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]


    The F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Oral Examination (maximum of four (4) attempts). For SIMGs whose applications for SIMG Assessment were assessed by the College on or after 1 July 2016, the maximum number of attempts shall be three (3). The first attempt at this examination cannot be made until after the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written Examination has been passed.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, August 2016]


    Such other assessment(s) as the College may from time to time require.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D1.6.2     The requirements listed in Regulation D1.6.1 may be completed concurrently; however, all requirements must be completed within four (4) years of the date of notification of the assessment decision by the College.

    For applicants assessed on or after 1 July 2016 the requirements listed in Regulation D1.6.1 may be completed concurrently; however, all requirements must be completed within four (4) years of the date of the commencement of the first prospectively approved training position. The first training position must be commenced within three (3) years of the date of notification of the assessment decision by the College and prior to this commencement, recency of practice must be maintained as per the Medical Board of Australia Recency of Practice Standard.

    Trainees undertaking fractional (part-time) training must also remain within the maximum limit allowed for completion of the requirements of Regulation D1.6.1.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2016]

    D1.6.3     For the purposes of Regulation D1.6.1.1, 12 months training is defined as a minimum of 46 weeks completed full-time training. The College defines fractional (part-time) training as training undertaken between 0.5 and full-time training (1.0) at the relevant site for the relevant period of training. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will be recognised on the basis of the period of training (in calendar weeks) multiplied by the relevant time fraction.

    The minimum number of weeks able to be recognised for the purposes of Regulation D1.6.1.1 in any period covered by a Six-monthly Summative Assessment is ten (10) weeks (FTE). If the number of weeks of training (FTE) in a six-month period is less than 10, the training will not be recognised.

    For applicants in the academic and common scope of practice, the period of full-time supervised specialist work may comprise up to 0.5 FTE in an Academic post at professorial level, with the remaining FTE component in clinical practice.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D1.6.4     Trainees are permitted up to two (2) weeks of leave per year for the purposes of studying for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ examinations or for recognised professional development. This study/professional development leave may be recognised as part of the training required for the purposes of Regulation D1.6.1.1. This study/professional development leave must be prospectively approved and must meet the following criteria:


    In the case of leave taken for the purposes of professional development (including attendance at a F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ examination revision course run by the College), a copy of the certificate of attendance or receipt for the relevant course/workshop must be submitted with the trainee’s next Six-monthly Summative Assessment that is completed after the leave is taken; and


    In the case of leave taken for the purposes of studying for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ examinations, the leave must be taken within three (3) months prior to the date of the relevant examination (except where the leave is for the purposes of attendance at a F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ examination revision course run by the College), and a copy of the receipt of the examination fee for the relevant examination must be submitted with the trainee’s Six-monthly Summative Assessment Report(s) covering the period of leave taken.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2017]

    D1.6.5     Applicants who commence the requirements in Regulation D1.6.1 as an SIMG trainee for the purpose of becoming eligible for the award of F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may not apply for reassessment within the timeframe specified for the completion of those requirements.

    D1.6.6     To be eligible to undertake any of the assessment requirements listed in Regulation D1.6.1, an SIMG trainee must occupy a prospectively approved position under supervision and must continue to do so until all assessment requirements, including the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written and Oral Examinations, are complete.

    D1.6.7     Applications for prospective approval of training must be submitted to ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ prior to commencing training. Applications submitted after a SIMG trainee has commenced the position will only be approved from the date the application is received at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    A training position is approved for a maximum of 12 months and a new application for approval must be submitted each and every year until such time as the requirements stipulated in Regulation D1.6.1 have been satisfactorily completed.

    For applicants in the academic and common scope of practice, prospective approval must be obtained for both the clinical and academic components of the position.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    D1.6.8     The training undertaken under Regulation D1.6.1 will be overseen by the SIMG Assessment Committee in consultation with the Chair of the relevant State and Territory/New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee. The SIMG supervisor to be responsible for supervising the training will be nominated by the Chair of the SIMG Assessment Committee in consultation with the Chair of the relevant State and Territory /New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee.

    For applicants in the academic and common scope of practice, a supervisor must be nominated for the clinical and academic components of the position.

    The supervision must include regular assessment of performance and progress by means of the College’s SIMG Three-monthly Formative Appraisal and SIMG Six-monthly Summative Assessment utilising the input from a range of consultants and other health professionals with whom the SIMG trainee has worked, until such time (up to the time limit specified in Regulation D1.6.2) as the SIMG trainee is certified as possessing the competencies expected of an Australian-trained specialist as defined by the Competency Assessment Form.

    This documentation must be forwarded to ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ within four (4) weeks of the end of the relevant training period to which a Three-monthly Formative Appraisal relates and within six (6) weeks of the end of the relevant training period to which a Six-monthly Summative Assessment relates.

    For applicants in the academic and common scope of practice, Three and Six-monthly assessment reports must be submitted for the clinical and academic components of the position.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    D1.6.9     Assessment of Performance


    In the event that there are concerns about a SIMG trainee’s performance and progress it is essential that this is indicated to the SIMG trainee and recorded at the time of the Three- monthly Formative Appraisal.


    Once completed, Six-monthly Summative Assessments will be assessed by SIMG supervisors as either ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Referred for Review’. Six-monthly Summative Assessments for periods of training commenced on or after 1 December 2013 may not be assessed as ‘Borderline’.


    Any Six-monthly Summative Assessment which is ‘Referred for Review’ must be forwarded to the Chair of the SIMG Assessment Committee for further consideration and action by that committee and must be accompanied by a written suggested Learning Development Plan for the SIMG trainee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]


    All Six-monthly Summative Assessments ‘Referred for Review’ will be considered by the SIMG Assessment Committee at the next meeting following the conclusion of the relevant six-month training period. The Committee, after discussion, will decide if a SIMG trainee’s assessment is to be deemed ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Not Satisfactory’. In making their decision, the Committee may discuss the SIMG trainee’s report with the relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor and the relevant State and Territory/New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee Chair. Previous reports and progress should also be reviewed and specific areas of concern identified and noted.

    The SIMG trainee should ensure the assessment is initiated and lodged with the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]


    If the Six-monthly Summative Assessment is assessed by the SIMG Assessment Committee as ‘Satisfactory’, the Chair will write to the SIMG trainee informing them of the Committee’s decision and a copy of the completed report will be returned to them. The relevant State and Territory/ New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee Chair will also be notified of the outcome.

    If the Committee’s view is that there are nevertheless areas of concern in relation to the SIMG trainee’s performance and progress, this must be communicated to the SIMG trainee in the same letter. Copies of the letter should be sent to the relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor and the Chair of the relevant State and Territory/New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee. The Chair must also indicate the Committee’s decision on the report, sign and date it. A copy of the report will be sent to the SIMG trainee.

    The Learning Development Plan, with any revisions considered necessary by the SIMG Assessment Committee, submitted with the Six-monthly Summative Assessment must be implemented as soon as possible following consideration of the report by the SIMG Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]


    If the Six-monthly Summative Assessment is assessed by the SIMG Assessment Committee as ‘Not Satisfactory’, the Chair will write to the SIMG trainee notifying them of the decision and of the fact that the relevant six-month period will not be credited.

    The letter should advise the SIMG trainee of the reasons for the Committee’s decision and make recommendations for improvements in performance and progress, including appropriate supervision and mentoring. The letter should also remind the SIMG trainee that two (2) ‘Not Satisfactory’ Six-monthly Summative Assessments in the course of the required period of training will result in a recommendation for removal from the pathway to Fellowship. Copies of the letter should be sent to the relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor and the Chair of the relevant State and Territory/New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee.

    A (written) Learning Development Plan for the SIMG trainee, developed in consultation with them by the relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor, must be implemented as soon as possible. A copy of this plan will be retained in the SIMG trainee’s file.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]


    Any Six-monthly Summative Assessment that is assessed as ‘Borderline’ for a period of training commenced prior to 1 December 2013 will revert to ‘Satisfactory’ should the next period of training assessed by a Six-monthly Summative Assessment be assessed as ‘Satisfactory’.

    Any Six-monthly Summative Assessment that is assessed, as ‘Borderline’ for a period of training commenced prior to 1 December 2013 will revert to ‘Not Satisfactory’ should the next period of training assessed by a Six-monthly Summative Assessment be assessed as ‘Not Satisfactory’.

    D1.6.10     Removal from the SIMG Pathway to Fellowship

    Unless the SIMG Assessment Committee accepts that exceptional circumstances exist, a SIMG trainee required to undertake further training with the College under Regulation D1.6.1 will be referred to the Progression Review Committee for consideration for removal from their pathway to Fellowship if:

    the requirements listed in Regulation D1.6.1 are not completed within the timeframes specified in D1.6.2; or

    either the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written or Oral Examination is not passed within the maximum attempts as specified in D1.6.1; or

    the Committee assess two (2) Six-monthly Summative Assessments as ‘Not Satisfactory’ during the course of that training; or

    the SIMG trainee fails on a second occasion in the course of their training to submit a Three- monthly Formative Appraisal and/or a Six-monthly Summative Assessment /Clinical ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Summary to the SIMG Coordinator at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ by the specified deadlines, according to the process outlined in Regulation D1.5.11.2.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    D1.6.11     Following satisfactory completion of the requirements of Regulation D1.6.1 and its subsections, the SIMG trainee will be eligible to apply for elevation to Fellowship in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice or the academic and common scope of practice. Elevation to Fellowship is not complete until all administrative requirements for Fellowship have been met. This includes payment of elevation fees.

