Wellbeing Week 2024
Fourth annual Wellbeing Week will be hosting multiple webinars
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
For our fourth annual Wellbeing Week we will be running a number of webinars for members with the themes focussed on Connecting with Mind and Emotions, Culture and Community.
These themes mirror the
WEBINAR | Wellbeing in O&G Webinar (Connecting with Mind and Emotions)
When: Tuesday 3 September, 1.00pm – 1.45pm AEST
About: Join ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ Board Member, Associate Professor Jared Watts as he facilitates this important discussion on wellbeing in O&G with individuals striving to make a positive difference to the mental, emotional and physical health for the O&G profession. 
Associate Professor Jared Watts (Facilitator)
Dr Madeleine Ward
Dr Sophie Doherty
Dr Fiona Li
WEBINAR | The SIMG experience, celebrating our diversity! (Connecting with Culture)
When: Thursday 5 September, 12.30pm – 1.15pm AEST
About: Hear from current and former international medical graduates about their experience coming to live and work in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.  
Dr Nisha Khot (Facilitator)
Dr Preeti Patil
Dr Roshan Zaid
Dr Ana Montoya
WEBINAR | Community Voices at ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ (Connection with Community)
When: Friday 6 September, 3.30pm – 4.15pm AEST
About: Listening to community voices are an integral part of ·ÛºìÅ®ÀÉ’s work, hear about our new Consumer Engagement Framework supporting this valuable work!  
Tessa Kowaliw (Facilitator)
Leigh Toomey
Joanne Dwyer
Karen Vaughan
ACTIVITY | Join a local Indigenous Walk or Information Session (Connecting with Country)
About: We encourage all members and trainees to reach out to their local First Nations or MÄori Land Council to see what educational offerings they have in order to learn more about the Country you live and work on.