    SIMG trainees must complete these administrative requirements within six (6) months of the date of the meeting of the Board at which their elevation to Fellowship is passed. If this requirement is not met by that time, the offer of Fellowship will lapse and a new application made.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D1.6.12     Applicants Assessed as Partially Comparable must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    D1.7 Reassessment of Comparability

    D1.7.1     Applicants who have previously applied for recognition as a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in Australia pursuant to Regulation D1.1.2, and received an assessment outcome of Not Comparable may apply for reassessment subsequently, if the following conditions have been met:

    a period of at least three (3) years has elapsed since the original outcome of assessment was advised to the applicant; and

    the applicant can demonstrate there has been a material change in their training and experience since they were previously assessed by the College and that they have undertaken a further significant period of training and/or experience that is verifiable and acceptable to the College.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2016]

    D1.7.2     Applicants who have previously applied for recognition as a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in Australia pursuant to Regulation D1.1.2 and received an assessment outcome of Partially Comparable may apply for reassessment when the timeframe specified for the completion of those requirements has expired.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2016]

    D1.7.3     Applicants who meet the provision in D1.7.2 may apply for reassessment with the following provision, notwithstanding the requirements the applicant completed as a result of their prior assessment and training:

    Applicants reassessed as Partially Comparable will be required to undertake all provisions as stated in D1.6, with the exception of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written and/or Oral Examinations where these have already been passed by the applicant. The applicant’s previous unsuccessful attempts at the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Written and Oral Examinations will stand and be counted toward the maximum number of attempts allowed in the subsequent pathway.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2016]

    D1.8 Short Term ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    D1.8.1     For international medical graduates (IMGs) who are applying for the MBA Short Term ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Pathway (STT) applications must adhere to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, Short-Term ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Pathway Policy and Procedure.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D2 Assessment of Specialist International Medical Graduates Applying for Recognition as a Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in New Zealand

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    D2.1 Vocational Registration

    D2.1.1     For the purposes of the granting of vocational registration to practice in Aotearoa New Zealand, the assessment of Specialist International Medical Graduate (SIMG) obstetricians and gynaecologists will be conducted by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ at the request of the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) and in accordance with the requirements of MCNZ under its policies for registration within a vocational scope of practice.

         [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    D2.1.2     ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will act as an advisor to the MCNZ. As such, ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ will, at the request of MCNZ, conduct a paper-based assessment or interview assessment. The outcome of the assessment will be to advise the MCNZ on the applicant’s suitability for vocational registration, the period of supervision required and any assessment necessary.

    D2.1.3     Advice to MCNZ will be based on whether the combination of the doctor’s qualifications, training and experience is assessed to be:

    ‘Equivalent’ to that of an Aotearoa New Zealand vocationally trained medical practitioner registered in the obstetrics and gynaecology vocational scope of practice; or

    ‘As satisfactory as’ that of an Aotearoa New Zealand vocationally trained medical practitioner registered in the obstetrics and gynaecology vocational scope of practice; or

    ‘Neither equivalent to nor as satisfactory as’ an Aotearoa New Zealand vocationally trained medical practitioner registered in the obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice.

    This assessment will be undertaken by a panel of assessors appointed for that purpose by Te KÄhui Oranga Å Nuku, and reporting to Te KÄhui Oranga Å Nuku and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ SIMG Assessment Committee.

         [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    D2.1.4     The MCNZ will then determine whether the applicant is suitable for provisional registration within a vocational scope. MCNZ will also determine and oversee the pathway to full vocational registration. This will include a period of supervision and may also include assessments deemed necessary.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    D2.2 Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

    D2.2.1     SIMGs who are provisionally registered in Aotearoa New Zealand under the obstetrics and gynaecology vocational scope of practice are eligible to be admitted to the College as an Educational Affiliate (see Regulation A1.5) and enrol in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ CPD program. MCNZ requires that all vocationally registered SIMGs are enrolled in a recertification (CPD) program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    D2.3 Pathways to Fellowship

    For the purposes of the granting of Fellowship of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, the pathways will be as follows:

    D2.3.1     Applicants who are identified in the assessment process undertaken by the College acting as an advisor for the MCNZ as having qualifications ‘equivalent to’ or ‘as satisfactory as’ those of an obstetrician and gynaecologist vocationally trained in Aotearoa New Zealand will be eligible to apply for Fellowship of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ under subclause 3.2.1(b) and 3.3.1 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution upon being granted registration within the vocational scope of practice by the MCNZ and after satisfactory completion of any other requirement(s) as the College may from time to time require.

    Such applicants must apply for elevation to Fellowship within two (2) years of the date of notification of assessment by the MCNZ.

    Fellowship will be awarded once all ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ administrative requirements have been met. Applicants must complete these administrative requirements within six (6) months of the date of the meeting of the Board at which their elevation to Fellowship is passed. If this requirement is not met by that time, the offer of Fellowship will lapse and a new application made.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    D2.3.3     An applicant who has been assessed by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ as having vocational qualifications, training and experience ‘neither equivalent to nor as satisfactory as’ those of an obstetrician and gynaecologist vocationally trained in Aotearoa New Zealand, but who has obtained vocational registration in the obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice by virtue of a decision of the MCNZ, may request a reassessment interview by the College for the purpose of attaining F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    D2.3.4     Where it is identified in the interview that applicants’ qualifications, training and experience are neither ‘equivalent to nor as satisfactory as’ those of an obstetrician and gynaecologist vocationally trained in Aotearoa New Zealand, the applicant will be advised that if they wish to proceed to F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, they must apply to enter the College training program at Year 1, having met the necessary entry requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    D3 Assessment for Recognition as a Subspecialist in Australia and New Zealand

    D3.1 The Application Process

    D3.1.1     Specialist international Medical Graduates who hold a recognised international subspecialist qualification, in one of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ’s recognised scopes of practice as per D1.1.1 from a recognised College or national certifying body may apply to the College for assessment as an International Subspecialist using the prescribed application form.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D3.2 Preliminary Review

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D3.2.1     Applications will initially be assessed for eligibility for Subspecialties assessment by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ SIMG Assessment Committee. In order to be eligible a SIMG must either:


    hold or have been assessed as eligible to hold Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; or


    hold a recognised international subspecialist qualification from a recognised College or national certifying body and meet the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ common scope of practice as specified in D1.2.3.1 or


    Meet the criteria for a dual assessment of their Generalist O&G and Subspecialist qualifications as specified in D3.1 and D1.2.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]

    D3.2.2     Eligible applications will be referred to the relevant Subspecialty assessors from the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ SIMG Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]

    D3.2.3     Applicants applying for recognition as a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in Australia pursuant to Regulation D1.1.1 must:


    Meet the criteria as specified in D1.1


    In order to be considered for interview, it is generally expected that all applicants will have completed a specialist training program in obstetrics and gynaecology which meets the following criteria:


    The program was a structured post-graduate course of at least three years duration with published standards that are comparable to that of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Subspecialist ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program.


    The subspecialist program incorporated a documented and systematic in- training assessment system incorporating regular, on-going formative and summative performance-based assessments, examinations and other assessments comparable to those undertaken by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ subspecialist trainees.


    Entry into the program was via a competitive process.


    The program was accredited against published standards by an external body and was subjected to assessment for reaccreditation at regular intervals.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D3.2.4     Applications for Subspecialties assessment must include the following documentation:


    A covering letter addressed to the chair of the relevant subspecialty committee.


    A detailed curriculum vitae, including a list of research publications.


    Certified copies of all qualifications.


    A copy of the official syllabus/curriculum for the applicant’s subspecialist training program, including a list of the specific assessment requirements.


    Logbook records which clearly indicate all surgical experience, including whether the applicant was the primary operator or the assistant and whether the procedure was major or minor.


    A diary or typical weekly timetable for each of the applicant’s years of training indicating details of procedural work.


    Written statements from the heads of the units where the applicant has worked (or other appropriate supervisor) describing what they actually did and giving an assessment of competence.


    A copy of the official position description for the applicant’s current position, indicating specific responsibilities and duties, and also the number and type of cases dealt with by the unit (if a position description is not available, a detailed written statement will suffice).


    Printed copy of the official accreditation criteria for the unit(s) where the applicant has trained/worked.


    Referee reports three (3) of which must be from subspecialists, including one (1) from the most recent position.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]


    Certificate of registration status from applicant’s certifying body.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D3.2.5     Each application will be assessed against the requirements of the relevant subspecialty.

    D3.2.6     Prior to the Preliminary Review Outcome being issued, the Applicant will be provided with feedback via the Summary of Preliminary Review (SPR) form.

    The Applicant has twenty-one days to respond to the SPR using the applicable ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ forms. Failure to respond to the SPR within the twenty-one-day timeframe will result in ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ considering the SPR as accepted by the Applicant and ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ can issue the Preliminary Review Outcome.

    If feedback is provided by the Applicant, the SIMG Assessor(s) will consider the submission and can issue a final Preliminary Review Outcome.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D3.2.7     The outcome of the Preliminary Review shall be either:


    ‘not comparable to a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-trained Subspecialist’; or


    ‘Eligible Interview’. If an applicant is found Eligible for Interview then an interview is required to explore in greater detail the Applicant’s qualifications, training, experience, recency of practice in the subspecialty, CPD and non-technical professional attributes including the Applicant’s understanding of the importance of culturally safe and respectful practice for the community, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to determine comparability on one of the recognised ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ SIMG pathways.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D3.2.8     Applicants assessed as ‘not comparable to a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-trained subspecialist will be advised that if they wish to proceed to certification in the subspecialty they must first enter the SIMG pathway and meet the requirements for Fellowship in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice and subsequently apply to enter the relevant subspecialty training program at Year 1.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D3.2.9     Applicants assessed as ‘eligible for interview’ pursuant to D3.2.7.2 will be assessed in accordance with Regulation D3.3. Applicants will be advised that if they do not attend an interview within 12 months of receipt of invitation to interview, the application will lapse.

    D3.3 The Interview

    D3.3.1     The interview will be conducted by a panel of SIMG Assessors, appointed by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ SIMG Assessment Committee, pursuant to that Committee’s Terms of Reference.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]

    D3.4 Outcome of the Interview

    D3.4.1     The interview panel will make one of the following determinations:

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]


    The applicant’s training and experience is Substantially Comparable to a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-trained subspecialist.

    Applicants assessed as Substantially Comparable are required to meet the requirements of Regulation D3.5 in order to be certified in the relevant subspecialty.


    The applicant’s training and experience is Partially Comparable to that of a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ- trained subspecialist.

    Applicants assessed as Partially Comparable are required to meet the requirements of Regulation D3.6 in order to be certified in the relevant subspecialty.


    The applicant’s training and experience is not comparable to a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training subspecialist.

    Applicants wishing to attain certification in the subspecialty must first enter the SIMG pathway and meet the requirements for Fellowship in the generalist obstetrics and gynaecology scope of practice and subsequently apply to enter the relevant subspecialty training program at Year 1, having met the necessary entry requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]

    D3.5 Substantially Comparable Applicants

    D3.5.1     Applicants assessed as Substantially Comparable to a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-trained subspecialist will be required to satisfactorily complete a minimum period of three months up to 12 months of supervised practice, in a prospectively approved position approved by the relevant Subspecialty Committee.

    An SIMG must occupy a prospectively approved position and remain under supervision until all assessment requirements are completed.

    Applicants will have two (2) years from the time of the commencement of the first prospectively approved supervised position, if required, in which to provide evidence of satisfactory completion of the required period of supervised subspecialist practice and to apply for Certification. The first supervised position if required must be commenced within three (3) years of the date of notification of the assessment decision by the College and prior to this commencement, recency of practice must be maintained as per the Medical Board of Australia Recency of Practice Standard.

    If the requirements for the awarding of Certification have not been completed within these timeframes, a new application for International Subspecialist assessment must be submitted.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D3.5.2     Each applicant must have a local supervisor who holds the relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ subspecialist Certification and who is in a position to directly observe their work on a regular basis, and to seek the views of relevant health care colleagues when compiling supervisor reports. All supervisors must be approved by the relevant Subspecialty Committee, prior to the International Subspecialist commencing the required period of supervised subspecialty practice.

    D3.5.3     For periods of supervised clinical practice, Formative Appraisals, in the format specified by the College, must be submitted three-monthly to the relevant subspecialty committee. Failure to submit any Formative Appraisal within four (4) weeks of completion of that period of work will invalidate that period of supervision.

    Management of other than satisfactory formative appraisals will be the responsibility of the relevant subspecialty committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]


    The required period of supervised subspecialist practice in an approved position in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand shall be deemed to have been satisfactorily completed upon receipt of the requisite number of satisfactory Formative Appraisal(s).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    An annual fee will be payable to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ during the period of supervised specialist practice.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D3.5.5     Certification and Elevation to Fellowship


    Following satisfactory completion of:

    the requisite number of months of supervised practice in a position commensurate with the relevant subspecialty;

    completion to the satisfaction of the relevant Subspecialty Committee of a Multi-source Feedback Assessment;

    completion of the requisite number of Three-monthly Formative Appraisal Report(s);

    the equivalent number of months of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities in the relevant College CPD program; and

    completion of such other assessment(s) or report(s) as the College may from time to time require or deem appropriate,

    the applicant will be deemed eligible to apply for Certification in the relevant subspecialty.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]


    For those SIMGs who are assessed only for their subspecialty qualification and are not eligible for F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ they will be recommend to the Medical Board of Australia for Specialist registration in a limited scope of practice.


    Applicants must complete these administrative requirements within six (6) months of the Subspecialist Committee at which their elevation to Certification is passed. If this requirement is not met by that time, the offer of Certification will lapse and a new application for Certification made.


    If the requirements for the awarding of Certification have not been completed within the timeframes specified in D3.5.1, a new application for SIMG assessment must be submitted.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]

    D3.5.6     Where any assessment(s) indicate an SIMG’s inability to work at subspecialist level in Australia without further training required, the applicant may be reclassified by the SIMG Assessment Committee. The relevant Statutory authority will be notified of any change in status of the applicant.


    ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may use different assessment tools to determine if an SIMG is performing at the level expected of a Substantially Comparable SIMG. These are not limited to but may include a multi-source feedback assessment or a site visit.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D3.5.7     Removal from the Pathway to Subspecialty Certification and Fellowship


    Unless the relevant Subspecialty Committee accepts that exceptional circumstances exist an applicant granted Substantial Comparability to a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-trained subspecialist under Regulation D3.5 will be referred to the Progression Review Committee (PRC) for consideration for removal from their pathway to subspecialty certification if the requirements for certification are not completed and an application for Certification is not made within the timeframe specified in D3.5.1 according to the processes outlined in Regulation D1.5.11.2.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2016]

    D3.5.8     Applicants Assessed as Substantially Comparable must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    D3.6 Partially Comparable Applicants

    D3.6.1     Applicants assessed as Partially Comparable to a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-trained subspecialist are required to satisfactorily complete the following:


    A minimum period of 12 months (FTE) and a maximum of 24 months (FTE) of supervised practice in a position approved by the relevant Subspecialty Committee as a subspecialty SIMG trainee, whereby the subspecialty SIMG trainee is certified as possessing the competencies expected of a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-trained subspecialist in the relevant subspecialty.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]


    The written examination (maximum of four (4) attempts) of the relevant subspecialty. For SIMGs whose applications for SIMG Assessment were received by the College after 1 July 2016, the maximum number of attempts at the examination shall be three (3); and/or

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]


    The oral examination (maximum of four (4) attempts) or approved alternative assessment(s) of the relevant subspecialty. For SIMGs whose applications for SIMG Assessment were received by the College after 1 July 2016, the maximum number of attempts at the examination shall be three (3); and


    Such other assessment(s) or report(s) as the College may from time to time require or deem appropriate.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]


    the equivalent number of months of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities in the relevant College CPD program as an Educational Affiliate of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]

    D3.6.2     The requirements listed in Regulation D3.6.1 may be completed concurrently; however, all requirements must be completed within four (4) years from the date of commencement of the first prospectively approved supervised position, in which to provide evidence of satisfactory completion of the required period of supervised subspecialist practice and to apply for Certification. The first supervised position must be commenced within three (3) years of the date of notification of the assessment decision by the College and prior to this commencement, recency of practice must be maintained as per the Medical Board of Australia Recency of Practice Standard.

    Subspecialty SIMG trainees undertaking fractional (part-time) training must also remain within the maximum limit allowed for completion of the requirements of Regulation D3.6.1.

    If the requirements for the awarding of Certification have not been completed within this time, a new application for International Subspecialist assessment must be submitted under the provisions stated in D3.7 Reassessment of Comparability.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2017]


    An annual fee will be payable to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ during the period of supervised specialist practice

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2021]

    D3.6.3     Each subspecialty SIMG trainee must have a local supervisor who holds the relevant ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ subspecialist Certification and who is in a position to directly observe their work on a regular basis, and to seek the views of relevant health care colleagues when compiling supervisor reports. All supervisors must be approved by the relevant Subspecialty Committee prior to the subspecialty SIMG trainee commencing the required period of supervised practice.

    D3.6.4     The supervision must include regular assessment of performance and progress by means of the College’s Subspecialty Three-monthly Formative Appraisal and Subspecialty Six-monthly Summative Assessment utilising the input from a range of consultants and other health professionals with whom the subspecialty SIMG trainee has worked.

    This documentation must be forwarded to ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ within four (4) weeks of the end of the relevant training period to which a Three-monthly Formative Appraisal relates and within six (6) weeks of the end of the relevant training period to which a Six-monthly Summative Assessment relates.

    Management of other than satisfactory assessments will be the responsibility of the relevant Subspecialty Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    D3.6.5     Certification and Elevation to Fellowship


    Following receipt of satisfactory assessments and successful completion of all components of the relevant examinations, the subspecialty SIMG trainee will be eligible to apply for Certification in the relevant subspecialty as specified in D3.5.5.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]

    D3.6.6     Removal from the International Subspecialist Pathway

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2019]


    Unless the relevant Subspecialty Committee accepts that exceptional circumstances exist, a subspecialty SIMG trainee required to undertake further training with the College under Regulation D3.6.1 will be referred to the Progression Review Committee for consideration for removal from their pathway to certification and Fellowship if:

    the requirements listed in Regulation D3.6.1 are not completed within the timeframe specified in D3.6.2; or

    either the relevant subspecialty written or oral examination is not passed within the maximum attempts specified in D3.6.1.2 or D3.6.1.3; or

    the Committee assess two (2) Six-monthly Summative Assessments as ‘Not Satisfactory’ during the course of their training; or

    the subspecialty SIMG trainee fails on a second occasion in the course of their training to submit a Three-monthly Formative Appraisal and/or a Six-monthly Summative Assessment /Clinical ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Summary to ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ  by the specified deadlines according to the processes outlined in Regulation D1.5.11.2

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    D3.6.7     Applicants Assessed as Partially Comparable must comply with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Code of Conduct and conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the standard of professional and ethical behaviour expected by the College.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    D3.7 Reassessment of Comparability

    D3.7.1     Applicants who have previously applied for recognition as a subspecialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in Australia pursuant to Regulation D3.1.1 and received an assessment outcome of Not Comparable may apply for reassessment subsequently, if the following conditions have been met:

    a period of at least three (3) years has elapsed since the original outcome of assessment was advised to the applicant; and

    the applicant can demonstrate there has been a material change in their training and experience since they were previously assessed by the College and that they have undertaken a further significant period of training and/or experience that is verifiable and acceptable to the College.

    D3.7.2     Applicants who have previously applied for recognition as a subspecialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in Australia pursuant to Regulation D3.1.1, and received an assessment outcome of Partially Comparable may apply for reassessment subsequently when the timeframe specified for the completion of the requirements as specified in D3.6.1 has expired and the conditions specified in D3.7.1 have been met.

    D3.7.3     Applicants who meet the provisions in D3.7.2 may apply for reassessment with the following provision:

    Notwithstanding the requirements the applicant completed as a result of their prior assessment and training, applicants reassessed as Partially Comparable will be required to undertake all provisions as stated in D3.6.1, with the exception of any required Subspecialty Written and/or Oral Examinations where these have already been passed by the applicant. The applicant’s previous unsuccessful attempts at any Subspecialty Written or Oral Examination will stand and be counted toward the maximum number of attempts allowed in the subsequent pathway.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2017]

    D3.8 Short Term ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ

    D3.8.1     For International medical graduates (IMG) who are applying for the MBA Short Term ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ pathway (STT) applications must adhere to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Short-Term ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Pathway Policy and Procedure.

    17 May 2024


    E1 Certificate of Women’s Health (CWH)

    E1.1 Eligibility Requirements for the CWH

    E1.1.1     To be eligible to be a trainee in the CWH program, doctors must hold a primary medical degree in Medicine and Surgery issued by a medical school listed in the World Health Organisation publication World Directory of Medical Schools.

    E1.1.2     Prospective trainees must have one of general/provisional/restricted registration with the Medical Board of Australia under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme.

    E1.1.3     Prospective trainees must be in their first or subsequent postgraduate year.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2014]

    E1.1.4     Prospective trainees must also satisfy any one of the following eligibility requirements:

    Currently in practice providing shared antenatal care with a recognised facility, or practising in an established GP practice in an arrangement approved for training by the College;

    Currently an RACGP and/or ACRRM registrar in a GP placement where a suitable ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentor is available;

    Undertaking or commencing a hospital appointment in an obstetric rotation at PGY1 and above, generally for a minimum of three (3) months.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2014]

    E1.2 Registration and Prospective Approval of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Settings

    E1.2.1     Prospective trainees must register with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and obtain prospective approval of training in order to have their training credited. This must be done using the CWH registration/prospective approval form available on the College website. The form should be lodged with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Services Department at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ not less than four (4) weeks prior to commencement of training.

    E1.2.2     The CWH Logbook will only be provided to a trainee once the registration and prospective approval of training process has been completed, including payment of the annual training.

    E1.2.3     Any training undertaken prior to registering and obtaining prospective approval will not be credited.

    E1.2.4     In order to be prospectively approved, training can take place in:

    a hospital accredited by the College for the purposes of CWH training; or

    an appropriate established GP practice to which the trainee is attached and which has been approved for that trainee by the College; or

    an approved combination of the above.

    E1.2.5     Trainees can change training arrangements/settings in the course of their training provided the amended arrangements/settings accord with Regulation E1.2.4 and have been prospectively approved by the College. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ undertaken under amended training arrangements that have not been prospectively approved by the College will not be credited.

    E1.3 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fee

    E1.3.1     Fees are managed by these Regulations and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Associated Fees Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    E1.4 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Time Frames

    E1.4.1     Whilst there is no minimum period of training for the CWH, it is generally expected that trainees must complete a minimum of three (3) months of prospectively approved hospital- and/or practice-based training. All training and assessment requirements as defined in these regulations must be completed within two (2) years of commencement of training, irrespective of whether training is on a part-time or full- time basis.

    E1.4.2     ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may be on a full-time or part-time basis, or a combination of both. This must be arranged between the trainee and the hospital or other facility where they are training.

    E1.5 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentors and Assessors

    E1.5.1     Each trainee must have one (1) ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentor, who shall be in active clinical practice. In the case of trainees undertaking the CWH through hospital-based training, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentor must be located at the hospital.  In the case of trainees undertaking the CWH through training in an appropriate established GP practice, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentor may be located off-site.  (Note: This requirement does not apply to trainees undertaking the CWH as part of the PTP training program.) The trainee must organise an appropriate ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentor before they commence training. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentors may be drawn from any of the following categories of practitioners:

    a holder of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Associate (Procedural) membership class qualification; or

    a holder of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Associate (Advanced Procedural) membership class qualification; or

    a Fellow of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ; or

    a holder of the old Diploma of the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (DipRACOG), who is in current medical practice and who has maintained their Continuing Professional Development points with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) or the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).

    E1.5.2     All ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentors must be approved by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, Accreditation and Recertification (TAR) Subcommittee of the Conjoint Committee for the Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (CCDOG) at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, except where the applicant has already been approved as a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program by the relevant State and Territory or New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E1.5.3     The ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentor is responsible for the following:

    providing the trainee with ongoing mentoring and support;

    reviewing and signing-off on the trainee’s Logbook each month;

    meeting regularly with the trainee (preferably at the time of the monthly checking/signing of the Logbook) to review case records, discuss cases and provide the trainee with feedback on performance and progress;

    devising, in consultation with the trainee, a remedial plan to assist them in the event they are experiencing difficulties in meeting CWH training requirements;

    acting as an assessor for the Workplace-based Assessments the trainee must satisfactorily complete; and7

    signing the Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ in the Logbook once they are satisfied that the trainee has met the competency requirements as listed in the Logbook.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2014]

    E1.5.4     Assessors of procedures listed in the CWH in-training skills log can only be drawn from the following categories of practitioners:

    the trainee’s designated Mentor;

    persons who have completed the PTP or APTP training program;

    trainees who have satisfactorily completed at least four (4) years of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program;

    Specialist IMG applicants who have been assessed as either Substantially Comparable or Partially Comparable to an Australian-trained specialist and who are working towards Fellowship of the College;

    Fellows of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ).

    If the Assessor is not already the Mentor of the trainee undergoing the assessment, they must be approved by the trainee’s Mentor i.e. for that specific trainee and that particular assessment.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E1.6 Satisfactory Completion of the CWH

    Trainees certified as having satisfactorily completed the Certificate must have met the following requirements within two (2) years of the date of commencement of training:

    E1.6.1     Satisfactorily completed the procedural requirements listed in the Logbook, which must be signed off progressively each month by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentor. Once training is completed and signed off by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentor, the Logbook is to be reviewed by the relevant State/Territory or New Zealand Office.  

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]

    E1.6.2     Satisfactorily completed the Workplace-based Assessments specified by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2014]

    E1.6.3     Attended a CWH Workshop organised by ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (where the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Mentor recommends that attendance at the workshop would assist the trainee in their performance and progress).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, December 2015]

    E1.6.4     Passed the CWH Written Examination.

    E1.7 CWH Written Examination

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 — Creation of Examination Policy]

    E1.7.1     Examinations processes and criteria are managed in these regulations and the Examination Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    E1.7.2     Examination fees are managed by these Regulations and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Associated Fees Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    E1.7.3     Maximum number of attempts


    Candidates have a maximum number of three (3) attempts at the Written Examination unless the candidate can show cause to the satisfaction of the College that exceptional circumstances exist.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2015]

    E1.7.4     Withdrawal


    All withdrawals must be made in writing to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examination Office. Where applicable, refunds are available and detailed in Examination Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    Failure to give written notice of withdrawal from the examination or failure to present for an examination will constitute a failure in the examination and forfeiture of the whole examination fee.

    E1.7.5     Results


    Candidates are not permitted to communicate directly with individual examiners regarding their results. All enquiries must be directed in writing to the Chair of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examination and Assessment Committee to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examination Team.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    Examination results for individual candidates will not be released to any person other than the candidate and those persons specified in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Release of Examination Results Policy or otherwise, without express written permission from the candidate.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2017]


    If, in the opinion of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examination and Assessment Committee, a candidate has made an attempt to obtain, or has obtained, an unfair advantage before or during any part of the examination, the candidate will be withdrawn from the examination and a fail result recorded as applicable. Subsequent to this, the candidate’s eligibility for further examination by the College will be considered by the Examination and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    E1.8 Certification and Certification Fee

    E1.8.1     The Certificate of Women’s Health is awarded to persons who have met all the assessment requirements stipulated in Regulations E1.6.1 to E1.6.4 above.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    E1.9 Recertification and Annual Subscription Fees

    E1.9.1     Refer to Regulation F

    E1.10 Appeals Procedures

    Decisions associated with the CWH are governed by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ appeals procedures, which may be accessed via the College website.

    E1.11 Amendment of these Regulations and Interpretation

    In circumstances they regard as exceptional, the Board may give approval for these rules to be interpreted to extend dates and requirements fixed by Regulations by which a CWH trainee must complete an examination or assessment task.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, April 2020]

    E2 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Associate ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (Procedural) (PTP) (formerly the Diploma of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (D·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ))

    E2.1 Eligibility Requirements for PTP

    E2.1.1     To be eligible to be a trainee in the PTP training program, doctors must hold a primary medical degree in Medicine and Surgery issued by a medical school listed in the World Health Organisation publication World Directory of Medical Schools.

    E2.1.2     Prospective trainees must have one of general/provisional/restricted registration with the Medical Board of Australia under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.1.3     Prospective trainees must also be in their second or subsequent postgraduate year.

    E2.1.4     Enrolment in, or prior completion and Membership maintenance of the Certificate of Women’s Health (CWH) training program.

    E2.2 Registration and Prospective Approval of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Settings

    E2.2.1     Prospective trainees must register with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and obtain prospective approval of training in order to have their training credited. This must be done using the PTP registration/prospective approval form available on the College website. The form should be lodged with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Services Department at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ not less than four (4) weeks prior to commencement of training.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.2.2     The PTP Logbook will only be provided to a trainee once the registration and prospective approval process has been completed, including payment of the annual training fee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.2.3 Any training undertaken prior to registering and obtaining prospective approval will not be credited.

    E2.2.4     In order to be prospectively approved, training must take place in:

    a hospital accredited by the College for the purposes of PTP training; or

    a combination of appropriate practice-based and hospital-based training (the latter must be located at an accredited PTP training site); or

    an arrangement where training is split between a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-accredited hospital and a remote non-accredited site where such an arrangement is prospectively approved prior to commencement of training by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, Accreditation and Re-accreditation (TAR) Subcommittee of the Conjoint Committee for the Associate Procedural ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (CCAPT).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.2.5     Trainees can change training arrangements/settings in the course of their training provided the amended arrangements/settings accord with Regulation E2.2.4 and have been prospectively approved by the College. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ undertaken under amended training arrangements which have not been prospectively approved by the College will not be credited.

    E2.3 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fee

    E2.3.1     Fees are managed by these Regulations and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Associated Fees Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    E2.4 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Time Frames

    E2.4.1     Whilst there is no minimum period of training for the PTP, it is generally expected that trainees must complete a minimum of six (6) months of prospectively approved training in an accredited PTP training position. All training and assessment requirements as defined in these regulations must be completed within four (4) years of commencement of training, irrespective of whether training is on a part-time or full-time basis unless Regulation E2.4.2 applies.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.4.2     Trainees who have already satisfactorily completed the Certificate of Women’s Health (CWH) component of the PTP training program (i.e. as a stand alone element of the training program) will be exempted from repeating that portion of the PTP program provided the CWH was previously satisfactorily completed (see Regulation E1.6) and recertification for the CWH has been maintained (see Regulation G3). This exemption must be requested at the time of applying to enter the PTP training program. CWH holders who have not met recertification requirements and have been removed from the CWH Register will be required to repeat the CWH component of the PTP training program.

    Trainees who registered to undertake the PTP training program, but discontinue the program after having successfully completed the CWH component may apply to the College to be granted the CWH in completion of a element of the training program. These trainees will be subject to the regulations relating to recertification and annual subscription fees which apply to all CWH holders (see Regulation G3).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.4.3     Trainees who enter the PTP training program on the basis of Regulation E2.4.2 above must complete all training and assessment requirements within two (2) years of commencement of training.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.4.4     ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may be on a full-time or part-time basis, or a combination of both. This must be arranged between the trainee and the hospital or other facility where they are training.

    E2.5 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors and Assessors

    E2.5.1     Each trainee must have one (1) ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor who must have completed the PTP or ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Associate ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (Advanced Procedural) (APTP) or be a Fellow of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ. The ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor must also be in active obstetric practice in the hospital or approved practice where the trainee is undertaking PTP training.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.5.2     All ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors must be approved by the CCAPT, except where the applicant has already been approved as a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program by the relevant State and Territory or New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.5.3     The ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor is responsible for the following:

    providing the trainee with ongoing mentoring and support;

    reviewing and signing-off on the trainee’s Logbook each month;

    meeting regularly with the trainee (preferably at the time of the monthly checking/signing of the Logbook) to review case records, discuss cases and provide the trainee with feedback on performance and progress;

    devising, in consultation with the trainee, a remedial plan to assist them in the event they are experiencing difficulties in meeting any aspect of D·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training and/or assessment requirements;

    acting as an Assessor for the skills assessments listed in the trainee’s Logbook and the Workplace-based Assessments the trainee must satisfactorily complete;

    approving other appropriate medical practitioners to act as Assessors for the skills assessments listed in the Logbook and Workplace-based Assessments (see Regulations E2.5.4 and E2.5.5 below);

    checking and signing off on the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Experience Log component in the trainee’s Logbook; and

    signing the Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ in the Logbook once they are satisfied that the trainee has met the competency requirements listed in the Logbook.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2014]

    E2.5.4     Each skill listed for assessment in the Logbook and each Workplace-based Assessment must be assessed and signed off by an Assessor, who must be a medical practitioner expert enough to make a reliable assessment of that skill and who has directly observed the trainee performing the skill.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2014]

    E2.5.5     Assessors can only be drawn from the following categories of practitioners:

    the trainee’s designated ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor;

    a person who has completed the PTP or APTP training program;

    trainees who have satisfactorily completed at least four (4) years of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program;

    Specialist IMG applicants who have been assessed as either Substantially Comparable or Partially Comparable to an Australian-trained specialist and who are working towards Fellowship of the College;

    Fellows of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ);

    Fellows of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Paediatrics) i.e. for the Examination of a Neonate Workplace-based Assessment.

    If the Assessor is not already the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor of the trainee undergoing the assessment, they must be approved by the trainee’s ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor i.e. for that specific trainee and that particular assessment.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.6 Satisfactory Completion of the PTP

    Trainees certified as having satisfactorily completed the PTP training program must have met the following requirements within four (4) years of the date of commencement of training (or within two (2) years of the date of commencement of training if the trainee has already satisfactorily completed the Certificate of Women’s Health):

    E2.6.1     Trainees commencing the PTP ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program prior to 1 January 2016:

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed all the requirements of the Certificate of Women’s Health (see Regulation E1.6), unless the trainee has previously satisfactorily completed the CWH component and maintained recertification of that element of the training program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed the procedural requirements listed in the PTP Logbook, which must be signed off by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor or an approved Assessor. Once ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ is completed and signed off by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor, the Logbook is to be reviewed by the relevant State/Territory Office or New Zealand Office.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed the Workplace-based Assessments specified by the College.


    Passed the PTP Written Examination.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]




    Passed the PTP Oral Examination; or


    Satisfactorily completed additional Workplace-based Assessments (as specified by the College)

    The final PTP Oral examination will be offered in September 2016, on a date specified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Education and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.6.2     Trainees commencing the PTP ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (formerly called the Diploma of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ) on or after 1 January 2016:

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed all the requirements of the Certificate of Women’s Health (see Regulation E1.6), unless the trainee has previously satisfactorily completed the CWH component and maintained recertification of that element of the training program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed the procedural requirements listed in the PTP Logbook, which must be signed off by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor or an approved Assessor. Once training is completed and signed off definitively by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor, the Logbook is to be reviewed by the relevant State/Territory Office or New Zealand Office.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed the Workplace-based Assessments specified by the College


    Passed the PTP Written Examination.

    Trainees commencing the PTP ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (formerly called the Diploma of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ) on or after 1 January 2016 are not required to undertake the PTP Oral Examination.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.7 PTP Written and Oral Examinations

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 — Creation of Examination Policy]

    E2.7.1     Examination processes and criteria are managed by these regulations and the Examination Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.7.2     Eligibility


    The Written Examination can be attempted at any stage of training (i.e. at the examination dates set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ), provided the candidate is a registered PTP trainee and has paid their annual training fee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Candidates for the PTP Written Examination may sit the examination(s) even if their logbooks have not been formally approved by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.7.3     Examination fees are managed by these Regulations and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Associated Fees Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    E2.7.4     Maximum number of attempts


    Candidates have a maximum of three (3) attempts at the PTP Written Examination and three (3) attempts at the PTP Oral Examination unless the candidate can show cause to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examination and Assessment Committee that exceptional circumstances prevail.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    The PTP Written Examination can be attempted at any stage of training (i.e. at the examination dates set by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ), provided the candidate is a registered trainee, and has paid their annual training fee and the examination fee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.7.5     Withdrawal


    All withdrawals must be made in writing to the Examination Office. Where applicable, refunds are available and detailed in Examination Policy and Procedure.


    Failure to give written notice of withdrawal from the examination or failure to present for an examination will constitute a failure in the examination and forfeiture of the whole examination fee

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2015]

    E2.7.6     Results


    Candidates are not permitted to communicate directly with individual examiners regarding their results. All enquiries must be directed in writing to the Chair of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examination and Assessment Committee to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examination Team.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    Examination results for individual candidates will not be released to any person other than the candidate and those persons specified in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Release of Examination Results Policy or otherwise, without express written permission from the candidate.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2017]


    If, in the opinion of the Examination and Assessment Committee, a candidate has made an attempt to obtain, or has obtained, an unfair advantage before or during any part of an examination, the candidate will be withdrawn from the examination and a fail result recorded as applicable. Subsequent to this, the candidate’s eligibility for further examination by the College will be considered by the Examination and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]


    Following the examination, all candidates will be notified of their results according          to directions on the College website.     

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March 2019]

    E2.8 Certification and Certification Fee

    E2.8.1     The PTP is awarded to persons who have met all the assessment requirements stipulated in Regulation E2.6.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.9 Recertification and Annual Subscriptions

    Refer to Regulation F3.

    E2.10 Recognition of Reciprocal Membership

    E2.10.1 Holders of the Aotearoa New Zealand Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology are eligible to apply for membership of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ as an Associate Member. Applications must include all required documentation, as specified by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.10.2     Holders of the Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (DRCOG) are eligible to apply for membership of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ as an Associate. Applications must include all required documentation, as specified by the College.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.10.3     Once admitted to membership of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ as an Associate, or previously as a Diplomate, holders of the Aotearoa New Zealand Postgraduate Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and the Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (UK) are subject to the same regulations relating to recertification and annual subscriptions as apply to all Diplomates and Associates of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (see Regulation G3).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.11 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

    RPL for Trainees with Qualifications other than the Aotearoa New Zealand Postgraduate Diploma of O&G and the Diploma of O&G (UK)

    Prospective trainees with qualifications other than the Aotearoa New Zealand Postgraduate Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (UK) may apply to obtain recognition for significant training (as defined below) which predates the commencement of prospectively approved PTP or APTP training. Such training may count towards fulfilment or partial fulfilment of the training and assessment requirements for the PTP or APTP  training programs.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.11.1    Applicants for RPL must meet the standard eligibility criteria for entry to the D·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program as stipulated in Regulations E2.1.

    E2.11.2    Applications for RPL must be made before the applicant has commenced training.

    E2.11.3    The following category of training/previous experience which predates the commencement of approved PTP training may be recognised towards fulfilment or partial fulfilment of the requirements for the PTP:

    Completion of supervised and formally assessed hospital and/or practice-based training in obstetrics and gynaecology leading to the awarding of a Diploma or Certificate or admission into an equivalent membership class offered by a recognised medical college or similar body which is based on a detailed curriculum. This includes the Certificate of Women’s Health offered by the Conjoint Committee for Associate Procedural ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (CCAPT) and the WA Graduate Diploma of Women’s Health (which is regarded as equivalent to the CWH component of the PTP program for the purposes of RPL).

    Other than the CWH, this period of training should have commenced not more than five (5) years prior to the date of application to enter the PTP training program. The training must also have included logged clinical experience signed off by supervisors/mentors in the relevant training program and other paper-based assessments of clinical skills. In the case of holders of the CWH, this training program will only be considered for the purposes of RPL if the candidate has continued to meet the recertification and annual subscription fee requirements for the CWH as stipulated in Regulation G3.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.11.4     All RPL applications are assessed by the TAR Subcommittee of the CCAPT, and recommended to the CCAPT Executive and, through that body, to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.11.5    Applications for RPL should be made in writing to the Chair of the TAR Subcommittee of the CCAPT and must be supported by all the following documentation:

    detailed Curriculum Vitae;

    certified copy of primary medical degree and other relevant certificates/diplomas;

    complete copies of any logbooks relating to the previous Diploma or Certificate (or equivalent) training;

    copies of all paper-based assessments conducted as part of this training; and

    a statement or certificate attesting to satisfactory performance in the relevant training program from the appropriate college or certifying body.

    NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide all the above documentation. No assistance will be provided by the College to obtain missing documentation.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.11.6     An application fee is payable at the time of application.  If the applicant is required to re-apply for RPL because required documentation was not provided in support of the original application, then the above fee must be paid again

    RPL for Old Cohort Diploma Trainees Seeking to Obtain the Certificate of Women’s Health (CWH)

    E2.11.7     Trainees who entered the D·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training program prior to the implementation of the new curriculum (i.e. prior to 1 August 2011) and who elect not to complete their PTP training may apply to the TAR Subcommittee for RPL for their partially completed PTP training in order to obtain the Certificate of Women’s Health (CWH) training program provided they meet the following conditions:

    Completed at least three (3) months of PTP training.

    Commenced A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ training within two (2) years of lodging their RPL application.

    Sit and pass the CWH Written (MCQ) Examination.

    Applications should be made in writing to the Chair of the TAR Subcommittee of the CCAPT and must be supported by all of the following documentation:

    detailed Curriculum Vitae;

    copy of the trainee’s PTP logbook indicating all clinical activity/procedures completed up to the time when they decided not to continue with PTP training;

    a written statement from their A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor confirming that the logbook is an accurate summary of the clinical training completed by the trainee; and

    evidence of having passed the CWH Written (MCQ) Examination.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.11.8     Trainees whose RPL application has been approved must apply for CWH certification and pay the required certification fee as per Regulations E1.8.1 and E1.8.2.

    E2.11.9     Holders of the CWH obtained through RPL must meet the same recertification and annual subscription fee requirements as apply to all other persons who have completed the CWH training program (see Regulation G3).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.11.10     An RPL application fee is payable at the time of application. If the applicant is required to re-apply for RPL because required documentation was not provided in support of the original application, then the RPL application fee must be paid again.

    E2.12 Appeals Procedures

    Decisions associated with the PTP are governed by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ appeals procedures, which may be accessed via the College website.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E2.13 Amendment of these Regulations and Interpretation

    In circumstances they regard as exceptional, the Board may give approval for these rules to be interpreted to extend dates and requirements fixed by Regulations by which a PTP trainee must complete an examination or assessment task.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Associate ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program (Advanced Procedural) (APTP) (formerly the Advanced Diploma of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (D·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Advanced))

    E3.1 Eligibility Requirements for the APTP

    E3.1.1     To be eligible to be a trainee in the APTP training program, doctors must hold a primary medical degree in Medicine and Surgery issued by a medical school listed in the World Health Organisation publication World Directory of Medical Schools.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.1.2     Prospective trainees must have one of general/provisional/restricted registration with the Medical Board of Australia under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme.

    E3.1.3     Prospective trainees must also be in their second or subsequent postgraduate year.

    E3.1.4 Enrolment in, or prior completion and Membership maintenance of the PTP training program.

    E3.2 Registration and Prospective Approval of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Settings

    E3.2.1     Prospective trainees must register with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and obtain prospective approval of training in order to have their training credited. This must be done using the APTP registration/ prospective approval form available on the College website (or the combined PTP/APTP registration/prospective approval form, as applicable). The form must be lodged with the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Services Department at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ not less than four (4) weeks prior to commencement of training.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.2.2      The APTP Logbook will only be provided to a trainee once the registration and prospective approval process has been completed, including payment of the annual training fee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.2.3     Any training undertaken prior to registering and obtaining prospective approval will not be credited.

    E3.2.4     In order to be prospectively approved, training and assessment must occur in one of the following settings and arrangements:

    a hospital accredited by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ for the purposes of APTP training; or

    a combination of hospital-based training (at a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-accredited site) and private rooms or clinics (i.e. if the trainee is undertaking the combined PTP/APTP program); or

    two (2) or more ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-accredited APTP sites (subject to approval by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ, Accreditation and Recertification (TAR) Subcommittee of the Conjoint Committee for Associate Procedural ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (CCAPT), and with the agreement of the participating hospitals); or

    a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ-accredited APTP site and a non-accredited remote hospital (subject to approval prior to commencement of training by the TAR Subcommittee of the CCAPT).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.2.5     Trainees can change training arrangements/settings in the course of their training provided the amended arrangements/settings accord with Regulation E3.2.4 and have been prospectively approved by the College. ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ undertaken under amended training arrangements which have not been prospectively approved by the College will not be credited.

    E3.3 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Fee

    E3.3.1     Fees are managed by these Regulations and the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Associated Fees Policy.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]

    E3.4 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Time Frames

    E3.4.1      Whilst there is no minimum period of training for the APTP, it is generally expected that trainee must complete a minimum of 12 months of prospectively approved training in an accredited APTP training position for those completing the combined PTP/APTP program, or six (6) months of prospectively approved training in an accredited APTP training position for those completing the APTP as a stand-alone training program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.4.2      All training and assessment requirements for the combined PTP/APTP training program, as defined in these regulations, must be completed within four (4) years of the date of commencement of training, irrespective of whether training is on a part-time or full-time basis.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.4.3      Trainees who have already satisfactorily completed the PTP training program prior to undertaking the A·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Advanced must complete all training and assessment requirements as defined in these regulations within two (2) years of the date of commencement of training.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.4.4     ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ may be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis, or a combination of both. This must be arranged between the trainee and the hospital or other facility where they are training.

    E3.5 ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors and Assessors

    E3.5.1     Each trainee must have two (2) ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors, both of whom must have completed either the APTP training program or hold Fellowship of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ. These ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors must be organised before the trainee commences training.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.5.2      At least one (1) of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors must be located at the accredited hospital/s or other approved facility where the trainee is located. The second ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor may be located at another site, but they must be in regular contact with both the trainee and the on-site ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor. This contact must include regular sighting of the trainee’s Logbook via fax or email, and regular telephone/ email/Skype discussions with both the trainee and the on-site ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor about the trainee’s progress and performance.

    E3.5.3      All ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors must be approved by the CCAPT, except where the applicant has already been approved as a ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisor for the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program by the relevant State and Territory or Aotearoa New Zealand ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Accreditation Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.5.4     The ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors are both responsible for the following:

    providing the trainee with ongoing mentoring and support;

    reviewing and signing-off on the trainee’s Logbook each month;

    meeting regularly with the trainee (preferably at the time of the monthly checking/signing of the Logbook) to review case records, discuss cases and provide the trainee with feedback on performance and progress;

    devising, in consultation with the trainee, a remedial plan to assist them in the event they are experiencing difficulties meeting any aspect of APTP training and/or assessment requirements;

    acting as an Assessor for the skills assessments listed in the Logbook and the Workplace-based Assessments the trainee must satisfactorily complete;

    approving other appropriate medical practitioners to act as Assessors for the skills assessments listed in the Logbook and the Workplace-based Assessments;

    assessing the five (5) case syntheses based on a range of obstetric and gynaecological conditions; and

    signing the Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ in the Logbook once they are satisfied that the trainee has met the competency requirements as listed in the Logbook.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.5.5     Each skill listed for assessment in the Logbook and each Workplace-based Assessment must be assessed and signed off by an Assessor, who must be a medical practitioner expert enough to make a reliable assessment of that skill and who has directly observed the trainee performing the skill.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2014]

    E3.5.6     Assessors can only be drawn from the following categories of practitioners:

    one or both of the trainee’s designated ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors;

    persons who have completed the APTP training program;

    trainees who have satisfactorily completed at least four (4) years of the F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program;

    Specialist IMG applicants who have been assessed as either Substantially Comparable or Partially Comparable to an Australian-trained specialist and who are working towards Fellowship of the College;

    Fellows of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (F·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ).

    If the Assessor is not already one of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors of the trainee undergoing the assessment, he/she must be approved by one (1) of the two (2) designated ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors i.e. for that specific trainee and that particular assessment.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.6 Satisfactory Completion of the APTP

    Trainees certified as having satisfactorily completed the APTP Advanced training program must have met the following requirements within four (4) years of the date of commencement of training (or within two (2) years of the date of commencement of training if the trainee has already satisfactorily completed the PTP training program):

    E3.6.1     Trainees commencing the APTP ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program prior to 1 January 2017:


    Satisfactorily completed all the requirements of the PTP (see Regulation E2.6) unless the trainee has previously satisfactorily completed the PTP and maintained recertification of that element of the training program as applicable.


    Satisfactorily completed the procedural requirements listed in the APTP Logbook, which must be signed off by one of the two ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors or an approved Assessor, and signed off definitively once training is completed by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors and forwarded to the Chair of the Conjoint Committee for Associate Procedural ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (CCAPT) for final approval.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed the Workplace-based Assessments specified by the College.


    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, October 2020]


    Where a trainee has, pursuant to Regulation E2.6, completed the PTP Oral Examination, the trainee is not required to complete the APTP Oral Examination. Where, in accordance with Regulation E2.6, a trainee did not complete the PTP Oral Examination as part of the requirements for the award of the PTP, the trainee must satisfactorily complete the APTP Oral Examination.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.6.2     Trainees commencing the APTP Advanced ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 January 2017:


    Satisfactorily completed all the requirements of the PTP (see Regulation E2.6) unless the trainee has previously satisfactorily completed the PTP and maintained that element of the training program as applicable.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed the procedural requirements listed in the APTP Logbook, which must be signed off by one of the two ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors or an approved Assessor, and signed off definitively once training is completed by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors and forwarded to the Chair of the Conjoint

    Committee for Associate Procedural ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (CCAPT) for final approval.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed the Workplace-based Assessments specified by the College.


    Satisfactorily completed a Fetal Surveillance Program or exemption from this requirement if this or an approved equivalent workshop or course has been completed in the 12 months prior to commencing APTP training.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed five (5) written case syntheses based on a range of obstetric conditions, each of which must be assessed by both ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Supervisors. After all five (5) case syntheses have been assessed, these are to be forwarded to the Chair of the Conjoint Committee for Associate Procedural ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (CCAPT) for final approval.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed the APTP Oral Examination

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed the APTP Summative Assessment.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Satisfactorily completed, for trainees commencing the APTP ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Program on or after 1 January 2018, the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Basic Obstetric Skills Workshop

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.7 APTP Oral Examination

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022 — Creation of Examination Policy]

    E3.7.1     Examinations processes and criteria are managed in these regulations and the Examination Policy and Procedure.

    E3.7.2     Eligibility


    The APTP Oral Examination can be attempted at any stage of training, although only at the examination dates set by the Examination and Assessment Committee provided the candidate is a registered APTP trainee and has paid their annual training fee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    Candidates for the APTP Examination must have passed the APTP Written Examination.


    Candidates for the APTP Examination may sit the examination even if their logbooks have not been formally approved by the Chair of the Conjoint Committee for Associate Procedural ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (CCAPT).

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.7.3     Examination fees are managed by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and Associated Fee Policy

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    For candidates who are unsuccessful at a APTP Oral Examination, and where publication of results occurs after the closing date for applications for the next such examination, applications to sit that APTP Examination will be allowed for a period of up to 14 days from the date of publication of results.

    [Ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.7.4     Maximum number of attempts


    Candidates have a maximum of three (3) attempts at the APTP Oral Examination unless the candidate can show cause to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examination and Assessment Committee that exceptional circumstances prevail.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]


    The APTP Oral Examination can be attempted at any stage of training, although only at the examination dates set by the Examination and Assessment Committee, provided the candidate is a registered trainee, and has paid their annual training fee and the examination fee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.7.5     Withdrawal


    All withdrawals must be made in writing to the Examination Office. Where applicable, refunds are available and detailed in Examination Policy and Procedure.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    Failure to give written notice of withdrawal from the examination or failure to present for an examination will constitute a failure in the examination and forfeiture of the whole examination fee.

    E3.7.6     Candidate Numbers in the APTP Oral Examination

    Notwithstanding the provisions of this Regulation and Examination Policy and Procedure, the College reserves the right to determine candidates

    for acceptance at examination. The decision of the College shall be final and binding. The decision of the College in this regard shall not be reviewable or subject to appeal. Applications for examinations are made on this basis, and with implicit agreement to these terms.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.7.7     Results


    Candidates are not permitted to communicate directly with individual examiners regarding their results. All enquiries must be directed in writing to the Chair of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examination and Assessment Committee to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Examination Team.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2022]


    Examination results for individual candidates will not be released to any person other than the candidate and those persons specified in the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Release of Examination Results Policy or otherwise, without express written permission from the candidate.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, July 2017]


    If, in the opinion of the Examination and Assessment Committee, a candidate has made an attempt to obtain, or has obtained, an unfair advantage before or during any part of an examination, the candidate will be withdrawn from the examination and a fail result recorded as applicable. Subsequent to this, the candidate’s eligibility for further examination by the College will be considered by the Examination and Assessment Committee.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2020]

    E3.8 Certification and Certification Fee

    E3.8.1     The APTP is awarded to persons who have met all the assessment requirements stipulated in Regulation E3.6.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.9 Recertification and Annual Subscriptions

    Refer to Regulation F3.

    E3.10 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

    Prospective trainees who are undertaking the combined PTP/APTP training program who have qualifications other than the Aotearoa New Zealand Postgraduate Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the UK Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology may apply to obtain recognition for significant training (as defined below) which predates the commencement of prospectively approved PTP/APTP training. Such training may count towards partial fulfilment of the training and assessment requirements for the APTP qualification.

    E3.10.1     Applicants for RPL must meet the standard eligibility criteria for entry to the PTP/APTP training program as stipulated in Regulation E3.1.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.10.2     Applications for RPL must be made before the applicant has commenced training.

    E3.10.3      The following category of training/previous experience which predates the commencement of approved PTP/APTP training may be recognised towards fulfilment or partial fulfilment of the requirements for the PTP/APTP:

    Completion of supervised and formally assessed hospital and/or practice-based training in obstetrics and gynaecology leading to the awarding of a Diploma or Certificate or equivalent membership class offered by a recognised medical college or similar body which is based on a detailed curriculum. This includes the Certificate of Women’s Health offered by the Conjoint Committee for Associate Procedural ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (CCAPT). In the case of qualifications other than the CWH, this period of training should have commenced not more than five (5) years prior to the date of application to enter the PTP/APTP training program.

    The training must also have included logged clinical experience, signed off by supervisors/mentors/assessors in the relevant training program, and other paper-based assessments of clinical skills. In the case of persons who have completed the CWH, this qualification will only be considered for the purposes of RPL if the candidate has continued to meet the recertification and annual subscription fee requirements for the CWH as stipulated in Regulation G3.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.10.4      All RPL applications are assessed by the TAR Subcommittee of the CCAPT.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.10.5     Applications for RPL should be made in writing to the Chair of the TAR Subcommittee and must be supported by all the following documentation:

    detailed Curriculum Vitae;

    certified copy of primary medical degree and other relevant certificates/diplomas;

    complete copies of any logbooks relating to the previous Diploma or Certificate (or equivalent) training:

    copies of all paper-based assessments conducted as part of this training; and

    a statement or certificate attesting to satisfactory performance in the relevant training program from the appropriate college or certifying body.

    It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide all the above documentation. No assistance will be provided by the College to obtain missing documentation.

    E3.10.6     An application fee is payable at the time of application.  If the applicant is required to reapply for RPL because required documentation was not provided in support of the original application, then the above fee must be paid again.

    E3.10.7     Decisions in relation to RPL applications are made by the TAR Subcommittee of the CCAPT, and recommended to the CCAPT Executive and, through that body, to the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    [Regulation E3.10.8 removed by the Board, November 2014]

    E3.11 Appeals Procedures

    Decisions associated with the APTP are governed by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ appeals procedures, which may be accessed via the College website.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    E3.12 Amendment of these Regulations and Interpretation

    In circumstances they regard as exceptional, the Board may give approval for these rules to be interpreted to extend dates and requirements fixed by Regulations by which a APTP trainee must complete an examination or assessment task.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    17 May 2024


    F1 CPD Program Participants

    F1.1 Participation in a Continuing Professional Development Program

    F1.1.1     For individuals who wish to maintain their ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ membership, it is mandatory to have participated in the CPD program approved by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board and to meet the requirements of that program as approved by the Board, including satisfactory completion of a Verification Check if applicable.

    Participants who have attained certification as a subspecialist must complete the CPD requirements outlined in Regulation F2.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F1.1.2     Verification Check

    At the end of each cycle, 5% of the CPD program will be randomly selected for Verification Check. Fellows who successfully complete the Verification Check will be transferred to the new CPD period.

    Participants who are four weeks (or more) overdue in submitting their CPD requirements will be automatically selected for a Verification Check.

    Participants who fail to provide verification of their CPD activities within a nominated timeframe will be referred to the applicable overseeing committee for review.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F1.1.3     Failure to Comply

    The CPD program will be administered by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ CPD department with oversight from the applicable overseeing committee under Terms of Reference approved by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board.

    The progress of participants will be reviewed and those in default will be determined by the applicable overseeing Committee in accordance with its Terms of Reference and associated regulations. If, after due process, a participant is deemed not to have satisfied the program requirements, the participant shall have their enrolment in their membership category suspended pursuant to Regulation A. The participant may seek renewal or re-elevation to membership and, on the satisfactory completion of an appropriate program, will be readmitted to their membership category on payment of the prescribed fees.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F1.2 Additional Requirements

    F1.2.1     Renewal of membership will be dependent upon the following requirements being completed within nine (9) months of the annual subscription becoming due and payable:


    payment of the annual subscription;


    receipt ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ of the completed ‘Renewal of Fellowship Declaration’ (if applicable); and


    from the 2016-2017 financial year, the annual Practice Profile Online Questionnaire.


    completed any outstanding CPD program requirements

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F1.2.2     Where a completed Renewal of Fellowship Declaration indicates matters that may potentially have an effect on renewal of an individual’s Fellowship pursuant to the relevant sections of clause 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution, the matter will be referred in the first instance to the Chairperson of the subcommittee of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board appointed for such purposes.

    This subcommittee will determine whether the matters are such that they be:

    dealt with under relevant provisions of clause 6 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution; or

    referred under the regulations relating to the Professional Standards Committee (PSC; refer to Regulation A3); or

    noted with no further action taken.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    F1.2.3     A participant who fails to pay the annual subscription within nine (9) months of it becoming due and payable will cease to be enrolled in their membership category of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ and lose all rights and privileges of the CPD program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F1.2.4     A Fellow who fails to complete and return to ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ the Renewal of Fellowship Declaration as required under Regulation F1.2.3 within nine (9) months of the annual subscription becoming due and payable shall have their Fellowship suspended, pursuant to subclause 3.3.4 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2015]

    F1.2.5     With effect from the 2016-2017 financial year, a Fellow who fails to complete and submit the annual Practice Profile Online Questionnaire within nine (9) months of the annual subscription becoming due and payable shall have their Fellowship suspended, pursuant to subclause 3.3.4 of the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Constitution.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, November 2015]

    F2 Subspecialist CPD Program Participants

    F2.1 Participation in a Continuing Professional Development Program

    F2.1.1     Pursuant to ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Regulation F1, for individuals who wish to maintain their ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ subspecialist membership it is mandatory to have participated in the CPD program approved by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board for the specific subspecialty and to meet the requirements of that program as approved by the Board, including satisfactory completion of a Verification Check if applicable.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F2.1.2     Participants seeking to maintain subspecialty membership must be in active practice in the subspecialty with no restrictions, conditions, undertakings, or any other limitations on their medical registration that would adversely impact their ability to act as a subspecialist.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F2.1.3     Failure to Comply

    Failure to meet the requirements for maintaining subspecialty membership in the relevant subspecialty will result in the removal of subspecialty membership and the ability of the holder to use any associated post-nominals and all rights and privileges attached thereto.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F2.1.4     The process of removing a participant’s subspecialty membership is managed as per F1.1.3.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F3 Certificants/Diplomates/Associate (Procedural and Advanced Procedural): CPD Requirements for Women’s Health Participants

    F3.1 Women’s Health Participants

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F3.1.1     Maintaining membership as a Women’s Health Participant is contingent on the participant maintaining CPD requirements.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F3.1.2     Payment of the annual subscription fee, as applicable, is required to ensure their CPD enrolment, and


    From the 2020-2021 financial year, the annual Practice Profile Online Questionnaire to be completed and submitted within nine (9) months of the annual subscription becoming due and payable.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]

    F3.1.3     If Women’s Health participants do not pay their annual subscription fee by the due date, or they fail to complete and submit the annual Practice Profile Online Questionnaire within nine (9) months of the annual subscription becoming due and payable, or they fail to remain CPD compliant, they will be removed from the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ CPD Program.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, March ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ 2023]


    Women’s Health participants who have had their enrolment withdrawn will have to apply to the Conjoint Committee for Associate Procedural ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (CCAPT) for reinstatement enrolment.

    [Revised and ratified by the ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board, February 2024]

    17 May 2024